Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day #338 - Life is Precious, Handle with Care

Trav and I went to the hospital a few nights ago after receiving news that one of our friends had a brain aneurysm...she is only 37 (6 months younger than me). I was amazed to see how great she is doing after brain surgery. It appears she will make a full recovery.

D was super lucky. She was home alone cooking a pot roast when she got the most terrible headache she has ever experienced in her life. When I read up on brain aneurysm's this was really the only side affect they could give as a warning to get to the hospital. Strangely, D rolled around on the floor for a bit then called her boyfriend of 10 years and told him to get home ASAP. He was on his way from a stadium full of people in a snow storm and had no idea how quickly he could get there.

D ended up driving the 2 miles to the hospital on her own. Matt realized how much pain she must have been in when he rolled into the house late that night to discover the pot roast cooking away in the oven the back door and garage wide open. She ended up having surgery the next day - and so far, so good.

It was so shocking to hear about it - and it really brought home to me how fleeting this life really is; how precious every day should be to us. Enjoy all your moments.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not." Mark Twain

- I thought D would appreciate this quote...:)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness. Man, reading your post I was imagining my self in that situation, how scary and awful. I can't believe D made it to the hospital in so much pain. What a wonder woman. Glad she is recovering. I love your quote as well. Great reminder HB, thanks for sharing.
