Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day #58 - Winter Prep

I was SOOOOO productive today and got all my Winter preparations completed including staining the mail box. I thought the time had past that I could get that particular chore done, but today was beautiful and I thought "what the heck might as well try to protect the box for winter". We also put away the patio furniture, organized the storage room, drained the fountain, removed the hoses from the exterior faucets and took down all the bird feeders. SCHWEW. I know it is not the most Sunday like activities, but it is scheduled to snow starting tomorrow and several days this week. Soon we will have many days off work due to the Holidays packed into November and December...a lovely time of year.

I also got my November centerpiece arranged:

At Least the Cat Seems to Like It

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote (even though I am not doing the cleanse anymore I still like the quotes): "To love what you do and feel that it matters - how could anything be more fun?" Katherine Graham

Gift #14 - I was planning to make Dinner for my sister Amy and her family, but Travis ended up not feeling well and we had to cancel. I did make lunch and we shared it with our friend Steve - he came up to mountain bike with Travis and I sent him home with Amy's White Bean Chicken Chili recipe for his wife and my good friend Jen. I did not intend to count that as my gift today, but I did send the recipe knowing my friend would enjoy the dish (at least hoping).

1 comment:

  1. oh man, I love that chilli! Wow...that is a lot to accomplish. What a great feeling to have that all taken care of and off your mind. You will probably have even more days off work because you cannot even get there....has that ever happened since you have moved to PC? Nice center piece. You say November Center you change it every month then? Fun idea.
