Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day #49 - Dress Up...

Every Halloween I get talked into dressing up at work. Sometimes it is fun and other times it is a hassle and doesn't work out right. One year a bunch of us at work dressed up as the Scooby Doo was pretty funny. One of our friends wore the Coldwell Banker yellow dog mascot as Scooby and I dressed up as was pretty shocking late in the day to look in the mirror and remember I was wearing a pretty lame excuse for a goatee that looked more like a disgustingly long flavor saver, but it was funny. Carrie made a PERFECT Velma and my friend Debi was times.

Last year I had to appreciate the simplicity of Angie's outfit. She wore all black and put a stamp on her chest..."Black Mail"...huh...Some might say this is lazy, but I thought it was BRILLIANT!! So I am taking a cue from her this year. I bought some Pom Poms and will put a sign around my neck that says "Go Ceiling"...Get it?

Most of the time I do like to dress up for "special" occasions besides Halloween. Today I had out of office meetings and wore a skirt and jacket, some of my favorite jewelry and actually combed my hair. I don't like to wear skirts ALL the time, but it is nice to know I made an effort and felt good about it all day. Most days I pull my hair into an up do (sp?) and call it good. Maybe it is weird that I call a meeting a special occasion and perhaps I should feel every day should be a special dress up day, but for now, I am just glad I have some options.

I Am Grateful,

Gift #7 - Today was fun - My Boss actually called me while I was in meetings; when I stepped out from the meeting to call him back he asked me if he could open the Fun Dip package. I laughed and said, "That's funny, now what can I do for you?" - he said, "No, I'm serious, I would like a Fun Dip". Pretty unbelievable, but funny. I decided my gift today was to share the gift I received yesterday. There were a few people who rejected the Fun Dip Gift, but almost everyone laughed and took a few and had some comment about the candy.

Forgot about the evidence left behind by "Fun Dipping"


  1. OK, Hug, I do not get it. Help me out.....

    I love that your boss called you out of a meeting to ask for a fun dip. Nice. I totally think a meeting is an occasion to dress up. You go girl!

  2. HA - Ceiling Fan...of course...HB
