Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day #34 - Thriller

Do you ever enjoy that jacked up feeling you get when something startles you so bad the adrenaline shoots right to your legs? In the moment it is super frightening, but then, when everything calms down a bit and it is not a bear breaking trees in your back yard making all those loud growling noises, but just another old moose walking through, it feels a bit thrilling that you came through that moment ok.

Don't get me wrong, I am NOT an adrenaline junky, but WHEW tonight I really did get a jolt and it was at least something interesting that happened today. I think I went right into flight mode and when I came down just a bit, my legs and gluts were totally shaking for several minutes afterward. It was something.

I learned a while back that some physical reactions mirror certain emotions and the one example that has stuck with me is "nervous" vs. "excited". Think about it...when you get nervous breathing gets more rapid and shallow, there are butterflies in your stomach, your hands sweat, sometimes a shaky feeling in the legs...when you get excited don't physical attributes exhibit in a similar way? Now when I get nervous I try to shift the emotion behind the feeling to excitement instead. In my class they called it "stepping left" when a shift in emotion was called for. Try it the next time you decide to sing karaoke or teach a class or start a blog...

Tomorrow I leave for the "Anticipation" trip to Minnesota. I will be gone until Monday night and don't know if I will have access to a computer. Lugging mine on a plan has turned out to be difficult, so I will have to see if I can blog everyday, but at worst I will write down what I want to say and put it to blog when I get back so I can continue with my goal.

Thanks for reading - now I need to go see where that bear, I mean moose, got off to...

I Am Grateful,


  1. Oh man.....yes, very accurate description of the two emotions - nervous/exited. Twins almost. Hey, but you forgot dry mouth, and memory loss. KEY players at least in my book. You just described my morning almost to a T, except my hands freeze instead of sweat. Something about my circulation I guess.

    Enjoy your super exciting trip. Like you said, you may have some catching up to do lady. You don't have the luxury as I do, to be hit and miss as the mood strikes you.

    I have lots to write about.....just have to do my have to dos first!

  2. Spot on! I can't remember what happened the other night that made me feel like that.. Golden asked me if I needed to run around the block to shake it off! haha.. Can't wait to hear about your trip!!
