Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day #199 - On the Road Again

I leave tomorrow to go to the ERC (Employee Relocation Council) Conference in Las Vegas, NV. I am grateful for the opportunity, but it is hard to leave in the middle of move season. I keep telling myself, in my newer improved attitude, the timing could not be more perfect. I am sure I will pick up some great talking points, some detailed information to present to my Corporate Clients, pricing tips for transferee's, policy management tools and I'll meet some new people in my industry. It is the perfect time to go.

Getting ready to go has involved some major overtime and Travis has been very supportive. It stinks to see so little of my husband two days before I take off for another three. I'm not sure I can get myself up in the morning...maybe I can talk him into calling or texting me before 7 a.m. to make sure I am up and at 'em. It feels like I am going away for a long time, but it is really only 2 nights and I will be home Friday night - no big deal. 

While in Vegas I plan to make a dent in Atlas Shrugged - I have started it, but have discovered it is no mindless read. I really have to focus on the words and not let my mind wander off to the day's business or the fridge or the dog licking his paws. I plan to focus on all the little details after I settle into my room for the night, check emails, return calls and jot down notes from the day. It should be a productive trip, if not supercalifragilisticexpealadocious...

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "There is no distance on this earth as far away as yesterday."  ~Robert Nathan


  1. Oh man! I wish I'd read your blog before you called. Be sure to go to Serendipity and get the sweet potato fries! They will change your life. Or they changed my life....one of those.

  2. Yeah you are reading Atlas, sweet! You are right, it is no mindless read or you will be lost. However, you will find some VERY long speeches as you get deeper in the book, trust me when I say I did loads of skim reading then. Keep me posted on where you are at. K is also reading it now.
