Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day #62 & 63 - Three Day Weekends

I know I neglected to post yesterday, but the day was full and at midnight when my friend left (Debi is in town) I was too tired to write my days post. This morning I left early to get my hair done (Kim is also in town) and then we were invited to Turkey dinner with Debi's family. It is sort of funny, but we end up going almost every year to various family functions and they no longer seem too surprised to see us there. It reminds me of DDB (Dana Desert Bar) when Aunt Diane and Uncle Jim would have the same friends show up weekly until we expected to see them there - Trav and I seem to be those friends at Debi's family functions.

I got to take Friday off and spend the day with my friend. We ate lunch with two of her kids and then picked up her grandkids to bribe them with Pace's Ice Cream Sundaes. After that I kidnapped her up to my house where we hung out and talked and watched part of Tommy Boy with Travis and Deb's husband Mike until they left at midnight.

It is so great to be able to take time off work and not worry about who is manning the station. If I had a complaint, it is that Sheryle doubts herself and her abilities to hold down the fort. I have been working with her for years and have every confidence in her. I wish she could see herself as I see her in this one thing. She is capable, she knows what to do and she is one of those "helpful" people. I guess I mean, if she doesn't know how to help, she finds out. I am grateful Sheryle is able to cover for me.

I have to also thank Travis for "de-hairing" me today. I was in such a rush to leave so I wouldn't be late this morning that I neglected to realize my black shirt was covered in cat hair...whoops. He walked into the kitchen, where I was rinsing my plate of eggs he had made me for breakfast, and said,"No wife of mine is going out of the house looking like this." He made me stop and put my hands on the counter while he rolled me down with the tape thingy, back, front, sides. What a guy!!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Better is a dinner of vegetables where love is than a fatted ox and hatred with it." Author Unknown

Gift #18 - Remember how I bought that journal for myself? Well, I have a friend that has been concerning me lately with her depressed comments on facebook. I know she is going through a very difficult time and I worry that she cannot get past the bad stuff that is happening in her life. I know she needs to shift her focus so I got her a journal. I asked her to write just ONE THING she is grateful for each day. I also encouraged her to write down "why" she is grateful for it. I am hopeful that as she remembers the good things, her days will begin to look up.

Gift #19 - I was told dinner today would be at 3:00 p.m. Well, when my Mom says dinner is at 3:00 p.m. I can pretty much guarantee dinner will be on the table at 3...Travis and I were the first guests to arrive (no Debi was not even there) and no one else even got there until 4:00 - dinner was actually served at 5:00 p.m. In the meantime, I did my best to help in the kitchen and whatever else needed doing.


  1. Your time w/ Debi sounds excellent. That is cool that you guys are "the friends" , Why isn't she following your blog? Tommy Boy...what a classic. K and I really enjoyed that actor....was his name Matt??
    Love hearing Trav look out for you. Good guy!
    I hope that gal takes advantage of her journal. That could really be a blessing to her. Nice thoughtful gift.

    love, M

  2. Chris Farley. Very funny guy, untimely death. HB
