Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day #210 - Glass Half Empty or Full?

WOW - tomorrow is June 1st...what the heck? How do the days go by so quickly? Does that mean the year is almost 1/2 over or we still have 1/2 a year to go?

I found my Jan. 1st journal as I was rearranging some books today and read my new years resolutions. I was happy to see I had started some and am still working on them, but had totally forgotten about others. I think June is a good time to reflect on what I want to accomplish this next 1/2 of 2011. I think I will re-evaluate this week and really decide how I want the 2nd half of this year to look.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present" Jane Glidewell

Monday, May 30, 2011

Day #209 - Remembrance

Today is Memorial Day - a day for remembrance. I wanted to post a few memories of the people I have loved and lost...

William Franklin Barker - my Father-in-law. Travis and I miss Bill terribly. Travis was adopted as a baby, but he always knew who his Father was. We learned a lot from Bill. He was so industrious, took good care of himself and his family, was a loving husband and did a lot of quiet service. I remember the first Christmas gift I got for Bill was a fishing T-shirt. At the time I didn't realize Bill didn't do T-shirts...I learned fast. Bill was all about the short sleeve button down, jeans, brown/black socks and loafers. Travis and I still laugh about the time we picked Bill up to go Mountain Biking with us and he was dressed in said uniform...Travis made him at least change into sneakers. I don't think I ever saw Bill get mad, Travis tells me it was possible, but he always seemed calm to me and he really loved his family. I know Travis drives by his resting place once in a while just to check-in. I had Bill in my life for too short a time, I would have enjoyed more opportunities to get the perfect Christmas gift for him.

My Grandparents - Joyce & Paul Strong (Mom's folks). I have many childhood memories of going to their home in Provo and especially playing in the deep gutters with the leeches (were those weird things leeches?). Every Thanksgiving was at the Strong's house. There was always a "cousin's table" - sometimes a pea fight and ALWAYS Grandma's O'Henries for desert anytime we went there. I really looked forward to those treats. Melissa makes them now and I will always think of Grandma Joyce when I eat them.

My Grandparents - Glen & Sybil Dana (Dad's folks). Grandpa was a card. He had this monkey puppet that he used to get out and use to talk to us with. My Dad inherited the monkey and brings it out for his small grand kids - he did this the other day with Amy's daughter Elle - she LOVED it. She thought it was amazing. Grandpa was also very talented - played the organ, harmonica and ukulele. Grandma Sybil, the Pink Grandma to us kids, was so elegant. I loved to visit her home at Christmas just to see her tree - it was BEAUTIFUL. Everything was perfect and lovely around Grandma Sybil.

My Dad w/monkey, Amy and Elle

Both sets of Trav's Grandparents are gone as well, but the two I knew were Grandmother Dunyon and Grandma Barker:

Grandmother Dunyon was an elegant, traditional lady who had this very fun sense of humor. She had this knack for really paying attention to you when you were with her. She would ask me a question and really listen to the answers and she always made me feel good about myself.

Grandma Barker was this cute little 4 foot jewel. She had this way of telling a story that cracked me up. She would get to the punch line or the juicy tid bit and just look at me, letting her eyes go round and big for emphasis, just to make sure I was getting the enormity of it all. I loved that.

We also lost Carol, Bill's sister, this past year. Carol took such great care of Grandma Barker for years. She was well traveled and also funny. I often regret that I did not know Carol as well as I could have, but she was such a great Aunt to her sibling's children and those that did take the time to know her were SUPER lucky to have her in their lives.

It is often said that Death is just another part of Life...aren't we all dieing? It is good to remember those we have loved and lost and today is a good reminder about how precious life is and how important it is to appreciate those we love and tell them often.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us." ~ Helen Keller

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day #208 - Snow Pack

I remember the latest snow fall last year in Summit Park was May 25th...I took a picture. It snowed last night (May 28th). This winter has been incredible - I lost a few trees this year, several branches, the deck railing is broken, the paint I slapped on last fall is basically pulverized and I thought I had lost the 10 perennials I planted last summer. I have posted too many snow photos already so decided not to post the one I took last night; instead I thought I would post a poem that I received in the mail this week:

April Showers

When April skies begin to frown,
And the cold rain comes pelting down,
We must not grumble nor complain,
Nor idly say, we hate the rain.

God sends the rain; the dust-y ground
It softens in the fields around;
The moisture every plant receives,
And springs afresh in flowers and leaves.

Should God forbid the showers to fall,
Nor send us any rain at all,
The ground would all grow hard and dry,
And every living plant would die.

All things would starve and perish then --
No food for birds, nor beasts, nor men;
Then do not murmur, nor complain;
God, in His goodness, sends the rain.

- Robert Louis Stevenson

I received this poem at just the right time...I have been complaining because of the rain/snow that never seems to end. Everyone seems to be worried about the snow pack and the risk of flooding. It is ironic that we are normally saying how we don't have enough snow pack at the end of the season. It never seems to be 'just right'. The good news is there are little greens poking out of the ground where my perennials are planted. I am hopeful that most of them did survive after all.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Earth laughs in flowers."  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day #207 - So Much to Do

Last Saturday I walked around my whole yard and made a big list of everything we get to do as soon as the weather allows. First on the list was to spray the weeds...it has been raining almost every day since. I have been despairing over how quickly those little suckers grow. I think they double in size every day. Soon I will be out there spending hours hacking them down if I don't kill them dead first. Oy.

