Friday, January 27, 2012

Day #339 - True Blue

Well...we got a new car last night. It might seem boring, but we got another Subaru Outback...what can we say? We love the power and handling of the Subaru, we like all the features that came with it, we like the all wheel drive, we like the reliability of the car...we just like them.

I felt bad because it feels like I am more excited about the car than Travis is and it is his car. The master plan is for me to drive my car for two more years, sell it and then I will drive the Subaru and Trav will get his "dream" car (whatever that is). Part of the problem is Trav was not motivated by any specific car. Maybe if he was dying to get a jeep, or truck, or Harley...but he isn't worried about it. I think tonight I finally felt some satisfaction from him...don't confuse it with excitement, but satisfaction is almost as good. :) It is still pleasure in the purchase.

The one thing I do want to mention - is how Mom and Dad got us out of a fine pickle this past week. I called their house on Friday and both picked up the phone. Mom was upstairs and Dad was downstairs...I said, "Hi Ma, sorry, but i want to chat with Dad today." Dad said, "Oh, you got a problem?"...hmmm...I don't think that is a good sign. In a way it was super funny and in another way I felt super bad that my Dad has to think the only reason I call to talk to him is when I have a problem. I will have to work on that.

Anyway, I asked if we could borrow the truck for a week while we figured out our car situation. Dad insisted we take their new car instead and it was wonderful to drive that while we worked out the details of our new car purchase. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

The best part of driving the car was when we couldn't locate the unlock button inside the car. We looked for a good 5 minutes and finally Travis looked at me and asked, "we aren't stupid...are we?" It was asked with such sincere inquiry that I laughed super hard for a full minute. We finally located the mysterious button on the was pretty funny.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself.” Henry David Thoreau


  1. My parents would be proud. They love Subarus. That is their car of choice. :)

  2. Oh - I KNOW IT...I always think of you when I am in a Subaru car lot!! :)

  3. Congrats!! You have made it again in life! I don't get why Trav always gets to drive the new cars? Please help me understand. Why does he get the new car for two years and then it goes to you and THEN he gets his dream car? Something isn't lining up for me. I feel cheated for you. Maybe it is because I would love a new car myself.....the new car experience is not to be missed right? That first year together is so devine.
