Friday, March 11, 2011

Day #148 - Negotiation Stratagem

I was listening to a life coach online during lunch the other day and it has me thinking. I am embarrassed to say I don't remember the guys name other than Michael "something" and he apparently has a weekly show on the Haye House network. This week he was talking about the Strategy of Negotiations - How to obtain what you really want.

Michael had read a book on Negotiation and said he almost passed over the most important part of the book, which was to clarify your intention (what you most want to happen) before starting a negotiation. It seems obvious, but there have been many times in the course of doing business that I get caught up in "the principle" of a matter instead of focusing on the end results and what I want to achieve.

Michael shared a few stories about how he had been experimenting with the power of intention before entering into ANY type of negotiation. One was concerning an automatic cancellation fee at the Dentists office - his intention was to not pay a cancellation fee, one was concerning some car repairs - he did not want to feel taken advantage of, one was with his wife - he wanted to feel close to her again after having had an argument...There were also callers and one was actually kind of funny - the lady wanted a new car, but her and her spouse had decided to get out of debt and had been paying all their extra money to that end. Her husbands response to her desire to get a new car was "then you will need a new husband" - She wanted to have a new car AND a happy husband. In the end he would have the callers come up with 3 action items to move the negotiations toward a favorable outcome and a way to be accountable.

Really the main thing I got from it is to be clear on what I want the end result of any negotiation to be BEFORE I engage. It is amazing how "intention" can change the initial approach or create a space for the correct questions to be asked. I am excited to try some of the technique's and to become more clear...

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Our intention creates our reality" Wayne Dyer


  1. Sounds reasonable.....kinda wish I would have heard the program, but I like the ideas you have shared. HB, you always have great things to right about. I have hit a dry spell for some reason.

  2. dang write about....why do I always catch those after I have hit the button?

  3. I hate it when I notice stuff after I hit the "POST IT" button also...I have tried to erase them before and that doesn't work either.

    I too have been struggling with "write worthy" subjects - I feel very uninspired lately. You may have noticed I am not as consistent in my posts as I was at first - I especially miss a day or two each weekend. I think about writing all the time, but I feel like I should have something to share...not just write to write...Anyway, trust that I understand the dilema, although I have only noticed I miss your more consistent posts and ALWAYS enjoy reading what you write.

    Love you,