I haven't felt like making a list for a very long time and lately that is all I think about on Friday night after 10 p.m. "What do I need to do tomorrow? What is the priority? What should come first? How much time will it take to do x, y, z?".

I took last weeks list to my parents house...it is 3 pages long (really big writing) and I had a list of "things I can do on my own" and "things I need help with". I made "help me" eyes at my Dad and he started making notes of his own...With Dad's help I might actually make a dent in that list this year.

My list with Dad's additions...I particularly like
the drawing of the rake (lower right)...
He said "you need a rake" and started to draw a picture...
I said, "yeah, I know what a rake is...I even own one." Priceless.

My Dad is SUPER generous with his skills and his time. So is my Mom. I didn't want to ask them for help, they have enough to do, but I really am overwhelmed and don't know where to start. They are both good at taking charge in different ways and I can use some direction. I am so lucky to have them.

I have a four day weekend and I intend to make use of it. Off I go to get my "clean the house" list started.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The Lord loveth a cheerful giver.  He also accepteth from a grouch."  ~Catherine Hall

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day #206 - Gimme A Break...

What brilliant advertiser came up with that fantastic slogan...you all know which one I reference. It happens to be my husbands favorite candy bar.

Yesterday I was talking to Sheryle, my co-worker, who had a headache and was doing that 'I'm feeling overwhelmed' thing we all do during the move season. I suddenly realized I hadn't been away from my desk for hours, not even to 'freshen up' or get a drink. I even ate lunch at my desk. I asked S if she would like to get some air with me. We ventured outside and walked around the building...just once. I decided to take a break again this afternoon.

I think taking a break is super wonderful. I love working in the yard with an easy chair nearby to sit with some water in between acres...ok...'yards' of weed pulling or sitting at the top of the stairs for a few minutes after hauling the vacuum all over the house. Apparently the opposite is true - after sitting around all day using my brain it is more of a break to take a short walk, stretch the legs, take in the fresh air, get some shiny vitamin D on the skin. Very nice.

Don't forget to take that break whether or not you have time...it is vital.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Sometimes the most urgent thing you can possibly do is take a complete rest"  Ashleigh Brilliant

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day #205 - Dunka

Today I had 3 people tell me I must love my job because I am so good at it. AW...Thanks. It is a good reminder TO love my job. Truly I do.

Today was a good, if long, day. The best part was an offer that I got first thing this morning on a house the corporation purchased as a short sale from one of it's transferees. It took one full year to handle this transaction, a lot of heartache for the transferee and some heartburn for the corporation. It took less then a month to get an offer once the short sale was finally settled. I almost jumped out of my chair I was so excited. True it isn't truly sold until the loan goes through, but I am so happy.

Today I was a problem solver...sure it can be a headache fixing the same things over and over, but I felt my mind clicking around looking for that perfect solution, that 'just so' way of presenting said solution to shed the best possible light on it to make everyone come to the same conclusion. I don't think today was really different then any other day...so it got me thinking, "what was different"? The answer is simple - it was me.

Have any of you watched or read "the Secret"? Well, there is one part that talks about the chain reaction of an attitude...There is an example of how when you wake up in the morning and stub your toe on the way to the bathroom and the rest is down hill from there unless or until you flip things. There are so many books on the subject of "choosing" happiness, but sometimes happiness chooses you. Today was one of those days for me.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Be Happy. It's one way of being wise." Sidonie Gabrielle

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day #204 - Soar Like An Eagle

I am so super proud of Travis. He took a web building class and has taken to building web pages like a cat to water...hmmm, wrong analogy...like a bird to flight. He is pretty good at it and surprisingly fast. Who knew? I did. I always know Travis can do anything he wants to.

Here is his practice site: http://www.travisbarker.org/

It is pretty funny actually - under products he put a picture of me and showed my parents thinking it was a hilarious idea to offer me as a product. The funny thing is my Mom AND my Dad go..."who is that woman?" WHAT? Very funny Rents. Then he put a photo of our friend who moved to Boston under 'About Us' - I love that groovy photo. Then the photo of Travis giving the peace sign...My man is a regular card alright.

I am just excited that he is taking this on. Instead of waiting for someone else to do what needs to be done, he is going for it himself. He is currently working on a web site for a partner and I am super stoked for him.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Sometimes I'm confused by what I think is really obvious. But what I think is really obvious, obviously isn't obvious..." Michael Stipe

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day #203 - Soul Sista

Today is my older sister Melissa's Birthday. Anyone who reads this blog already knows how much I admire her, so it should be no surprise that this is an easy list to write and since she is my most dedicated reader, I have decided to write this list directly TO Melissa instead of about her.


1 - FACE IT - you know you have the most amazing facial expressions don't you? I think all of us "Dana Girls" react big to most things and when you are around we all become even more animated. I love that you bring out the FACE in all of us. It is pretty impossible not to get carried away with you.

2 - GOAL KEEPER - I love that you are constantly trying new things and challenging yourself to live a fuller life. To name a few - you home schooled your kids for many years, you got involved in several businesses and had some success with them, you ran a half marathon, you ran in the Ragnar race and most recently obtained your Certified Trainer Certificate, started your own 'Sculpt Your Assets' class and are training for a marathon in January. Even as I write this, I am amazed and inspired again to be more like you.

