Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day #42 - A Sunday Drive on Thursday

Today Travis made me come home an hour early so he could drive me into Park City proper to see the leaves. The Oaks finished turning a week or two ago and now the Aspens are going crazy yellow. Some of the Aspens even turn a bright yellow/orange - they almost glow in certain light.

Travis will often take me on what I think of as a "Sunday Drive". I call them this because my parents seem to like to go on long pointless drives on a lazy Sunday afternoon. When we were younger they would ask us if we wanted to go with them. A lot of the time I wouldn't really want to go, but I went anyway just in case I might miss something exciting. I will throw the question out there to see if my sisters remember those long drives to check out various neighborhoods (my parents have this thing with houses), changing leaves, one of the old houses we lived in to see how it looks now, etc.?

Well, Travis often takes me out to check on a new bike route he is interested in trying, to look at leaves, to figure out what/where certain local hot spots are, drive over Guardsman's Pass, etc. I really enjoy these jaunts and the time we spend together. It was a fun reason to leave work early today.

I Am Grateful,

Gift Day #1
This is how simple I am making I returned the call of the RS President to volunteer to bring dinner to someone who might need it in the neighborhood. I didn't actually bring dinner to anyone today, but I consciously returned a call I was sort of avoiding and opened myself up to this person because I wanted to. I am hoping I have the opportunity to bring dinner to someone in my new area soon.

1 comment:

  1. yes, of course I remember the drives. all of us kids would constantly complain. I did not get it at the time at all. Now I of course enjoy the drives. It is relaxing and enjoyable.....but now the tables have turned.....and our kids hate them!!! Just can't win! You are lucky to have such magnificent scenery!

    Nice returned phone call. love it.
