Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day #27 - Quirks...

Everyone has them...I think a lot of the time they are annoying, but think about the quirks people display and then picture them without them...that would be zero fun at all.

I was starting to write a list and realized people might not like me displaying their quirks for my zillions of readers to see (HA!!), so I will do my best to be discretionary with the understanding that these are some of the things I love best about the people in my life.

For the record "quirk" in this case simply means: a peculiarity of action, behavior or personality; mannerism

I have been married to Travis for 16 years and only noticed in the last five that he ALWAYS has to take a bite of food standing in the kitchen after dishing up before he will go sit down to eat. ALWAYS. I think I originally noticed it when he dishes up first and I am waiting for him. Now I just wait for the bite and then start dishing up my own plate. I used to tease him about it and he informed me he is just checking to make sure the food does not need salt...still quirky...

My Boss sniffs. He actually had nose surgery and I didn't notice it for a while, but it always lets me know he is coming around the cubicle corner...I hear him first.

Debi winks one eye when she laughs...I actually caught that quirk from her and sometimes catch myself winking at people when I get my chuckle on.

Even the blog has a quirk - every time I go to post a comment on someone else's site, I have to write a code word...they are always similar in sound or letters to something real, but JUST out of reach, like: Rumjo, Brodw,Tibbdu, Qubtish, Utipser...I keep thinking I should write them all down and make a language out of those words...I think it could be done.

As for my own Quirks...I'm sure there are many, but Travis told me the other day he would like to write about how I spill on my shirt EVERY DAY and somehow always act surprised every time it happens. Sigh.

For these quirks that keep us interesting, drive our loved ones a tiny bit crazy and make us unique individuals...

I Am Grateful,

I would love it if you shared some of your family's quirks - don't forget to list one for is only fair.


  1. You know, I believe I have seen you do the wink thing....I am pretty sure I liked it. Oh my heck....! You do spill on your shirt all the time...doesn't mom do the same thing?

    I will have to think about the quirk thing....not sure I have any. : )

  2. I know I have quirks, but I'm probably so used to doing them that I don't notice them! IDK - You tell me what my quirks are.


  3. Oh yeah, and that one about JC - SO TRUE. Lol!
