Friday, September 21, 2012

Day #61 - 2 Days of Birthday Posts


Wow...we really are adults aren't we. How strange that it never feels different to be one year older. It is easy to see how we have changed, or not changed, looking backwards through the years. I suppose Trav has changed over the 20 or so years I have known him, but the core things I liked about him way-back-when are still the things I love about him today, the main one being his sense of humor...Travis has an irreverent and clever sense of humor. He does sometimes offend, but more often than not he entertains, hence the birthday gift I gave him today and his comment, "Who are you? Trish?". For anyone that does not know, Trish is my mother who gave us all "funny sayings" T-shirts for Christmas for several years in a row.

Not only did I get him a Bull Shirt T-shirt, I got the sweatshirt too...I think it is funny..I don't think Trav's Mom approved when he wore it to dinner tonight...Oh well. Joleen took us to Lorena's and gave Travis an outdoor temperature gage that looks like a clock - We are going to hang it up on the dinner deck.

Tomorrow I will be cleaning the house like crazy and fixing food for a party I am throwing for him. We are going to cook beef brisket, chicken breasts, a small pork roast in our new smoker for our friends that are coming over for dinner. I will be taking photos so I can post them tomorrow.

I also wanted to post some fall photos tonight...

WOW is it beautiful up here right now. I love driving to and from work during this time of year as the mountains start to turn colors and my own trees turn a vibrant orange that just glow in the sun. I am so blessed.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "How beautifully leaves grow old.  How full of light and color are their last days."  ~John Burroughs - I would add "until the spring when they are born again" HB


  1. Fall is hands down my favorite season. You guys are in the most wonderful spot right now (driving around doing funeral stuff yesterday in 88 degree weather was lame). It looks like fall in the valley but doesn't feel like it much!
    It was so nice to see Travis enjoying his birthday yesterday. I'm so glad we got to go! You did a great job it was fun, you have a fun variety of friends, all super cool. You seemed less thrilled with the smoker, but both the meats we Amazing! And that spicy mustard sauce- props girl!

  2. Yum! And delicious! And Happy B-Dat to Trav! Sounds like you went all in. I like the shirt, seems like a perfect fit for Trav....right up his alley. 40 is a good year if you ask me : )

  3. Fun! Happy bday Trav! We drove the alpine loop a few sundays ago & I totally thought of you guys & how pretty it must be by your house :)
