Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day #70 - TV

FINALLY - we got a new TV. I know we don't NEED a TV and we did have a very big one that I hope I can find a photo of, but it started to break down. We called a TV repair man and they told us they don't have parts for the 12 year old Mitsubishi TV...We have dealt with White outs for about 5 months now and finally decided to move forward.

Today the Nerd Herd...I mean the Geek Squad, came out and installed our new humongous TV to the wall. If I had done this myself it would have taken about 10 hours - it only took this "geek" about 1.5 hours. It has already been a thrill to watch our shows on the big screen. I will try to take some photos tomorrow to share.

I Am Grateful,

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! How fun. I am excited to watch a show or two on this new bad boy.
