Monday, October 4, 2010

Day #25 - Schnoz Berries

Have you noticed how the months all have different smells? Maybe I should say the seasons, but even the months can smell different. Today it rained and the wood from the trees, especially the pines, was so delicious - deep breaths are so enticing when the air is crisp and fresh. Soon it will be cold enough we will start to smell the hearth fires burning and when you go into certain stores you will smell the pine cones scented with cinnamon to signal the holiday season is near. One of my favorite seasons is the spring. I won't even realize it is here until I walk by a lilac bush that is just starting to flower. Ooooohhhhh, how I LOVE that smell. Even snow has a certain smell, although I wouldn't know how to describe it.

I was imagining what Melissa's state smells like at certain times of the year. Do you smell the Ocean? Do you smell the grapefruit trees and other citrus fruits? If so, when does the smell come about - when it flowers or when the fruit comes out?

The sense of smell is used a lot in sales. Home sellers are encouraged to bake cookies before an open house - who doesn't relate delicious cooking smells to home. I love the smell of gasoline, new cars, tires, paint, glue...In fact, on Saturday I went to a carpet store to pick out the new carpet for my basement and couldn't help taking in that new carpet smell. I mentioned it to the store owner and he said he never notices anymore because he has been around it for so long. I hope I can always smell my favorite things.

One of my ALL TIME FAVORITE smells is my MOM. She doesn't always smell the same, but there are certain perfumes that always remind me of her. A woman might get on the elevator and suddenly my breath deepens as I take in the smell of some perfume and I think "mmmm, Mom". Every time I hug her, I take a big whiff.

I Am Grateful,

1 comment:

  1. I love smell association also. I am with you, one particular perfume mom wears or at least used to wear would always take me back to her and dad taking off to the temple w/ their little suit cases. It seemed like a big event...kinda mysterious also.

    There are great smells here as well. Yes, the ocean has a wonderful scent, but just like snow, I would not be able to describe it. I love that snow smell. Can't wait for it. Todays weather was so magnificent.....nice and cool in the morning, I even opened the windows until about noonish. Now is the time to get out into the yard. That is my plan for the remainder of the week.

    When I run I really notice the smells. Someone washing and I am loving the fabric is always the same smell from this particular house. It always amazes me. The Jasmine is the best, most powerful smell as far as flowers go. I love that. Yes, Orange blossoms smell wonderful. Baked bread, and always, always fresh backed cookies!!!