3 - TOWN CRYER - I gotta say it, I love that you cry over...everything. When you are embarrassed, when you are happy, when you are surprised, when your hamster escapes from her cage and scares you to death in the dead of night (RIP Heidi), when you are moved by something spiritual in nature, when you talk about how much you love your family, when you think about that whole pan of O'Henries you ate that one time (JK...or did you?)...I just love that you are able to feel things so sincerely; that those feelings manifest in tears is simply evidence that you are completely involved in that moment.

4 - MOM OF THE YEAR - I remember when Ethan was born and Mom helped you give him his first bath at home. Ethan was screaming and you were crying because he was. I think that empathy has been with you throughout all your time as a Mother, maybe all Mother's have that gift and maybe I just see it in your writing, but regardless, I think you have a great understanding of your children's natures and a strong empathy pertaining to their life experiences. I think this will serve you throughout their lives and makes you one heck of a Mother. I know your children know you love them and the bottom line is, that is really all they need to know.

5 - WHEELER DEALER - I am still blown away that you can walk into a store and get $200 worth of groceries for $30 bucks...I love that you take the time to do what needs to be done to save your family so much money. I can't say you are cheap, because I feel the difference is you save the money where you can, so you can spend it where it counts...taking your kids to Utah to visit the cousins, picking out a nice gift for the parents at Christmas, taking the family on a Disney cruise, etc.

6 - HOME SWEET HOME - I love how you take care of your home, how you make it a haven for your family. You have always been this way, even when you had that purple room growing up - everything was always clean, the walls were decorated and all your stuff had a proper place. I liked to wander into your room just to look at all the pretty things. Your home now is no different - clean, organized and beautified.

7 - BELIEF IT - I love that you have such strong beliefs and a beautiful Testimony of the Savior. I love that you want to share your faith with those you care the most about and that it has enriched your life so much. I also love that you work to understand another point of view.

8 - FUNNY GIRL - You are incredibly hilarious. I had so much fun with you on our trip to Missouri to visit the Rents on their Mission. True you are sarcastic, but you are funny in so many other ways. I love reading your stories, I love how you describe animals, I love how you and Kevin interact with each other, I love how you laugh at yourself.

9 - CREATIVE TALENT - Between your home design, Layer's outfits, volunteering to manage the kid's school store and changing the whole thing up, new classes you are teaching, photo shop, etc. I think you may be one of the most creative people I know. I just picture you busy all the time...industrious would be a good word for it I think. If I didn't KNOW you read books, I would think you never had any down time. I do love to hear what projects you are working on next. It seems everything you touch turns out so much better then it was before.

10 - BLOGSTER - I know I've said it before, but I love you for blogging. You are such a talented writer. I often think you should write children's books, or a Mother's book of interesting mishaps of the "Chicken Soup" variety. Thank you for inspiring me to write. Thank you for making me laugh/smile/cry. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with me.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY M - I love you.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of.  You know whatever you do, they'll still be there."  ~Amy Li

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day #202 - Lost Wages, NV

I really just want to share the pictures of my room at Ceasar's Palace:

It was very modern - there was no soaking tub, which I would have liked, but the shower had two heads - one in the wall and a big one up top. I did use it once and couldn't really breath under all that water, but it was interesting.

While in Vegas the Regional Vice President took our Corporate Client and me to dinner at Mesa Grill (Bobby Flay's restaurant). It was super pricey, but very delicious. I got the Fillet Mignon - it was a pretty big steak and PERFECTLY cooked, very tender and just pink enough (not bleeding on the plate).

The conference itself was pretty good - I learned some things and got some ideas to present to the client when I can get it all together. I loved the keynote speaker who gave me a base idea for the template of the presentation I've been wanting to make. I have been rather stumped by how to put together what I want to communicate and didn't realize it was so constantly on my mind until I started piecing the idea together in the classes, pulling information from each to use later.

I think the most exciting moment of the whole trip was the shuttle ride to the airport on the way home. Me and the guy next to me finally burst out laughing after the third close call followed by our drivers verbal outrage at the stupidity of the "other" drivers. Strangely enough, I wasn't nervous at all. I actually felt safer with this aggressive guy then the timid driver on the way from the airport.

It was a good trip and I am glad I was given the opportunity to go this year.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The trouble with using experience as a guide is that the final exam often comes first and then the lesson."  ~Author Unknown

Friday, May 20, 2011

Day #201 - Reunions

When I first got to Lost Wages, NV I was waiting for my bag and saw a Mom reunite with her 2 year old...it was SOOO Sweet. He ran into her arms and hugged her with his whole body, threw back his head and laughed up at the ceiling and then wrapped himself around her again. She let him down, he ran in circles, jumped up and down, made little fists with his hands and waved them around laughing, then threw himself back at his Mom and hugged her all over again. I couldn't help but smile the whole way to my hotel.

I couldn't wait to walk in my door. I felt like the horse who, once turned towards home, runs like a dickens and jumps over anything in its way. You would think I'd been gone for weeks instead of only days. It is great to be home again and it was great to be greeted warmly by my own little family - Travis (my ball and chain), Bart (dog) and Echo (cat). I got to the airport w/3 hours to spare and it was a slow night, so I was able to catch an earlier flight and got home 1.5 hours earlier then Travis planned. It was fun to surprise him.

