Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day #189 - Ker Bear

The Carrie I work with writes a list of 10 things she loves about her kids on their Birthday. I LOVE this idea and think it is a great way to create landmarks in her children's lives and to remember some of the main characteristics they exhibited during the past year. I decided I could probably come up with 10 things I love about my siblings on their Birthday...Let's see shall we?

Today is my baby sister Keri's B-Day and here are 10 things I love about her:

1 - Interesting Hair - Keri ALWAYS has cute and interesting hair. Her natural color is red, but bear likes to pump the color red to new depths and sprinkle it with blue or purple or some other interesting color. Keri is a stylist and is not afraid to try something new. She always looks gorgeous and I never know what to expect except the unexpected.

2 - Story Teller - Keri has this way of telling a story. I am not the greatest story teller of all time, but Keri can drag a story out for HOURS...ok, maybe I exaggerate, but I'm sort of a bottom line kind of gal (Travis might agree unless I am telling the story) and often feel myself being tempted to help her along and will begin guessing the plot and suggesting an ending. Note: I did not say she is a BAD story teller, just a DETAILED one.

3 - Mashed Potato - Holy Moly Girlfriend Can Eat Potatoes!! When my Mom makes dinner's for all of us she will peel and mash a zillion potatoes - usually there will be a bowl out on the counter and another one lurking in the oven to pull out after Keri makes her way through the line. Keri is this little bitty thing and somehow manages to eat pounds of potatoes and go back for 2nds.

4 - Speaking of Eating - I thought her stories were long...I have only seen one other person eat ALMOST as slowly as Keri; that person was Trav's Aunt Carol. We would make sure Carol dished up first hoping she would be close to half way finished by the time the rest of us scarfed down our meal. Keri will take hours to eat her dinner and will often heat it up once or twice before she is through. Oh, she will do other things in between, but she eventually gets it eaten.

5 - Lip Gloss - Keri ALWAYS has a spare lip-gloss hanging around for us to try on or for Amy to con away from her. Plus, it is always the good kind that makes your lips tingle and puff up.

6 - Make-up pucker - If you ever have the chance to watch Keri apply her make-up...take it. I still don't understand how she learned to apply mascara, but it PAINS me to watch the process. I feel like a bad sister when I watch it - why didn't one of her 3 older sisters show her? In the end it always looks great, but the journey...The part I LOVE, however, is the way she purses her mouth in a kiss like pucker as she does her make-up. It is so cute and endearing AND yes, it is funny too.

7 - Sweet, Sweet Mama - Keri has turned out to be one of the cutest little mother's I know. Seerie Bird is so lucky to have such an incredible sweet Mother. Seerie will never lack for love and it has been wonderful and humbling to watch Keri with her little daughter. She is so proud of her and Keri's eyes just shine when she looks at her little baby girl.

8 - Hugs, Hugs, Hugs - Keri is a me. Keri hugs you the minute she sees you, you might get a hug sometime during the time you are together and you DEFINETLY get a hug when you leave. These aren't the one armed pat you on the back hugs either. Keri hugs both arms firmly around you with enough of a pause to push the love through, but not too long to feel awkward.

9 - Writer - I don't know if everyone knows this, but Keri is actually quite a good writer. She is a poet. She has only shared a few things with me, but I have thought about her writing quite a bit over the last several years and wonder if she takes the time to work on it? Keri writes emotion well and I would enjoy reading more of her creative works.

10 - Perseverance - As I was looking for a good word to describe something I love about Keri I came up with this one. It means: steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. I originally thought of endurance...but what I wanted to say is that Keri doesn't give up - she keeps going and will change course when she decides it is best. She doesn't just endure the challenges that come her way, she persists in working through them. I love this about her.

That was easy...I could actually go on...Keri is one of those people that loves other people. She is friendly, smiles all the time, likes to have fun and has a heart of gold - OH, she can be a princess as well, stubborn, bossy...a real red headed spit fire, but she is a pretty cool cat most of the time.

Happy Birthday Little Sister!!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: ""If you want trouble... find yourself a redhead."

Cute Ker Bear w/her husband Golden and Seerie Bird


  1. Yep, yep, yep, nailed that girl. Pretty funny, all true. Good stuff right there. Sooooooo, should I be getting excited to read my own top 10 list in the very near future??? I think I should. Looking forward to that. Gool luck to you. I will add to your list she is a marathon shopper.....she is a delight, and a super thrill to be around, extremely talented, but shopping she is no sprinter. You better plan for a big chunk of time to shop w/ ker. She does seem to enjoy it, but making the final decision seems excruciating. In reality, she just wants to make the best choice that is a very commendable quality. (just keep in mind you can always make a return ; )

    Love you girl!

  2. your Birthday coming up? Too true about Keri and shopping...or Keri and putting her coat on since it also involves a layer underneath, a scarf, hair fluff, a pucker and lipgloss for good measure - HA. Just today, however, I was remembering going shopping with you. I used to be the one that sat outside the dressing room while discarded clothes came at me from the other side to put back on the hangers. Maybe that is why I hate shopping to this day...hmmmm.

  3. OH MY GOODNESS>>> I just left you a HUGE LONG COMMENT AND IT GOT ERASED!! I gotta get on her more!! Here we go again...

  4. Hug THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! what an amazing gift from you! I will expand on my blog about that.... Now about the shopping.. I do agree, I AM CURSED WITH THIS! I think it all started back in high school when mom would take me shopping for ONE outfit (which originally was ONE shirt, or A pair of pants, then became a GOSH DANG OUTFIT! HURRY UP!) I admit that eventually I knew that if I delayed a bit I could walk away with more because mom would get fed up and buy me more! Bad I know.. I'm not proud of that, and well now I really am stuck with always wanting to make the best choice.. I found that I can be a really fast and productive shopper if I have unlimited funds! I just end up buying it all!

    Thank goodness I married a man that is similar. He will find something in the store then go home and hunt down the best deal on the internet... For HOURS!! It even frustrates me so you know it's a long time. LOLOLOL.

    I love you my sisters!
