Monday, October 11, 2010

Day #32 - Gym Shorts

I must say I am grateful I made it to the gym today. WHY is it so HARD to find the motivation to get there? Once I am there it is GREAT. I love how good I feel afterward, I like working hard, I like feeling tired after lifting weights, I like being sore the next day...I was doing so good for a while when Bart was able to walk everyday and now it is like starting over AGAIN...

Since I am trying to live in the moment and not in the future, I guess I just need to embrace today's effort. No looking back and looking forward just enough to plan. That seems to be the key for me - planning and paying attention to make sure I follow that plan. For instance, don't wait until 10 minutes before I leave to make that call I've been avoiding all day and then taking 45 minutes to wrap it up. If I just leave at 5 as per plan I can still make it home by 6:30-6:45 p.m. in time for dinner.

You might be wondering at #32's Title...I know an agent with that name, well sort of...I LOVE IT!! Pretty clever when you think about it; who would ever forget your name if it is "Jim Shorts"? Plus, he is super funny. Every time he calls I end up laughing, until he tries to get out of his referral fee that is...tsk, tsk, Jim. AND of course every time he calls I think about going to the gym, even if it is a short 30 minutes. I can accomplish a lot in 30 minutes.

My Friend Kim and her friend Nicole decided to train for a body building competition...HOLY COW! Kim dropped lots of weight and her arms are defined & strong and she looks terrific and Nicole actually took 1st place overall in the competition. I cannot believe how muscular she looks. Kim decided not to compete in this one. I am not interested in doing something like that, but it is impressive what they accomplished and I was surprised how little training they actually did - it was only about an hour a day...I still can hardly believe it. Oh, plus they ate a VERY strict diet. I always conveniently forget that part...:)

Anyway, today I am thankful for gym shorts...short workouts that do a lot for me, although I did a full hour today (I have to give myself props).

I Am Grateful,


  1. Hey there, I took a little time off w/ my blog. Hopefully I will be back on track tomorrow. That is amazing about those two ladies....very cool. I have wondered about what it would be like to beef up the muscles and get all ripped. Kinda hard to imagine. Seems imposible.
    I like that sore feeling also. Very gratifying. Not pain.....just muscles letting us know their were worked good and hard. Tell Gym hi for me.

  2. I have noticed you have been taking your time on the blogging.

    I should figure out how to link to the photos of the competition - it is crazy how huge she looks, but I saw her a few weeks ago and she must just be REALLY pumped up for the competition. Honestly, they lifted one hour a day...that is all. I thought you'd have to do 4 hours a day to get that buff...not so.

    You also inspire me with your running and healthy habbits. One more thing to aspire to.