Home Sweet Home.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to. " ~John Ed Pearce

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day #200 - Bro Down

Today is my big brother's Birthday...My parents were good enough to put a boy exclamation point on the front and the back of their 4 girls...So I am lucky enough to have experienced a big brother and a baby brother - here are 10 things I love about my Big Brother Jason:

1 - Sense of Humor - I think my favorite thing about Jason is his "no duh dummy" sense of humor. He doesn't really hold back, which can be tricky at times for him because it creates opportunities for regret, but he is pretty darn funny. He is pretty gentle with me, so it is easy for me to yuck it up when I am around him.

2 - Faces...I think there was a whole years worth of photos that we were working through to complete the family Calendar and we found maybe one photo that didn’t have flared nostrils and all teeth grin he does for most photos. We tried to take a group photo with everyone making a face and we all looked pretty lame compared to his practiced grimace.

3 - Handyman - Jason is super handy in many ways. I've seen him put up sheetrock, paint, install shelves/cabinets, he does most of his own bike maintenance, he builds houses and cages for their pets, they poured their own patio...the list goes on. I admire this quality in him very much.

4 - He loves his wife - Sure he can be difficult and give Mel a hard time. I know they are not perfect, just like the rest of us, but I have never doubted Jason's love for Mel. How do I know this? I guess it is mostly because he might give her a hard time about not being as tough as she thinks she is, but at the same time he comes off proud of her. Or maybe because he doesn't talk negatively about her to others - at least he never has to me.

5 - Backward Spoon Grip...I don't even know how to describe this, but he holds his spoon gripped in his fist and shovels the food in when he eats - the motion is with elbow out lifting up by the shoulder. Does he do this with his fork also? I mostly notice it when he is eating cereal out of a mixing bowl or his cake drenched in milk - I don't know that I have ever studied the dinner plate to mouth, fork action - I'll have to check it out.

6 - Tough Love Dad - Jason has 3 kids (2 girls and a boy). Josie was our first niece. I remember how excited we all were to have her in our family. I don't think I noticed much how Jason was with her, but I love how their youngest, Abbie, likes to shadow Jason now. I think he really digs that she likes to hang out with him. Maybe through experience with his older two he knows it won't last forever. I hope his kids know how much he loves them.

7 - Small Brother Torture - Jason loves giving Chuck a hard time and I love watching it. What sibling doesn't enjoy a little torturing of the baby of the family? He always makes the funniest come backs on Chuck's face book posts and I love to see those two crack pots go back and forth with each other.

8 - Reading material - Jason has actually surprised me a few times with his pick of reading material. He comes off as such a funny guy that it is hard to remember he is super smart. He doesn't go out of his way to prove it, but he really is sort of brainy. My Dad had us pick books to read from his library so we can educate ourselves on the state of the nation, etc. Jason had already read most of them...the best part is my Dad has this interesting way of writing notes in the margins of his books - I picked a book that both Jason and my Dad had read and Jason added his own notes to the margins. Their political views don't quite match up, so I thought it would be an interesting read and a better insight into both my Dad and my brother.

9 - Not afraid of I love you - Jason sometimes comes off as a hard a**, but he is really just a softy. From a little sister perspective it feels pretty special when that brother who - used to have hair like Andre Agassi, beat you around in the battle hall, made fun of everything you did, drew amazing pictures of zombies, screamed at you for stretching the sleeves of his shirts out just because you barrowed them one time to wrap around your waist, listened to Metallica and Van Halen tape decks real loud on his waterbed - tells you he loves you and gives you a hug...how can it not feel special.


10 - I love that Jason reminds me of all the good parts of my Dad. I think it drives a kid crazy to be told they remind them of one of their parents. I have learned it can be the highest compliment anyone can pay to a kid. I often see my Dad in Jason. I feel proud of him, I love how he takes care of his family, I love how hard he works, how talented he is and how he cares about relevant politics. I have said this before, but I am so grateful my parents live near my brother - I am so relieved to feel my parents have him nearby to take care of them or help them if necessary and I KNOW Jason will do just that because he is that kind of guy, that kind of brother and that kind of son.

Here are some older photos (I am not on my home computer so I don't have my most recent photos with me): Jason on his motorcycle and Jason, with his son Seth and my baby bro Chuck


I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful things happen to you." Mary Tyler Moore

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day #199 - On the Road Again

I leave tomorrow to go to the ERC (Employee Relocation Council) Conference in Las Vegas, NV. I am grateful for the opportunity, but it is hard to leave in the middle of move season. I keep telling myself, in my newer improved attitude, the timing could not be more perfect. I am sure I will pick up some great talking points, some detailed information to present to my Corporate Clients, pricing tips for transferee's, policy management tools and I'll meet some new people in my industry. It is the perfect time to go.

Getting ready to go has involved some major overtime and Travis has been very supportive. It stinks to see so little of my husband two days before I take off for another three. I'm not sure I can get myself up in the morning...maybe I can talk him into calling or texting me before 7 a.m. to make sure I am up and at 'em. It feels like I am going away for a long time, but it is really only 2 nights and I will be home Friday night - no big deal. 

While in Vegas I plan to make a dent in Atlas Shrugged - I have started it, but have discovered it is no mindless read. I really have to focus on the words and not let my mind wander off to the day's business or the fridge or the dog licking his paws. I plan to focus on all the little details after I settle into my room for the night, check emails, return calls and jot down notes from the day. It should be a productive trip, if not supercalifragilisticexpealadocious...

