Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day #60 - Flannel Pajamas

Today pretty much blew big time. When I got home it was apparent my husbands day blew just as bad. As we started to bicker I realized the thing I wanted more then biting my husbands head off, kicking the dog and throwing the cat across the room was to wrap my big hair in a bun and change into my flannel pajamas for the night. Last years flannels had a whole in them and I recently purchased 2 new pairs and LOVE them!!

I wish I could tell you changing put me in a beautiful mood and my husband cheered up from my effervescent and infectious personality of charm and happiness, but really it just allowed me to sulk in pure comfort. Tonight that was enough. Plus, Trav and I kissed and made up before bedtime and Bart (the dog) and Echo (the cat) both snuggled with us on the couch. No permanent damage done by my overactive imagination.

I Am Grateful,

Gift #16 - Self Care Gift - Today I went to Barnes & Noble to pick out a leather journal. This journal will not have a specific purpose, but will be my "write anything you fell like writing" journal. It is definitely time for a special journal and I bought it just for me.

1 comment:

  1. Did you run out of Diva quotes? I had gotten used to those little guys. New journals are the best....I have three going right now...well, floating out there whenever I feel a need/or ambition to write in them. Food journal, gratitude journal, and general....I find myself mostly just writing in that one every six months when General Conf. rolls around again. Which is cool, because I just called it my "general" journal.

    TWO pair of flannels? Wow! But I guess you get way more opportunity to wear them in PC. I have to restrain myself from buying warm pjs....I just don't use them.....but I LOVE the thought of using them.

    I wish you and Trav a day without any wind.
