Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day #157 - Forgotten???

So, today is my 37th Birthday and I didn't realize it until I received a "Happy B-Day" text at 7:30 a.m. from my husband who had gone to the gym early and let me sleep in. I thought my Birthday was yesterday!!

Last night I sat to do my post at about 10:30 p.m. and thought, "Oh my heck, today is my Birthday...I can't believe I forgot...I can't believe EVERYONE forgot." I sat and thought about it some more and then I thought, "I can't believe I don't care that no one called - this must be a truly unnecessary Birthday this year."

Frankly, I still think this Birthday didn't need to occur...I wish we could just skip it all together. Now that I think on it, that wouldn't make any sense because then I would be 38 and that would stink even worse. PLUS, I heard from so many people today. All my siblings, all my parents, several friends (some I haven't talked to for a long time), all my co-workers, clients and business associates that I work with all the time, even my old boss called me today.

I decided that, even though I wasn't hurt by the missed calls, it was absolutely better to be remembered. Thanks everyone - it is good to be alive.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "A moment lasts all of a second, but the memory lives on forever"

I picked this quote because Melissa wrote about the difference a second makes on her blog the other day (

I was struck by how true it is that all the seconds matter and one second can change everything...I tried to pay attention to my split second decisions was to pick up a call when I was in the middle of a project. I looked at the number, sort of recognized it and sort of didn't, I sighed deeply and picked up the phone JUST before it went to voice mail. It was my old boss - I worked as her assistant when I first got my real estate license.

I love this person, and for a minute couldn't believe she remembered my Birthday after all these years, then she reminded me that her husband (my other boss) died 9 years ago on my Birthday from cancer. I know that is the main reason she has an easy time remembering, but I think it also gives her a chance to talk about and remember her husband with someone who also knew and loved him.

She is re-married now and very happy - I am so glad. This was a very difficult loss for her and her family and I am glad she has been able to move on and I am also glad I made that split second decision to answer the phone. I was blessed to have known and learned from him - so glad I got to remember him today.

1 comment:

  1. Man, I can't believe you thought "everyone" forgot your b-day! You are crazy lady! What did you do? Anything special? Is that picture of the sunset one you took? Very beautiful.

    I am ready to relax and enjoy this weekend. Kev will get home from Columbia tonight. Today is the last day of school before spring break. The kids and I have a b-day party tonight...Ben and Jerry's for icecream, then a tour of the movie theatre, and then see the movie, Whimpy Kid Two.....or whatever it is called. I may be looking forward to it more then the kids. (it is clear I don't get out enough...ha!)