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "There is no distance on this earth as far away as yesterday."  ~Robert Nathan

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day #198 - Other People's Faux Pas

I don't know why it makes me feel better about my mistakes when someone else messes up, but it does.

Today my sweet, worried co-worker hit the "reply to all" command and proceeded to blast a guy in an email to that same guy, using words like "crazy"...she would hate me to be posting this story, so I will just say...haven't we ALL done something like this before?

The guy actually called her and spoke to her directly, which I thought was very mature. He seemed to just want to explain his position, not create problems...I hope he doesn't cause any trouble.

I thanked my co-worker for making me look not quite so bad when I swore on the phone after a partial mental break down on Friday while speaking with my church rep...VERY Professional. Out of both experiences I think we learned a few valuable lessons the main ones being: don't say/write anything you wouldn't say to someones face AND don't swear.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it that we do from learning the answer itself." Lloyd Alexander

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day #197 - Blow Hard

Today I went to Farmington to help my Mother-in-Law plant her annual flowers. I have started doing this each year for Mother's Day since it seems you can never plant flowers safely to avoid a surprise freeze until that time. Joleen's Birthday is in April, so helping with this project seemed like a good idea instead of coming up with a gift she may not need or want; besides I like planting flowers.

For the actual Mother's Day we went to Travis' brother's house for dinner (man can that guy grill a juicy chicken breast - yum) and as Joleen and I were planning when to plant, Joleen mentioned she would like to 'turn' the dirt this year. Eric immediately volunteered to handle it and his son Austin also 'volunteered' to help. I showed up at 8:30 a.m. as planned and there were Eric and Austin already spreading the most beautiful black dirt around the flower beds. It was gorgeous and so fresh looking - I cannot believe what a difference it made.

The wind was very strong today and made the job less enjoyable. Every once in a while I would bend over and my shirt would fly up to my shoulders...nice. The fresh dirt would blow around once in awhile making me glad for my sunglasses, I had to ask "what?" just about every time Joleen said anything to me because the wind would just whip her words away into the sky and, more than once, I found myself chasing a plastic flower container that would settle just in time for me to get within reaching distance only to blow away again when I bent to retrieve it.

Joleen made her way back and forth between us and eventually had to leave for a luncheon. Eric had to go get more dirt and take Austin home and soon I was alone. I had 5 more flowers to plant and I laid down on the grass in front of the flower bed to relax for a minute and stretch my legs after all the lunging and not-bending-at-the-knees I'd been doing all morning.

As I lay on the ground and felt the sun, glowing orange behind my eyes and seeping into my skin, I wondered briefly if Joleen's neighbor, who was also working in his yard, thought I might be stroking out just laying there like that and then I just let my mind go for a jaunt. I thought about the wind and how irritating it picked today to blow so gustily and then I remembered about "the woman who made friends with the wind".

I have mentioned Byron Katie before and I am on my second listen of her book "Loving What Is". She talks about the wind where she lives and how it blows all the time and she loves it. Other people have actually left the area because of the wind and wonder how she can stand it. Katie says she loves it because she loves what IS. Such a simple concept. Nothing I could do would have changed the wind today, but by thinking how irritating it was, all I did was cause myself grief.

Once I got to this point I did my best to still my mind and make peace with the wind (really with myself). I listened to the trees, I felt my hair float around my face, I felt the wind cool my skin where the sun would have been hot on it's own and felt the mist (sounds better then sweat) on my forehead float away. It was a lovely break and an easy way to appreciate what is.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "A weed is no more than a flower in disguise"

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day #196 - Photo Blah

So...one of the challenges given to me by my friend Marilyn (the palm reader) was to put a photo on my blog. Barf...but I committed to doing it and out of a gillion photos I picked one that I can live with until I find a better one.

You might not know it from this post, but this is an exercise in self love. I have been attempting to do this for the last 2 days, but the blogger site was down two nights in a row...I was about to decide it wasn't meant to be, but might as well get on with it.

This photo was actually taken in San Diego when I went on a girl trip with Debi and Kim. I have a lot of fond memories from that trip and I always think of it when I see this photo. Here are a few other's that I love:

I believe it is actually a rule that if you are on a trip with at least
3 girls, you MUST pose as Charlie's Angels...

Somehow we dared to make a bellman follow us around and take our picture...I miss my girls. I can say that spending time with them truly is an act of self love - I can't help but like myself when I am around them.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance."  ~Author Unknown

Day #195 - Repetition

I wonder how many times it will be necessary for me to learn the same thing over and over again? I believe the answer is "as many times as it takes". I don't know if I am exactly grateful for it, but I can see why it is necessary.

It is also irritating that I continue to take the bate. Sometimes I can even feel it happening and it is like sitting beside myself watching it unfold. Something begins to irritate me or I feel the fight coming on and I know what NOT to do, but then I just do it anyway. It is like watching a car crash and then calling for incident management to clean up the broken glass.

Travis and I celebrated the beginning of the weekend by playing the blame game this evening. It wasn't even a very big deal, but I felt both of us trying to one up each other. It is such a waste of time and energy to "feel" right. The truth is, being right can be pretty lonely.

The argument was not big enough to hang onto, but I am trying to hang onto the lesson. Maybe this is the time that it takes.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others"

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day #194 - Thought I'd Heard it All...

