Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day #158 - More vs. Less

Today's quote is brought to you by an 8 year old boy and one of the top agents in my office. This agent came over to my cubicle today just as I was scowling at my computer screen reading back a message I was sending making sure it was just serious enough to be firm, but professional while addressing a NON-issue that had become a HUGE Issue...I hate that.

Anyway, I know my eyebrows were drawn down and my forehead was all wrinkled up and tense because the second she stepped into my peripheral vision I had to deliberately unknit them. It was sort of embarrassing being caught in such an obvious emotion.

She just stood there and said "Do you have some constructive criticism for me?" I immediately said, "there is no such thing" and rattled off the quote from a few days ago that my sister commented on and suddenly this agent walked away...I HAD to follow didn't I? I went into her office and she was flipping through a calendar book to a page with writing all over it and proceeded to tell me about this quote she wanted to share with me.

One day said agent was showing a high end Buyer some homes. This Buyer had brought along her 8 year old son and in one house she was talking about "if only it had this, this and that, I would be interested in making an offer - it isn't quite what I need". At that the boy said, "But Mom...The more you ARE...the less you NEED."

What followed was a brief discussion about how everything is an illusion (Buddha), how we judge people the minute we meet them (Human Nature), how true that quote really is (what was in that boy's mind to come up with that anyway) and how darling her outfit was today (truly, very cute!!).

Hopefully, someday, I will need less and less until I realize I already have everything. I think in my heart I DO know that - it is my head that constantly goes a wonderin'.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The More You ARE...The Less You NEED." Unnamed 8-year old


  1. Well, I don't feel there was closure on the situation. What was the problem and what did her quote have to do with yours? and.....did you two work it out? Did you send the semi serious email, or just talk it out face to face? Common girl....there are many loose ends here. This was a good but fragmented post....w/ hanging chads all over. Now I'm worried I just gave some constructive criticism....aaaaaaaaaaaaa! Wait....that is impossible....!

  2. WOW - That was irritating. I just spend a lot of time word smithing my reply (which was long and boring just to teach you a lesson) and it didn't save!!!

    BOTTOM LINE: None of this post was related to the other. The NON issue was a closing issue in IL and the Agent in my cubicle has a home listed for me here in SLC. She really just wanted to share a quote with me since I shared one with her.

    I get how the post was DEFINITELY fragmented. I appreciate the productive observation OR the effective elucidation OR the practical assessment (we'll just call it something else for now).
