Friday, March 25, 2011

Day #159 - Busy Days

Busy Days can be both a blessing AND a curse. The Blessing is how the day goes by so fast, the feeling of job security and the feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day. The Curse is forgetting to take bathroom breaks until my bladder is the size of China, doing everything I possibly can to be productive in order to finish at least enough work to leave on time and then leaving an hour late anyway even after sacrificing my lunch break and feeling scattered/unorganized.

I would like to be a bit more efficient with my work load so it seems less like crisis management and more like project management. I do enjoy a lot of things about my job and this is the busiest time of year, so I am happy to be busy and know I am needed for at least one more year.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "When you realize how perfect everything is, you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky" Buddha


  1. Everything is perfect isn't it? Typically spring it the busiest time of the year? Bet it feels that much more glorious to walk into your home at night and slip on those slippers, kick your feet up, sip a cocoa with your family and say awwwwwwwwwww, I am done for another day. What a day, what a day. Now I get to indulge in this glorious weekend. mmmmmMMMM - that's the good stuff.

  2. Yes, Spring is the busy time for me because we move the teachers so they can be in place to start teaching in their new areas in the fall. It IS always nice to get home.
