Friday, May 13, 2011

Day #195 - Repetition

I wonder how many times it will be necessary for me to learn the same thing over and over again? I believe the answer is "as many times as it takes". I don't know if I am exactly grateful for it, but I can see why it is necessary.

It is also irritating that I continue to take the bate. Sometimes I can even feel it happening and it is like sitting beside myself watching it unfold. Something begins to irritate me or I feel the fight coming on and I know what NOT to do, but then I just do it anyway. It is like watching a car crash and then calling for incident management to clean up the broken glass.

Travis and I celebrated the beginning of the weekend by playing the blame game this evening. It wasn't even a very big deal, but I felt both of us trying to one up each other. It is such a waste of time and energy to "feel" right. The truth is, being right can be pretty lonely.

The argument was not big enough to hang onto, but I am trying to hang onto the lesson. Maybe this is the time that it takes.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others"


  1. Hmmmm, the "Blame Game" huh, pretty costly game to play isn't it? How did the weekend pan out? Did you move on to better ground quickly? I do it to, lots better than I used to be, but I unfortunately still have it in me.

  2. The weekend was good. After 17 years of marriage it is pretty easy to move on quickly (or harder, I guess, depending), but I was bothered enough by my part that I apologized the next did Travis. It turns out we were both right and we were both wrong. HB
