Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day #203 - Soul Sista

Today is my older sister Melissa's Birthday. Anyone who reads this blog already knows how much I admire her, so it should be no surprise that this is an easy list to write and since she is my most dedicated reader, I have decided to write this list directly TO Melissa instead of about her.


1 - FACE IT - you know you have the most amazing facial expressions don't you? I think all of us "Dana Girls" react big to most things and when you are around we all become even more animated. I love that you bring out the FACE in all of us. It is pretty impossible not to get carried away with you.

2 - GOAL KEEPER - I love that you are constantly trying new things and challenging yourself to live a fuller life. To name a few - you home schooled your kids for many years, you got involved in several businesses and had some success with them, you ran a half marathon, you ran in the Ragnar race and most recently obtained your Certified Trainer Certificate, started your own 'Sculpt Your Assets' class and are training for a marathon in January. Even as I write this, I am amazed and inspired again to be more like you.

3 - TOWN CRYER - I gotta say it, I love that you cry over...everything. When you are embarrassed, when you are happy, when you are surprised, when your hamster escapes from her cage and scares you to death in the dead of night (RIP Heidi), when you are moved by something spiritual in nature, when you talk about how much you love your family, when you think about that whole pan of O'Henries you ate that one time (JK...or did you?)...I just love that you are able to feel things so sincerely; that those feelings manifest in tears is simply evidence that you are completely involved in that moment.

4 - MOM OF THE YEAR - I remember when Ethan was born and Mom helped you give him his first bath at home. Ethan was screaming and you were crying because he was. I think that empathy has been with you throughout all your time as a Mother, maybe all Mother's have that gift and maybe I just see it in your writing, but regardless, I think you have a great understanding of your children's natures and a strong empathy pertaining to their life experiences. I think this will serve you throughout their lives and makes you one heck of a Mother. I know your children know you love them and the bottom line is, that is really all they need to know.

5 - WHEELER DEALER - I am still blown away that you can walk into a store and get $200 worth of groceries for $30 bucks...I love that you take the time to do what needs to be done to save your family so much money. I can't say you are cheap, because I feel the difference is you save the money where you can, so you can spend it where it counts...taking your kids to Utah to visit the cousins, picking out a nice gift for the parents at Christmas, taking the family on a Disney cruise, etc.

6 - HOME SWEET HOME - I love how you take care of your home, how you make it a haven for your family. You have always been this way, even when you had that purple room growing up - everything was always clean, the walls were decorated and all your stuff had a proper place. I liked to wander into your room just to look at all the pretty things. Your home now is no different - clean, organized and beautified.

7 - BELIEF IT - I love that you have such strong beliefs and a beautiful Testimony of the Savior. I love that you want to share your faith with those you care the most about and that it has enriched your life so much. I also love that you work to understand another point of view.

8 - FUNNY GIRL - You are incredibly hilarious. I had so much fun with you on our trip to Missouri to visit the Rents on their Mission. True you are sarcastic, but you are funny in so many other ways. I love reading your stories, I love how you describe animals, I love how you and Kevin interact with each other, I love how you laugh at yourself.

9 - CREATIVE TALENT - Between your home design, Layer's outfits, volunteering to manage the kid's school store and changing the whole thing up, new classes you are teaching, photo shop, etc. I think you may be one of the most creative people I know. I just picture you busy all the time...industrious would be a good word for it I think. If I didn't KNOW you read books, I would think you never had any down time. I do love to hear what projects you are working on next. It seems everything you touch turns out so much better then it was before.

10 - BLOGSTER - I know I've said it before, but I love you for blogging. You are such a talented writer. I often think you should write children's books, or a Mother's book of interesting mishaps of the "Chicken Soup" variety. Thank you for inspiring me to write. Thank you for making me laugh/smile/cry. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with me.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY M - I love you.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of.  You know whatever you do, they'll still be there."  ~Amy Li


  1. HB, thanks for my birthday post. I enjoyed reading about myself. I love and appreciate your thoughtfulness. #3 really rings true - I do get choked often, even at almost every baseball game I attend, and not always over our own boys. When there is an amazing play made by any of those kids I can't help it. I think of their parents and the thrill they just experienced. I think of that kids self esteem and the notch it just went up. I love it. Kevin knows what is happening when I turn away for a few minutes to gather my wits. Thanks for knowing stuff about me, and for the sweet compliments. Love, M
