Monday, November 28, 2011

Day #313 - Dish Washer

Soooo glad I have a dishwasher. Sure, it doesn't do pots and big pans, but I love trowing the dirty dishes in there and having them come out clean.

Travis and I bought our first home in July 1997, almost 3 years after we got married. We only looked at only 5 houses before we decided on the one we purchased and the main thing I cared about was that the house had a dishwasher. I told me realtor if the house didn't have a dishwasher, I didn't even want to look at it. I guess 3 years of washing ALL dishes by hand was enough for me. When we moved up here 2 years ago my criteria had changed to dishwasher AND garage, but dishwasher is always on the list for me.

I will say this about washing dishes by hand...the other day when I cooked the turkey breast for our friends and cleaned the kitchen afterward, there was a satisfying pile of pans lined out on towels on the counter. It feels like a great accomplishment to look at the pile of pans used to create a lovely meal...but I would MUCH rather just throw it all in the dishwasher.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "He who wants to change the world should already begin by cleaning the dishes." Paul Carvel


  1. Yes, dishwashers are good. I have found as I have gotten older I have become like dad when it comes to dishes. I always thought he was so crazy the way he always "pre-washed" the dishes before loading them into the washer. But we have had a crapy dish washer for a very long time, it is on its last leg for sure. I find the pre-wash is very key. Now it is just what I do. I doubt I will ever go back to the quick rinse and load method. I am lucky, in that the kids always empty the d. washer, they also do all the hand washing....but don't forget, they are always "pre-washed" by me first. Then I put them all away. I really hate that part. I am really wanting to turn that over to them as well. But I probably won't, it is all the hard to put away big stuff.

  2. Emptying the dishwasher really was the one job we had to do regularly for Mom - she would never let us load it, but she would let us unload.

    I too over rinse my dishes before I put them in the dishwasher..I agree it is Dad's fault and I agree it is absolutely an important 'key' step.

