Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day #59 - Act with Certainty

It is pretty funny that the last post I wrote was about self-doubt and then today, at the monthly Summit meeting for work, they talked about certainty.

I have heard George tell the story a few times about the surgery he had on his heart just a few years ago. Today he focused mostly on the actual experience of the surgery he had to endure; the fear he confronted and the certainty he trained himself to believe in for a successful outcome. First, he was given the certainty of certain death if he did NOT do the surgery and that alone jolted him into life like nothing else could. He talked about how he would tell himself over and over in the days leading up to his surgery, "I am going to be stronger than before" and other similar mantra's to prepare himself for the successful outcome.

During the surgery George was partially awake for most of the time. The problem with his heart was due to electrical issues and they had to find the problem before they could fix it. This involved adrenaline and a high heart rate of 170 beats per minute and then an instant drop down to 25 beats per minute. George says this was the scariest thing he has ever experienced. The best part of the story was how the anesthesiologist told George afterward that he had to give him more meds to knock him completely out because George had just spent the better part of two hours explaining the purpose of life to him. If you knew George, you would not be surprised and it is actually hilarious.

After surgery George's wife asked him if he was in pain because he had tears running down his face, he said, "No, I am not in pain...I am SO grateful to be alive."

George went on to talk about how being certain has nothing to do with being right. Think about the difference of having a mind set walking into an appointment to win a listing full of self-doubt vs. going in certain you will win the business. In certainty, there are still going to be times you will lose, but odds are there will be more times you will win.

I don't have the exact quote, but one thing I tried to right down was - the greatest challenge of life is living our lives expecting less from ourselves than we are capable of being AND if I change the way I perceive things the things I perceive will change...

The biggest part of being certain seems to be trusting the process, it doesn't matter which process we are talking about (religious, fitness, selling, etc) whatever process you have decided to believe in, the key is to trust the process, be certain it works and then not to allow complacency to kick in once the process gets underway. George challenged us to 100 days of certainty...let's see how it goes.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.” Charles F. Kettering


  1. I love your posts. I wish you wouldn't skip days. Very inspiring. It looks as though we will get to hear about your 100 days of certainty. Wow! That is scary.....but looks like you have no choice. It is an assignment. I hope you don't mind, but I would love to link this post to my FB page. I think it is a great reminder.

  2. You are too kind. I also wish you wouldn't skip days on your posts...hint, hint ;)

  3. Yeah guys, quit skipping days!
    I love both your blogs! I never knew I never knew so much about you. And the intimate details of your thoughts, thanks for letting us learn with you.
    Something about the required "letting go" in order to trust a process is my challenge. But I think that's what trust is. Putting your faith in someone (something) else.