Today I was reminded that I STILL haven't heard it all. I was talking to a transferee who was actually not happy about the timing of his appraisals. I can't say I blame him since my good intentions failed once again on the heels of fire management, but I was able to carve out some time to chat with him about everything including "what if" scenarios which I find transferees can't resist doing.

What if my house sells for more then the appraised value? (not likely) What if the appraisals come in higher then list price? (not likely) What if the Corporate buyout offer is higher then I feel the house is worth? (not likely) If it is higher then I feel it is worth can I negotiate a lower price I am more comfortable with? (not lik...wait, what?)

Right after he said that last one, I laughed and said "sure, if you're crazy"...crickets...I then got a..."lecture" is not really the right word, it felt more like a "testimony" on the morality of taking advantage of any situation to further oneself monetarily when one knows it isn't right. This person's job is teaching religion and he feels strongly about protecting the sacred funds of his employer. While I admire his sincerity and dedication, I had to respectfully disagree with him in this situation.

I explained my position saying that this is his family's home we are talking about - probably the biggest investment he and his wife will ever make. His employer asked him to relocate so they can get the best person in the place where they need him the most. They provided him with a generous relocation package to make the transition more easy for his family and we follow protocol that will provide him with a price on his home based on current market value. Why would he sell the home to anyone for less then it is worth?

He still did not agree with me in the end.

It made me realize how lucky I am to see the WHOLE picture. I work with the corporate side and see all the crazy things that go on behind the scenes and I talk to the 2 year old that picks up the phone in another room to scream "HI!!" as I discuss ethical theory with his Dad.

I am glad I got to talk to this man about his feelings - it was such a different conversation from the normal ones involving low numbers and the unfairness of current home values...I'm still not saying I agree with him. I feel there is a danger of creating judgements of others you may not even notice when a belief becomes so black and white, plus, in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with making money. I will say, however, it was refreshing to talk to someone who actually practices in their heart what they preach with their mouth.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Practice is the best of all instructors" Publilius Syrus

Monday, May 9, 2011

Day #193 - The Blues

I got a new purse today...It is Blue. I saw it last week and decided I waited long enough to know I really wanted it - so I went and bought it. If I wasn't being lazy and already upstairs I might take a picture and post it...Maybe I still will.

The good thing about the purse are the sections...there are 3 separate sections - now I will have a place to put my wallet and personals (middle w/zipper) and side sections for the miscellaneous stuff that somehow accumulates over time...note pads, receipts, bills I need to pay, love notes from Travis (I wish), etc. PLUS it has side pockets for my phone/keys & zippers in front for a few of my favorite pens and maybe a lip gloss or two...

Yep, I have to take a photo now or M will never let me live it down...

I Am Grateful,

Pretty Blue Purse

Blue Pocketville

Diva Quote: "When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others." Peace Pilgrim

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day #192 - Which Loved Best?

Since it is Mother's Day and I went to see both my own Mother and my Mother-in-law to honor them on their special day I thought I would share a poem that came to mind tonight. My Mom used to recite this poem to us when we complained too hard about our chores...

Which Loved Best?
by Joy Allison

"I love you, Mother," said little John.
Then forgetting his work, his cap went on.
And he was off to the garden swing,
Leaving his Mother the wood to bring.

"I love you, Mother," said little Nell.
"I love you more than tongue can tell."
"Then she teased and pouted half the day,
Till Mother rejoiced when she went to play.

"I love you, Mother," said little Fan.
"Today I’ll help you all I can."
To the cradle then she did softly creep,
And rocked the baby till it fell asleep.

Then stepping softly, she took the broom,
And swept the floor, and dusted the room.
Busy and happy all day was she,
Helpful and cheerful as child could be.

"I love you, Mother," again they said.
Three little children, going to bed.
How do you think that Mother guessed
Which of them really loved her best?

I suspect my Mom's favorite part was Nell's since that was the one I remembered most and how I located the poem.

I was reading my sister's Mother's Day post and she mentioned how, when her husband asked what she wanted for her special day, she rubbed her hands together mentally and said "service"...Such a powerful gift. I haven't figured out a service to give my Mother...she makes it way too easy for us to give her a bucket of flowers and call it good...I will need to think on that...any ideas?

I love my Mother's - I am lucky and blessed beyond belief to have them in my life.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.  ~Tenneva Jordan

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day #191 - Robin Head

Travis called me at work yesterday and told me there was a Robin outside our family room window who kept jumping up and hitting it over and over. Sometimes it hits the window with its feet, sometimes it's beak, sometimes it's body and sometimes it sits on the ledge and taps the window with it's beak. Travis called me again 6 hours later and told me it was STILL doing it. I told him I knew he was kidding me. When I got home, sure enough there is this Robin outside who keeps banging into the window.

After dinner we sat down to watch a show we had recorded and I could not stop thinking about what is wrong with that bird. Is it crazy? Does it want to come inside? Was it playing with the cat? OH, I KNOW...it is nesting and needs a spot to lay it's eggs. So I decided to build one for them. It is pretty lousy, but I thought it might be better then nothing if they are in a pinch. I even sprinkled the area with sunflower seeds.

Again today, ALL DAY LONG, jump up, hit the window, jump up, hit the window. Talk about banging your head against the wall. Even the cat lost interest. I finally grew a brain and looked the problem up online...turns out it is a territory thing. The silly bird is seeing his own reflection in the mirror and is protecting his lady bird and his territory. There were ideas online to hang a cardboard owl on the outside of the window to keep him away.

