Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day #54 - COLOR


Maybe I got carried away with the fruit and vegetable purchases. I guess 'they' do say "don't go to the store hungry". Look how beautiful it is - all those colors. Then I decided to arrange them like Melissa always does with her coupon buys and it made me smile and feel cheerful looking at all that goodness and beauty. AND it made me hungry. I just wonder if I can really eat all that over the next few weeks before it goes "bye, bye".

I did decide to try a new green thing...Wheat Grass:

I am going to add it to my smoothy in the morning for breakfast. I heard it is packed full of delicious vitamins. Yummy. I have felt pretty good on this thing so far. The only hard part is the late afternoon. That is when I start to get sleepy and yawn a lot, but other than that, I am doing pretty good. I get hungry, but not starving; I sometimes have a headache, but not a migraine; I feel tired, but not weak. The only other weird thing that has happened a few times is I have felt an electrical charge in my upper back and once in my arms...I keep thinking I am imagining it, but it feels interesting if a little weird. Hopefully one of you out there doesn't recognize that as a sure sign of an impending stroke or heart attack!!

I don't mind eating just raw food. I wouldn't want to do it forever, but the fruit and veggies are pretty good by themselves. I want to incorporate MANY more fruits and vegetables into my diet. It does feel good to know what I am putting in my mouth is healthy.

This is the metaphorical me (Aries Ram) climbing out of the bad food choices I have made over my lifetime...Yes, those are my leftover sprouts that I just could not finish eating at dinner:

I promise I will figure out how to combine and mash my photos up...Again, look how lovely those colors are. I am so glad there are so many beautiful colors to look at in this world.

I Am Grateful,

Today's Diva Quote: "If you're going through hell, keep going" Winston Churchill

Gift #10 - I bought Travis some Summer Sausage (it's a bigun) at Costco today. He hates it when I do these cleanses, but he is very supportive of my efforts, so I thought I would get him something to snack on. Then on the way home I had to stop and get some tomatoes and he asked me to pick up some ice cream...his favorite, which of course I did. Both items I can easily resist while on the Diva cleanse.


  1. WoW! Yes, it is gorgeous. Yum! Good quote...

    I had a weird side effect also....not sure I want to post it....but then again, who cares, right? It is a fact of life and we are just talking about our physical bodies....the day I started the cleanse I got a roid. It was not from strain or anything like that. I got it the first day I cut all the fat out, and began eating raw. Weird huh? It is gone now....just like that when I started adding back in some fats and more protein. Yipes!!

  2. Good for you Heather!! I don't know that I could do that. Until chocolate is considered a fruit or vegetable a cleanse is a little out of my reach. :)But I must say those raspberries looked so yummy! I just wanted reach in and grab some.

  3. L - I have to tell you those rasberries...the best I have ever had. They are huge and juicy. I got them from Costco, maybe we should meet for lunch next week and I can bring you some...HB

  4. Costco produce is always delicious! I would love to go to lunch next week. I am only available Thursday and Friday though. Let me know if one of those days works for you.
