Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day #33 - Remember When...

As I stood at the "super fax, copy, scan, birth a baby" machine at work I remembered when I had to fax every document I sent out. I remember when I used to have to type the ERC forms for agents on the old electric type writer and when I made a mistake how glad I was that I was using the one with the whiteout reverse function instead of the even older version that required that sticky whiteout that never seemed to dry fast enough. Now they make those cool white out sticks that have a magic strip that comes out dry - like a sticker. Inventors are BRILLIANT.

I even remember the contracts that came in triplicates - I could never make a mistake on those because the pages on back showed it...I hated doing those things. It took forever because I had to type super slow so I wouldn't mess it up and have to start over.

I think it is amazing how quickly things change. I have seen TONS of changes over the years in the office. Almost everything is communicated via email; when just a few years ago I would have 32 messages in 2 hours, I have 50 emails instead. It seems with the changes in technology comes the trade off of true interaction with people. I still talk plenty with clients, but not as much as I used to. It also seems technology allows a person to do more work in less time. I was thinking about all those calls the other day wondering how I used to do it when I was so busy and I think I just now realized, I may be a tiny bit less busy, but the difference is really email. THAT is why I don't get those 32 messages on a long lunch break anymore.

I have to say though, that "super fax, copy, scan, birth a baby" machine really is the bomb. I LOVE scanning and emailing documents. They are easy to track, they come out MUCH cleaner on the other end and I don't have to worry if Sheryle...I mean "someone" forgot to load the machine with paper (this is a joke because everyone avoids loading paper into the "super fax, copy, scan, birth a baby" machine except Sheryle - she is such a good sport).

There is NOTHING worse then pushing print and expecting to hear the machine giving birth to my special delivery and NOT hearing that sound...pushing print again, for some reason thinking after the zillionth time this has happened over the years this might be the problem, and walking over to find out your project before this one, the one with 24 pages, used up the last of the paper. Whoops.

For that "super fax, copy, scan, birth a baby" machine, and Sheryle...

I Am Grateful,

1 comment:

  1. Nice all encompassing name. Technology is pretty sweet. I am trying to embrace my new phone and all its capacities. It is a big thing around here to play "Words With Friends"....it is a free app and a lot like Scrabble I hear. A few friends are asking me to sign up. I probably will, but when in the world do you have time to play? You know what I mean? That is about the last thing I need is another "distraction". I guess they just have the game going all the time and play their turn whenever they have a sec and feel like it. I am sure it is not a biggie. I am enjoying my phone, but I am sure I have not even scratched the surface of it's capabilities. Time. Just takes time.
