Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day #149 - Death and Taxes

I think it was Benjamin Franklin that said "Nothing is certain in this world but Death and Taxes".

I just sat down to begin my dreaded chore of doing the yearly tax return...I hope we get some money back this year...One thing that is amazing to me is how much interest we have paid on our house (the first full year in our new home)...holy moly!! I am used to having only my little house and we always end up paying taxes or getting very little return due to the low value write offs - this year just the interest equals our normal adjustments...I was happy about this until I realized that actually means we have that much more debt!!! DUH!!

Anyway, I think I am writing this post JUST to avoid the taxes...sigh. I actually support taxes and the need for them. I don't really want it on my food (they are talking about adding a food tax in UT), unless I can become a mega coupon Diva like my sister Melissa and spend only $20 per week on groceries - INSANE!! But I can live with income tax; I don't REALLY miss it during the year since I never have the money to begin with.

There is something pretty cool about getting a tax return - that surprise money that feels like a bonus - like one of those junk emails you get that says "there is money in Nigeria that has not been claimed and we want YOU to have it..." only it's TRUE.

The only problem is all the work involved to get to the return...Ugh...It is probably a good thing that we are REQUIRED to submit a tax return every year on the threat of fees and/or eventual jail time or I would have missed out on thousands of dollars over the years by procrastinating too long to get it done. AH - there is the silver lining...there always is one.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: As per above...Ben Franklin...

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you do your taxes!!! That is what is insane. Yikes. Even though I don't do them at all, and finally now w/ the business Kevin pays the accountant to do them....pays him flipping waaaaaaaaaay too much if you ask me. I always have a feeling we should be getting waaaaaaaaay more back. Do you always think that to? I find myself asking Kev, did you include the ......., or what about......., did we get credited for.......? You know, I am grasping at straws, wishful thinking, trying to be helpful. One year he did leave Lawson off though....which we caught. HA! I knew it.
