Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day #30 - Mile Stones

I was going to write about something totally different today, but it is day thirty of my gratitude blog, a mile stone of sorts, so I changed course.

Mile stones are important to me and there are so many. Some of my big ones include the day I learned to drive and then drove a car on my own for the first time (not to forget the first speeding ticket (ugh), the first kiss, the first boyfriend, graduating high school, the first job and that glorious paycheck, living on my own, buying my own car, getting engaged and then married, the first year anniversary and then the 16th just this year, the first promotion at work, the 1-year all clear after my cancer diagnosis, our first house & our second house, the death of my dear Father-in-law & various grandparents and the realization that I can be touched by life AND the loss of life...the list goes on and on.

There are so many mile stones in our lives and they are different for each of us. I feel that I should take a moment to recognize mine and the effect they have had on who I am and who I will be. This is one thing I love about life experience in general - nothing stays the same; even the bad things can create good experiences. They also never keeps creating mile stones that shape us.

There are so many more mile stones to look forward to and so much to experience in the now. I talk & think a lot about the future when right now is where the action is; now is where those mile stones are being created. I am so glad I am taking the time each day to capture them.

I Am Grateful,

1 comment:

  1. Well said.

    I don't know.....I am just getting over a milestone of my own. It was probably the most creepy milestone of my life. I do not know how much good will come out of it, if any.

    pls refer to my blog.
