Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day #194 - Thought I'd Heard it All...

Today I was reminded that I STILL haven't heard it all. I was talking to a transferee who was actually not happy about the timing of his appraisals. I can't say I blame him since my good intentions failed once again on the heels of fire management, but I was able to carve out some time to chat with him about everything including "what if" scenarios which I find transferees can't resist doing.

What if my house sells for more then the appraised value? (not likely) What if the appraisals come in higher then list price? (not likely) What if the Corporate buyout offer is higher then I feel the house is worth? (not likely) If it is higher then I feel it is worth can I negotiate a lower price I am more comfortable with? (not lik...wait, what?)

Right after he said that last one, I laughed and said "sure, if you're crazy"...crickets...I then got a..."lecture" is not really the right word, it felt more like a "testimony" on the morality of taking advantage of any situation to further oneself monetarily when one knows it isn't right. This person's job is teaching religion and he feels strongly about protecting the sacred funds of his employer. While I admire his sincerity and dedication, I had to respectfully disagree with him in this situation.

I explained my position saying that this is his family's home we are talking about - probably the biggest investment he and his wife will ever make. His employer asked him to relocate so they can get the best person in the place where they need him the most. They provided him with a generous relocation package to make the transition more easy for his family and we follow protocol that will provide him with a price on his home based on current market value. Why would he sell the home to anyone for less then it is worth?

He still did not agree with me in the end.

It made me realize how lucky I am to see the WHOLE picture. I work with the corporate side and see all the crazy things that go on behind the scenes and I talk to the 2 year old that picks up the phone in another room to scream "HI!!" as I discuss ethical theory with his Dad.

I am glad I got to talk to this man about his feelings - it was such a different conversation from the normal ones involving low numbers and the unfairness of current home values...I'm still not saying I agree with him. I feel there is a danger of creating judgements of others you may not even notice when a belief becomes so black and white, plus, in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with making money. I will say, however, it was refreshing to talk to someone who actually practices in their heart what they preach with their mouth.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Practice is the best of all instructors" Publilius Syrus


  1. Please say he was one of mine. That's really funny (o:

  2. Interesting.....that is certainly a different mentality. I can imagine being his wife.....you what? I loved your what if paragraph and the inclusion of the "crickets"....very descriptive and fun to read.