I took some video with my phone, but it is not very good and I can't get it off my "new" phone. If I can get a photo tomorrow with my camera, I will. I do love birds and will be happy if they can settle down a bit and make a safe home for their babies. Thanks Robin for keeping things interesting...
I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "You're only given a little spark of madness.  You mustn't lose it."  ~Robin Williams

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day #190 - Fingerprints

Did you know your fingerprints develop within 14 weeks in Utero? Once they are there they never change. The prints in your hand do change over time along with your life experiences. Today I had a friend read my hand/finger prints. She told me I have a fingerprint on my palm as well - it is hard to see, but it is there.

For those who are creeped out by the woo woo factor of palm/print reading, it is a lot like determining your personality via the color wheel or how being born a certain date and year determines your sign or being an "A" type personality. It wasn't like gypsies telling my fortune or a promise of things to come.

I believe we all know ourselves, but hearing it in a different way helps to shine a light on parts of myself I wasn't completely seeing. It is sort of like putting the emPHASis on the wrong syLLABle...the word is spelled the same, but it sounds different and the interpretation becomes confused.

So it is with our inner selves; sometimes we see ourselves in a certain way and get stuck in that place and don't allow a more accurate understanding to emerge. When we get stuck we create patterns of behavior or life results that perpetuate our skewed self-beliefs...it can be a loop of frustration for sure.

One thing I thought was funny was when she asked if I like to read...yes. Do you read several things at the same time? I asked her what she thought? She said "yes" she thinks I am involved in several books at once and most likely skip around trying to get to the good parts or the meat of the book. She said I get frustrated in the details....DANG...just yesterday I mentioned how I am a "bottom-line kind of gal"...and I almost always skip to the end of the book to find out what happens AND I am currently reading 3 books. I did tell her that I do eventually read the whole book unless it blows - but even then I usually see how it ends. She told me I should slow down because some of my greatest life lessons will emerge in the details and when I get frustrated w/minutiae it is a red flag to pay attention.

She gave me some exercises & challenges to work on over the next 30 days to expand my creativity, self-love/expression and I am sure it will create some opportunities to share via the Blog. It was a worthwhile experience and I can't wait to see what Trav's finger/hand prints have to say since he will be analyzed by our mutual friend as well.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts." Bertrand Russell

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day #189 - Ker Bear

The Carrie I work with writes a list of 10 things she loves about her kids on their Birthday. I LOVE this idea and think it is a great way to create landmarks in her children's lives and to remember some of the main characteristics they exhibited during the past year. I decided I could probably come up with 10 things I love about my siblings on their Birthday...Let's see shall we?

Today is my baby sister Keri's B-Day and here are 10 things I love about her:

1 - Interesting Hair - Keri ALWAYS has cute and interesting hair. Her natural color is red, but bear likes to pump the color red to new depths and sprinkle it with blue or purple or some other interesting color. Keri is a stylist and is not afraid to try something new. She always looks gorgeous and I never know what to expect except the unexpected.

2 - Story Teller - Keri has this way of telling a story. I am not the greatest story teller of all time, but Keri can drag a story out for HOURS...ok, maybe I exaggerate, but I'm sort of a bottom line kind of gal (Travis might agree unless I am telling the story) and often feel myself being tempted to help her along and will begin guessing the plot and suggesting an ending. Note: I did not say she is a BAD story teller, just a DETAILED one.

3 - Mashed Potato - Holy Moly Girlfriend Can Eat Potatoes!! When my Mom makes dinner's for all of us she will peel and mash a zillion potatoes - usually there will be a bowl out on the counter and another one lurking in the oven to pull out after Keri makes her way through the line. Keri is this little bitty thing and somehow manages to eat pounds of potatoes and go back for 2nds.

4 - Speaking of Eating - I thought her stories were long...I have only seen one other person eat ALMOST as slowly as Keri; that person was Trav's Aunt Carol. We would make sure Carol dished up first hoping she would be close to half way finished by the time the rest of us scarfed down our meal. Keri will take hours to eat her dinner and will often heat it up once or twice before she is through. Oh, she will do other things in between, but she eventually gets it eaten.

5 - Lip Gloss - Keri ALWAYS has a spare lip-gloss hanging around for us to try on or for Amy to con away from her. Plus, it is always the good kind that makes your lips tingle and puff up.

6 - Make-up pucker - If you ever have the chance to watch Keri apply her make-up...take it. I still don't understand how she learned to apply mascara, but it PAINS me to watch the process. I feel like a bad sister when I watch it - why didn't one of her 3 older sisters show her? In the end it always looks great, but the journey...The part I LOVE, however, is the way she purses her mouth in a kiss like pucker as she does her make-up. It is so cute and endearing AND yes, it is funny too.

7 - Sweet, Sweet Mama - Keri has turned out to be one of the cutest little mother's I know. Seerie Bird is so lucky to have such an incredible sweet Mother. Seerie will never lack for love and it has been wonderful and humbling to watch Keri with her little daughter. She is so proud of her and Keri's eyes just shine when she looks at her little baby girl.

8 - Hugs, Hugs, Hugs - Keri is a hugger...like me. Keri hugs you the minute she sees you, you might get a hug sometime during the time you are together and you DEFINETLY get a hug when you leave. These aren't the one armed pat you on the back hugs either. Keri hugs both arms firmly around you with enough of a pause to push the love through, but not too long to feel awkward.

