Monday, September 10, 2012

Day #57 - Beep, Beep

There are 2 commercials running right now that I absolutely adore. It is actually a miracle we caught them since everything we watch now-a-days has been pre-recorded and are virtually commercial free. Interestingly enough, they are both car commercials (not sure which cars...):

#1 - Two guys on a road trip who only have Spanish learning cd's to listen to. There is a funny instant at the beginning where the passenger is messing up the words and his voice is sarcastic and irritated as he repeats them out loud with his friend - gracious is pronounced "Grace-eee-us". The next scene is at a gas station and they both get out of the car. The passenger gets out and says, in fluent, rapid, perfect Spanish (and some emphatic gesturing) "13 hours in the car without any music, unbelievable." The driver shouts back, as his friend makes his way into the store, also in fluent Spanish, "Get me some chips and a soda"....probably not the exact words, but I'm sure you get it.

I like the idea that I could learn Spanish on a road trip. I have thought about taking Spanish for several years now. I keep gently mentioning it to Travis and sometimes he seems up for it and other times not so much. I wonder if he would go with me if I actually signed us up for it. I wonder if I should just do it myself, but what is fun about learning a language by yourself? Who do you practice with? I also like the idea that we learn even when we are not necessarily interested in learning. That passenger was all uptight about being bored and not listening to music, but he came away with a new language. Think if that happened to would be the most crazy, funny, awesome story and probably a rather useful tool. I like that we learn, often times in spite of ourselves.

#2 - The premise of this next commercial is something along the lines of, "Don't you wish you always had a warning to stop you from making mistakes?" The guy is spraying cologne on his neck and goes to spray it down his pants there is a "beep, beep" sound and he stops. He gets a job offer and stands up to shake the new boss's hand and starts doing some weird hand shake maneuvers "beep, beep", he stops; he then starts to move his poker chips all in on one hand in another scene, "beep, beep", he pulls them back; he gives a girl a chaste kiss at the door after a date, then begins to move in again as his tongue starts to peak out "beep, beep", he pulls back. The commercial is for a feature on a car that lets you know when your tires are filled to pressure "beep, beep" no more air is needed.

The car feature is ok, but I LOVE all those incidents that he was saved from. I guess you can say we all have the "beep, beep" instincts inside of us. I TRY to listen to mine, but often times I don't catch myself in time only to realize later the "beeps" were blaring, I just wasn't paying attention.

I am not sure why I felt compelled to record these two commercials here, but for some reason I like them so well, I don't want to forget them. I also read some deeper meanings into them and maybe that is the point of a good commercial - they should resonate with the consumer, unfortunately both cars were 4-door longer an option for me as long as I live in Summit Park.

If you haven't seen the commercials, you should actually check them out...very funny.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "When one loves, one does not calculate." St. Therese of Lisieux


  1. I also LOVE that Spanish is fantastic. I can relate as the kids and I have listened to numerous spanish cd's on our few road trips. Unfortunately we were not quite the speed learners of those two guys.....bummer!!

    The other one sounds pretty awesome. I bet I could find it online if I tried. Might be worth the effort.

    Glad you shared. I like!

  2. I also really like your new back ground. Simple. Clean. Uncluttered. of my favs also!
