Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day #206 - Gimme A Break...

What brilliant advertiser came up with that fantastic all know which one I reference. It happens to be my husbands favorite candy bar.

Yesterday I was talking to Sheryle, my co-worker, who had a headache and was doing that 'I'm feeling overwhelmed' thing we all do during the move season. I suddenly realized I hadn't been away from my desk for hours, not even to 'freshen up' or get a drink. I even ate lunch at my desk. I asked S if she would like to get some air with me. We ventured outside and walked around the building...just once. I decided to take a break again this afternoon.

I think taking a break is super wonderful. I love working in the yard with an easy chair nearby to sit with some water in between acres...ok...'yards' of weed pulling or sitting at the top of the stairs for a few minutes after hauling the vacuum all over the house. Apparently the opposite is true - after sitting around all day using my brain it is more of a break to take a short walk, stretch the legs, take in the fresh air, get some shiny vitamin D on the skin. Very nice.

Don't forget to take that break whether or not you have is vital.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Sometimes the most urgent thing you can possibly do is take a complete rest"  Ashleigh Brilliant

1 comment:

  1. I will comply. This I have no problem with. : ) I loves myself some kitKats also....what is not to love about them?
