Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day #45 - The Greener Grass

Today the rain is REALLY coming down and I have a leak in the roof of the mud room. After 4 roofers it is still leaking. Now, as I sit here writing this I hear some drips behind me and the window in the loft is leaking as well. Sometimes I just want to throw my hands up and be done with it, but even with all the issues we have had recently, I feel so blessed.

On Friday I was talking to one of my transferees and somehow I got her to spill her life story to me. She told me how her very successful husband had been in a horrible car accident several years back and has had many surgeries and ongoing head trauma that has created difficulties holding a job. This is why she is now the bread winner of the family. She also shared how one of her children had been addicted to Meth and how that has affected the family. I worked with this family twice in two years to move them and so of course they were not able to sell the home they bought last year in a declining market for what they owe on it and we have been assisting them with a short sale, then when they moved into their rental here in SLC, the car they had parked on the street was totalled in a hit and run....It seems the list goes on and on.

She did not tell me this to whine or complain, I actually encouraged her to share with me. Sometimes hearing someone elses struggles helps to put mine in perspective.

I Am Grateful,

Gift #4 - Made dinner for Keri and Golden who were good enough to drive up here today. It felt more like a gift to me to have them here. We had two new soup recipes - Melissa's Cheez Wiz soup (yummy) and a sausage potato soup we tried out of the Good House Keeping magazine.


  1. Man, that ladies story sure does put it in perspective. Our little roof leaks...yep, got one to that will not be fixed. It is persistent and will endure until we probably have to rip off the entire play room roof and start fresh. gets you thinking doesn't it? About peoples lives and what they are dealing with that is unknown to everybody else. Lets cherish the lives we're blessed with, and the roof leaks that are ours.

    Fun soup night!!

    This morning I gave the gift of reaching out to another mom on the way home from dropping M at school. I was biking home and coming up on another mother that had dropped her child off at school. It would have been acceptable to peddle right on by and just say a happy "good morning"....but I rode up beside her and talked with her and got to know who this person was. She lives just a few streets down from us. Has 3 kids, been here two years, from Atlanta, named Laura....and more. I will watch for her in the future.

  2. It is most def true, I will take my trials and problems over any one else's.. Any day of the week! It's maybe not the nxt thing you'd rather do on your list, get a new roof, but you sure will enjoy it when you do! Your new carpet, and tile in your basement look very nice by the way (I know that one was not on your list)!!! I woke up to snow up in these bountiful mountains, So I'm certain you got snow last night!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for having us up last night! I remember the cheez whizzy soup from when melissa lived here, (it is so yummy) and soup is my favorite when it's starting to get cold out. It's so good to see you and trav, we love our time w/you guys!

    Nice min, on the chatting w/your neighbor... Let's see.. the other day my neighbor directly across the hall opened her door the exact time as I did, Gasp! We startled each other. We also each had a baby loaded in a stroller, although she was all dressed up for the day (I can tell she's European, her shoes, jacket, scarf, are all made out of really nice fabrics and tailored) Although I must admit I was hauling down the hall, partly cuz I was in a hurry to make it to amy's, partly cuz I was avoiding chatting w/her.. only to see she was going the same way as me, so we spent the elevator ride talking about our babies, teething, etc... It was nice. I'm happy she wasn't in the same mode as I was, and I would say that was a gift for me... :)
