Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day #309 - Puppy Love

I am tardy on my blogging this week. We had a busy weekend.

Thursday night I got to go see the new Twilight movie. Travis got tickets from his friend for a work thing. We were in row 2, but it was free and it was fun to see it so soon. After the movie we met my friend Debi for dinner since she was in town this week.

Today we decided it was time for a Costco shopping spree...I am in need of some basic cleaning supplies...and since we hadn't met Amy's new puppy, Bingo, I was able to convince Trav to take me up to her house yesterday. I even begged him to turn around after we left the house and drove a few blocks so I could get the camera and take some photos just for you.

He is a puppy alright!! He about bit my thumb off in all the excitement. We get to baby sit him while Amy goes to Florida in January to run her Marathon. It should be interesting and I already foresee some puppy set downs by Grumpy Old Man Bart who might not appreciate the little spaz biting his ears and jumping all over him. I am a little concerned about the cat, but am pretty sure she can hold her own.

Amy's house is looking a bit like a farm or a petting zoo...She seems rather attached to her chickens and they seem to be pretty domesticated which is cool. Beauty came right over to Amy to say Hello when the door opened and Amy picked her up and cooed to her and told her how lovely she was and how much she appreciates the eggs Beauty layed today. It was really sweet.

The Bunny ran by as well and little spaz Bingo started to give chase. Luckily he stopped, but he was very interested. Amy worries for Bingo's nature and the safety of the Bunnies, but all you can do is train them the best you can and see what happens I guess.

After Amy's house I suggested we just drive by Keri's house...'c'mon, it is on the way to Costco and really just down the street, I promise we won't stay, just let me get a picture of her house' we did. I hate pop ins and that is what we did to them, but they didn't seem to mind too terribly bad. Here is a photo of her rental house and the back yard. They still seem to REALLY love it still.

We also had Matt and Kim over last night and they stayed throughout the day today. I made a Turkey Breast, mashed potatoes, veggies and the BEST savory bread pudding Travis pulled out of my Ladies Home Journal. It is a definite keeper - delicious as a special occasion dish, since it is rich and a bit fattening for normal everyday food. Plus it took years to put it least it felt like years.

I had a great weekend, but I am so tired. I keep thinking how great it is to only have 3 days of work to do before we get a loooong weekend and then it is time for the Christmas how time flys.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "I hate turkeys. If you stand in the meat section at the grocery store long enough, you start to get mad at turkeys. There's turkey ham, turkey bologna, turkey pastrami. Some one needs to tell the turkey, 'man, just be yourself.' " Mitch Hedberg

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back.....but yes, you have been busy. All fun stuff. That is cool. Cute puppy, Barts black baby twin it looks like. What big paws he has.

    Ker's house is very cute, I was so confused at first....before I read your post I looked at the pics, I kept thinking, now wait, is this Amy's old house, no, her current one, reading was a big help.

    I know, I can't believe how the time is flying. It is crazy, just tore down the Halloween decor, threw up Thanksgiving, now Christmas is at the it though. If it sounds like we have tons of decorations....we don't, you know what I'm saying. Poor Thanksgiving is always a little short changed.
