Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day #147 - Pushing it OUT

I am sorry if the title sounds...disgusting, but I had a HILARIOUS experience tonight and HAVE to share it.

I decided I would leave the office and go straight home tonight instead of the gym...I was going to start again today and in typical fashion I put it off ONE MORE DAY...BLAH. Anyway, Trav was excited to find out I would be leaving the office by 5:30 p.m. to come home. WELL...I left at 5:40 due to a long phone call and then had to stop for gas.

One of my ULTRA pet peeves is when I call Travis as a courtesy to tell him I left later than planned and end up getting a lecture...well, I call it a 'lecture', Travis calls it 'being reasonable based on the expectations I set'. Long story short I practically hung up on him with one of my "gotta go's traffic and all that" comments. True to form, Trav waited a while and called me back to make sure I wasn't mad. True to form, I played hard to get and made him mad instead...ah, the games we play. I have to admit it lightened my mood as soon as his turned over, but I immediately regretted putting him where I had been just moments before...sigh.

Anyway, I walk in the door and Trav gets up to greet me - at least that is what I thought, then I realized he was just coming in to ignore me...I see how you are. In the meantime Bart comes skipping in all excited to see me and I ignore him to pester Travis about not being mad. I was laughing and teasing him and said, "c'mon, let's push it out" and got in the stance. You know the game - stand across from each other with legs shoulder width apart, hands up and you try to push your opponent off balance with just your hands as leverage.

It took me forever to convince Trav to play, but he had tried hard to stay mad and finally caved in. So we start to "push it out" and Bart about had a heart attack. He was crying and barking and talking up a storm. I think he thought we were physically "fighting it out" he started to jump up and down and was carrying on something fierce...It was sort of sweet and we were both laughing REALLY HARD. I told Travis Bart was defending me, but truly in my heart I think Bart was defending poor Travis....


I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment." Benjamin Franklin


  1. "I have to admit it lightened my mood as soon as his turned over" isn't that the sad truth. I love how you guys turned it around. MOST EXCELLENT stratagem. The kids love that game.....I am still the reining champ....but I am sure one day they will prevail. I need to get Kev on board, I don't think WE have ever had the pleasure.

    Nicely done.
