Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day #299 - Pandora

I am just about "the old" person at work. Luckily I work with some Gen X's who told me about - I have been listening to my sister's blog music at work. The mix is pretty good and I have enjoyed it for quite a while. I started listening to CD's again and tried to make my own mix of music, but it never really works out. Well...on Pandora I can put in an artist "Regina Spector" and it will play 4 hours of "like" music. I am in love with it and so glad Kay & Carrie told me about it.

Today I heard several songs that I LOVE and didn't know the Artists was pretty fun. I am stoked. It is hard to find the right kind of music to listen to quietly at the office. My office mates wear headphones while they do data entry, etc. but my phone rings too often for that, so I keep music on very low. If the song is a loud one, it turns into more than white noise; it becomes just noise. Pandora picks just the right kind of music when I put in the Artist - if you've never tried it, you should.

M - I would love it if you would make me a mix of your favorite exercise songs. I have an Ipod with 5 THOUSAND songs on it and have a hard time finding something I like while working out...sad, I know.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: ""If this is not what you expected, please alter your expectations." - Mark Morford


  1. I just barely loaded Pandora on my phone as well. I have not fallen in love yet....but I hope to soon. Yes, for sure I will make you a workout cd, I have lots of favorite go to songs I go to for "that kinda thing"....I get bored so fast. I am always making new ones. My friend Tina listens to the same 80's music all the time. She has tons and tons of songs, but still. I like new stuff, surprise know?

  2. Tory used to use Panora, but now he uses Spotify. I am not exactly sure what the difference are, but I think he likes it better.

  3. Thank M - I knew you would help me out.

    L - I will have to try Spotify...I will see what the difference is and let you know.
