Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day #190 - Fingerprints

Did you know your fingerprints develop within 14 weeks in Utero? Once they are there they never change. The prints in your hand do change over time along with your life experiences. Today I had a friend read my hand/finger prints. She told me I have a fingerprint on my palm as well - it is hard to see, but it is there.

For those who are creeped out by the woo woo factor of palm/print reading, it is a lot like determining your personality via the color wheel or how being born a certain date and year determines your sign or being an "A" type personality. It wasn't like gypsies telling my fortune or a promise of things to come.

I believe we all know ourselves, but hearing it in a different way helps to shine a light on parts of myself I wasn't completely seeing. It is sort of like putting the emPHASis on the wrong syLLABle...the word is spelled the same, but it sounds different and the interpretation becomes confused.

So it is with our inner selves; sometimes we see ourselves in a certain way and get stuck in that place and don't allow a more accurate understanding to emerge. When we get stuck we create patterns of behavior or life results that perpetuate our skewed can be a loop of frustration for sure.

One thing I thought was funny was when she asked if I like to read...yes. Do you read several things at the same time? I asked her what she thought? She said "yes" she thinks I am involved in several books at once and most likely skip around trying to get to the good parts or the meat of the book. She said I get frustrated in the details....DANG...just yesterday I mentioned how I am a "bottom-line kind of gal"...and I almost always skip to the end of the book to find out what happens AND I am currently reading 3 books. I did tell her that I do eventually read the whole book unless it blows - but even then I usually see how it ends. She told me I should slow down because some of my greatest life lessons will emerge in the details and when I get frustrated w/minutiae it is a red flag to pay attention.

She gave me some exercises & challenges to work on over the next 30 days to expand my creativity, self-love/expression and I am sure it will create some opportunities to share via the Blog. It was a worthwhile experience and I can't wait to see what Trav's finger/hand prints have to say since he will be analyzed by our mutual friend as well.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts." Bertrand Russell

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed your post. Interesting, it is so much fun to hear about yourself isn't it? Exciting, I can see you really paying attention, getting the inside scoop to the real you. Is this "mutual friend" new at this practice? or a seasoned palm reader? It's not Chucks old girl friend is it.....? That quote is spot on isn't it. I look forward to hearing about what you find out over your 30 challenge.
