Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day #56 - Politics

So...is everyone watching the conventions? Is everyone watching the Facebook posts? Geeesh. I find politics very divisive. I find politics very unifying. Politics are personal and they are also every one's business. I find politics interesting and at the same time droll. I get inspired and disgusted. I see hero's and I see hypocrites. How does one reconcile such paradox?

I don't write this post to get into the issues or my stand on them, but just to create my own awareness of the paradox that is politics and to remind myself there are contradictory and absurd expressions in many walks of life that often times strangely lead to certain truths.

One truth I feel for myself, is how grateful I am that I live in this Country. I do not believe I am more worthy than those who do not live here, but I am grateful to have the opportunities this Country has provided to me.

I felt a lot of pride in America as I watched the Olympics recently. I was also moved by the global unity created by the opening ceremony; I was thinking how proud the world was of their own individual countries as well.

In the end, I really believe we are all just people doing our darnedest to live the best lives we can. I also believe this world is getting smaller and smaller with all the technology out there. I have a niece and nephew in grade school that are spending half days speaking only Chinese. Does this mean we should all be looking at speaking a 2nd language? At work, we are constantly talking about Global perspective and how we can provide connectedness to our clients; there are billions of dollars being spent on housing in America by individuals living outside the Country, so do we embrace the world or barricade ourselves in?

Regardless of the right or wrong answers to all the political debates that will go on and on and on over the next 4 months, I admire those that have been called to serve in politics. I respect the effort that must go into any campaign and the incredible amount of knowledge one must possess to take a journey like that on. I am grateful for the opportunity I have to take it all in and be part of the process as well.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "We, the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, for so long, with so little, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing.” Mother Teresa


  1. Wow, hot off the press!
    Amen sister, good to remember all that stuff again for a minute.
    That Diva Quote is fantastic! Right!
    Love you,

  2. Yes! That quote was AWESOME! Laughed right out loud.....but I don't think it was meant to be funny. I was amazed that it came from Mother Teresa. As I read over it again, it is just a sad joke, that is 100% reality. What a woman!

    Man HB, you are the RIDDLER! I was up, I was down, I was low, I was high. Thanks for the ride....I agree with you. It is a ride for sure, a suspenseful, terrifying, confusing, frustrating, exciting ride.
