I have a small drawer filled with various make-up products. I felt adventurous today and decided to use a new eye compact I got from Avon. The thing I love about this fun new eye shadow is the no nonsense "here's how to apply it" instructions. Sure you can vary the application, but this makes it quick and easy when I am in a hurry.
Have you ever noticed when you apply your make-up differently people give you compliments on other things. I have noticed it in the past, but today I was paying attention. One person asked me if I just had my hair done, my cubicle partner said she thought I looked good today (head tilt pause) I really like that color on you (a shirt I wear at least every other week that has never been mentioned before) and a girl at the store told me she was going to copy my eye make up (more of a direct compliment, but still interesting); don't they say "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"?
I have always loved make-up. I remember the first time I tried blush I must have messed it up because Mom was talking to a neighbor when I proudly strutted into the room and she said "oh, Heather is just learning about make-up, we will work on the blush". Yes, it was embarrassing and crushing to a 12 year old, but it didn't seem to dampen my efforts at all.
I used to watch my sister Melissa do her make-up and she would always burn the tip of her eye liner with a lighter. I still have a lighter in my make-up drawer just-in-case the liner is too hard for application. I still wear my eye liner too thick, but that is how I feel most comfortable. I have also watched Keri apply her make-up...she makes the craziest faces; I'm sure we all do, but nobody applies make-up quite like Bear does.
I also like variety in make-up. I know a lot of people that apply the exact same make-up every day. I challenge you to mix it up a bit. Try a smokey eye at night or a different color of lipstick. Sure, sometimes the experiment doesn't work out...so start over, or wear it around anyway. Have fun with it...what is the worst that can happen? You will always have the old stand by make-up close at hand.
I Am Grateful,
I've always thought your make-up looks great. I do not wear make-up. Mostly because I am not good at applying it or choosing colors that look good on me. Plus I CAN'T STAND the feel of foundation. It bothers me sooooo much. Occasionally I will put on some eyeshadow, mascara and blush but not very often. I am also afraid of getting in the rut of feeling like I can't go out without make-up on.
ReplyDeleteHug that is sooooooo true!!! just monday we were at goldens mom's house and I had actually done my eye makeup, well only put a little white shadow on, and both of goldens brothers told me they really liked my hair.... OH. I actually had changed my hair since I had seen them so maybe that's really what they were noticing... Oops... haha.
ReplyDeleteI must say thank you, thank you, thank you for teaching me the art of make-up when I was just a young lad.(I still cannot put on my mascara w/out getting it all over my eyelids.. dangit!)
I remember watching all of my 3 older sisters put on their makeup on many different occasions and longing for the day when I too would be able to engage in such things... I wore more make-up in jr high than I have the whole rest of my life, but it was always so fun to experiment! I must say that I rarely take the time anymore...
Golden and I found a bunch of my old pics the other day (a bunch w/josh, some w/nate, a couple w/brady, AND a few w/ray!! lol) I had forgotten about that stash apparently.. so golden said, "you never wear eye make-up any more. It looks really good." As I was shredding my old photos I really was admiring my make-up. I am for sure going to make more of an effort to get dolled up for my husband!!!!! besides it always makes me feel so good to try new make-up!! Thanks for the reminder hug! Love you, K
p.s. I'm trying to put in spaces now, I figured out why it wasn't letting me! :) and I don't have time to read the ones I'm behind, so I will get back to my comments later... please refer to my blog...
Yo- Yo. Yes, I, like you, do love to experiment and just have fun w/ make up. I get to try lots of new kinds w/ my couponing hobby. It is not intimidating to get daring and try new things when you get it for free. Whooohoo!
ReplyDeleteI remember the lighter and the eyeliner also. It has not been too many years since I have not done that. I guess I either buy better eye liner now....or maybe they have changed the recipe all together.
I agree, I have seen Keri apply also.....I is different. The arching of the brows, the cheerio circle w/ the lips. It is definitely fascinating.
I need to look that song up.....
Hey - Sweet comments everybody. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteLori - I actually thought about you when I wrote this because I know you don't really wear make up, but it is still fun once in a while. It must be freeing NOT to wear it too.
Sisters Mine - I think it is a sweet gig to be part of a family to learn from, I'm realizing it more and more.