Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day #154 - Scout's Honor

Yesterday we went to our nephew's Eagle Ceremony. Austin is only 14 or 15 years old and has already won the highest scouting honor. We are very proud of him. There were several highlights for me (I even attempted some photos with the crummy camera phone).

FIRST. There were so many people in attendance in support of Austin and the other boys. Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Grandma's, even a Great Aunt and Uncle...Is that what a Grandpa's sibling would be?? Not sure, but it did feel good to have Austin's Grandpa Bill's brother there in his stead when he could not be there with him. Regardless, there were a BUNCH of people there and I hope Austin recognizes how many people love him.

The ceremony started with the presentation of the Flag and Pledge of Allegiance. I don't get many opportunities to pledge my allegiance to the United States and it felt good to recite it and really mean the words - not that I haven't before, but I have learned to respect words mixed with intention over the last several years of my life and I felt grateful for the opportunity to renew my allegiance in public.

At the first of the ceremony all Eagle Scouts were asked to stand - there were a lot, including my honey Travis. I was surprised and pleased to feel proud of his accomplishment and that he got to go sit in the "Eagle's Nest" to the front and side of the podium.

My attempt to capture the "Eagle's Nest" -
I can barely see Trav's head and would point it out if I knew how.

There was a brief ceremony to recognize each boy (there were 3 sharing the day) and then the medals were pinned on them and they got to give honorary pins to both parents and a mentor who had influenced their journey through the Scouting program. Austin chose to honor Grandpa Bill, who passed away a few years back, but had been such an example to him over the years, by giving his pin to his Grandma Joleen. I know this meant so much to her and all those that love and miss Bill.

Austin getting his Eagle

This program was just yesterday and I have already lost the order of how things went, but there was also a live Eagle presentation. Eagles are truly magnificent animals and such a GREAT choice as America's mascot. The presenter shared information about the Eagle, who can live to be 50 years or older, the ladies are larger then the guys, they don't get white heads until they are 5, etc. and lifted her in such a way that encouraged her to spread her huge wings over her head. Then he posed with each boy and made sure they got a wonderful picture to mark the occasion. It was a super way to make the moment memorable for everyone.

Very poor photo of the Bird - I thought I had one of Austin WITH the Bird....?

It is very apparent how much work is involved for the Scout Masters, parents and kids. This is a huge time involvement and the Eagle is a very big commitment for everyone. WAY TO GO AUSTIN!!

Austin with his Dad (Eric) and Uncle's Travis and Matt

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Many fine things can be done in a day if you don't always make that day tomorrow" - I don't know WHO said this, but it was meant for me!!


  1. That is fantastic....Ethan has completed his project for his Eagle...but is now working the paper work, letters of recommendation, and tying up many loose ends to complete the task. Just a little correction, "has already WON the highest scouting honor" - well, it is not really winning anything, if it was done I imagine it was, he definitely Earned the highest scouting honor. (you know.....just knit picking). Do you remember what he did for his project? These events are not typically action packed events....kinda shnooze fests really....but the live eagle must have been a sweet addition!!!

  2. Great distinction - Perhaps I have been listening a bit too closely to Charlie Sheen's rants "WINNING"!! HB

    P.S. Tell me when Ethan's ceremony is so I can send him a card or something to commend him on his prize...I mean, efforts. :)