9 - Writer - I don't know if everyone knows this, but Keri is actually quite a good writer. She is a poet. She has only shared a few things with me, but I have thought about her writing quite a bit over the last several years and wonder if she takes the time to work on it? Keri writes emotion well and I would enjoy reading more of her creative works.

10 - Perseverance - As I was looking for a good word to describe something I love about Keri I came up with this one. It means: steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. I originally thought of endurance...but what I wanted to say is that Keri doesn't give up - she keeps going and will change course when she decides it is best. She doesn't just endure the challenges that come her way, she persists in working through them. I love this about her.

That was easy...I could actually go on...Keri is one of those people that loves other people. She is friendly, smiles all the time, likes to have fun and has a heart of gold - OH, she can be a princess as well, stubborn, bossy...a real red headed spit fire, but she is a pretty cool cat most of the time.

Happy Birthday Little Sister!!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: ""If you want trouble... find yourself a redhead."

Cute Ker Bear w/her husband Golden and Seerie Bird

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day #188 - A Moment for Kind Words

Today was another crazy day filled to the brim with needs...I need my numbers, I need to know, I need time...on an on. This part of my job I actually enjoy even though it might not seem like it. I like to feel I am making a difference. I DON'T like to feel I am not getting to things quickly enough or that my clients don't trust me enough to wait for a call back.

There are a few people that will sit and call back to back until I pick up the call. I will sit on the phone with another client and just watch the same number pop up over and over again. I don't understand what they hope to accomplish with that behavior - I suppose I give them what they want when I put the person I am talking to on hold or holler over the cubicle to Sheryle to pick up my line. These are the moments that I allow to make me crazy.

During one of these post crazy moments I was talking to a client who had patiently waited for a call back, so when I did call back, I had the answers to all his questions ready to go at my fingertips. We talked for several minutes about his purchase costs, strategized about his listing and then I asked how his house hunting trip had gone. He just started gushing about the agent we had assigned to work with him. He said all the right things - "fantastic" "knowledgeable" "confidence" "so grateful", etc, He couldn't say enough about her service and how good he felt to know she was the one representing him.

I was so GLAD - I put my phone on DND (Do Not Disturb) and typed a Thank you note to the coordinator that minute and asked her to pass the message along to the assigned agent. It felt soooo good to take a few moments to push something positive out to someone else because I wanted to, not because I needed to.  I know how good it feels to be on the receiving end of those thoughts and feelings and I have decided to send a Thank you note every day at work from now on. Nothing elaborate, just a quick email, just a moment for a few kind words...

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "If you haven't any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble."  ~Bob Hope

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day #187 - What would you do?

I'm on the last CD of a Book on CD that I have been listening to in my car. This book has been driving me CRAZY!!! It is about a kid who gets tried as an adult at age 15 for brutally murdering a girl in his class and then goes to jail for 20 years to life. In a round about way you find out he is actually innocent and he got set up for the crime by his no good cousin. It is pretty graphic in its description of abuse and murder, so I won't recommend it, but I just cannot wrap my head around going to jail for 20 YEARS for a murder you didn't commit.

I have actually spent more time on this thought then I probably needed to, but I keep wondering "what would I do if I was in jail for years and years?" - I have convinced myself I would still be a productive human being...I decided I would have strong arms from doing push-ups all day, washboard abs and calves of steel. I would read (of course) and I would write. I decided I would get a degree in...maybe multiple things, like Psychology, Writing/English, Editing (is there such a degree?), etc. I think I would want to be a pen pal as well - not to kids...yuck/creepy...but to Oprah & Ellen - I would just write letters to the shows everyday for fun.

I wonder what my family would think? Would they come to visit me even if they believed I was guilty? I like to think they would. One thing that book pointed out to me yet again is how many unfortunate children there are in this world. It is maddening, really, to think about. It just doesn't seem possible that so many kids can end up with such bad luck when I had it so good.

I am not quite certain what the purpose of this post is...just something I have been thinking about and knowing I am so GLAD I am not in that situation and also wondering why I don't go ahead and do some of those things I think about doing in prison...? Sort of ironic to contemplate living out some of my desires when I no longer had the freedom to REALLY live them...Probably ought to re-think that.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "While we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions." Steven R. Covey

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day #186 - Ding Dong the Witch is Dead...

One of the News Anchors said tonight, "Like 9/11 you will always remember where you were when you heard the news Osama Bin Laden is dead". He was killed by USA special OPS on President Obama's orders. I was home laying on my couch watching a recording of the other big news this week - the wedding of the Prince of England when Travis came out to the loft and told me about the News Break.

I think it is ironic that just Friday I was thinking how a single event has the ability to put most of the world on the same page emotionally - I was thinking of William and Kate's wedding. I haven't really paid attention until this week and then I got a little caught up in all the tradition, "what will her dress look like" and wondering what hat I would have picked for the occasion - there were some REALLY odd ones - so I decided to record it. Kate did look beautiful.

Now I sit here after hearing all the celebration over the death of a terrorist and it feels sort of awkward to me. Don't get me wrong - I'm glad the dude is dead, but it seems strange to me to see hundreds of people out celebrating in the street. It is certainly a different kind of unity. I do hope the world will be a better place without such a man in it.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching."