I have a lot of things rolling around in my head this evening, some of it pretty sentimental actually, but I am going with what I believe my sister calls "playback books" (?) I call them 'books on tape' - haven't listened to a tape version for quite some time, but LOVE the CD's.
I have mentioned before that I listen to these books on the way to and from work, but I also listen at the Gym (when I make it there), while cleaning the house, working in the yard, walking the dog and tonight while painting my toe and fingernails. It gives me that great feeling of doing what I want to do, while doing what I need to at the same time.
The other thing I really like about them is there is such a huge variety at the library and they are FREE (unless you're me and you always manage to bring the books back late). I usually buy the "self help" books to listen to, but it is fun to browse at the library for things I might not normally read. Right now I am on my 3rd book about Agent Pendergast (sp?) and it is actually riveting to listen to, but I doubt I could sit down and read through it. I guess the bad part about listening to books is I don't write down the words I don't know to look up later (usually not in a place to write) and I obviously don't know how to spell that guys name since I don't read it every few pages...Ah well, there are always trade offs.
The best use for the book on tape is the long road trip. Trav and I love to bring along one or two books to listen to when we drive to Vegas or Colorado, etc. It certainly makes the time go by much more quickly. Some books have been GREAT and others LAME, but always better then fighting over what kind of music to listen to (Lady Gaga or the Doors???).
I Am Grateful,
Gift #9 - I had the honor of purchasing some coats for the Coat Drive my company is sponsoring this fall. My Company is actually pretty involved in many different organizations, so we get a lot of opportunity to participate. I happened upon these very reasonably priced coats and took the opportunity to grab some up. I hate thinking about all the need out there and, once again, thinking about another persons misfortune has made me more grateful for my own life.
I desire my new focus to be on learning...new skills, certainly, but mostly on my life's lessons. I believe we are meant to learn from each new experience, each memory, each relationship, good and bad situations, each obstacle and each success...why not look for those lessons and embrace them each day? New focus beginning April 18, 2012. “Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.” ~Vernon Howard
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Day #50 - Just Do It!!
We had a company pot luck this afternoon. Our poor corporate office has really shrunk right along with the economy over the last several years. We went from 50 to about 30 in 3 months and then from 30 to about 20 in the last 2 years, so whenever we have a party it feels pretty small. Today's Halloween bash was just that way and even fewer people dressed up. My lack of effort was more then most made, but there are always a few that go all out.
I was volunteered by Sheryle to be in charge of games. This was after I went on and on about the "silly" games we played at Trav's family party a while back. So I did a few "minute to win it" games. Of course there were only a handful of people that would play. Somehow I won the "cookie face" game hands down - only one other person even got the cookie from forehead to mouth and it was hilarious to watch people try. My boss was so embarrassed - it was pretty funny. At least he participated even though he felt awkward.
The thing is, how do you know (insert many 'whats' here), if you don't even try? How do you know you won't have fun? How do you know you won't win some pretty snazzy swag? How do you know you won't like that punch with those weird shrunken apple heads floating in it? How do you know you won't learn something new and interesting about that person that works 5 cubies over from you? How do you know they won't learn and like something about you?
I am pretty much a stick in the mud type individual..."no, that's ok, I'll just watch". More and more I realize the importance of contributing/participating in life going on around me. There are a lot of reasons I 'watch' rather then 'do' and I am still working on it.
Today I chose to participate...
I Am Grateful,
I was volunteered by Sheryle to be in charge of games. This was after I went on and on about the "silly" games we played at Trav's family party a while back. So I did a few "minute to win it" games. Of course there were only a handful of people that would play. Somehow I won the "cookie face" game hands down - only one other person even got the cookie from forehead to mouth and it was hilarious to watch people try. My boss was so embarrassed - it was pretty funny. At least he participated even though he felt awkward.
The thing is, how do you know (insert many 'whats' here), if you don't even try? How do you know you won't have fun? How do you know you won't win some pretty snazzy swag? How do you know you won't like that punch with those weird shrunken apple heads floating in it? How do you know you won't learn something new and interesting about that person that works 5 cubies over from you? How do you know they won't learn and like something about you?
I am pretty much a stick in the mud type individual..."no, that's ok, I'll just watch". More and more I realize the importance of contributing/participating in life going on around me. There are a lot of reasons I 'watch' rather then 'do' and I am still working on it.
Today I chose to participate...
I Am Grateful,
I was a Ceiling Fan...There is a sign on my shirt and "Go" on my cheeks.
Isn't there a way to shrink these pictures a bit...Gheesh.
LOOK AT THIS GUY - 6 months old you say? This is my friend Carrie from work and her little snuggle muffin. I had to grab him and hug on him a little today...SOOOO CUTE!!
Gift #8 - I made a quick trip to the store and was on the phone with my friend in Boston. I was sitting in my car in the parking lot while we talked about his rental house and I noticed a store employee attempting to bring some carts back to the store. She had 2 big carts on a hook and line (don't know how else to describe it) in one hand and she was trying to grab a smaller cart with her other hand. The two on the line went wild and hit a car. She chased them down and lost the small cart which bounced off another car, she got the two under control and lost the little one AGAIN!! I was sort of chuckling while my friend was talking about his bad rental experience, when I realized I could probably help. I finally just told my friend "I GOTTA GO, call ya right back". I rushed to the rescue, only another lady beat me to it...I kindly informed her that this was MY GIFT and to GET OUT OF THE WAY...just kidding of course. It was nice to notice someone else in giving action. The kind lady took the small cart and I offered to drive the other two into the store...the worker seemed relieved...I hope the cars didn't damage those carts. :)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Day #49 - Dress Up...
Every Halloween I get talked into dressing up at work. Sometimes it is fun and other times it is a hassle and doesn't work out right. One year a bunch of us at work dressed up as the Scooby Doo Gang...it was pretty funny. One of our friends wore the Coldwell Banker yellow dog mascot as Scooby and I dressed up as Shaggy...it was pretty shocking late in the day to look in the mirror and remember I was wearing a pretty lame excuse for a goatee that looked more like a disgustingly long flavor saver, but it was funny. Carrie made a PERFECT Velma and my friend Debi was Daphne...fun times.
Last year I had to appreciate the simplicity of Angie's outfit. She wore all black and put a stamp on her chest..."Black Mail"...huh...Some might say this is lazy, but I thought it was BRILLIANT!! So I am taking a cue from her this year. I bought some Pom Poms and will put a sign around my neck that says "Go Ceiling"...Get it?
Most of the time I do like to dress up for "special" occasions besides Halloween. Today I had out of office meetings and wore a skirt and jacket, some of my favorite jewelry and actually combed my hair. I don't like to wear skirts ALL the time, but it is nice to know I made an effort and felt good about it all day. Most days I pull my hair into an up do (sp?) and call it good. Maybe it is weird that I call a meeting a special occasion and perhaps I should feel every day should be a special dress up day, but for now, I am just glad I have some options.
I Am Grateful,
Gift #7 - Today was fun - My Boss actually called me while I was in meetings; when I stepped out from the meeting to call him back he asked me if he could open the Fun Dip package. I laughed and said, "That's funny, now what can I do for you?" - he said, "No, I'm serious, I would like a Fun Dip". Pretty unbelievable, but funny. I decided my gift today was to share the gift I received yesterday. There were a few people who rejected the Fun Dip Gift, but almost everyone laughed and took a few and had some comment about the candy.
Last year I had to appreciate the simplicity of Angie's outfit. She wore all black and put a stamp on her chest..."Black Mail"...huh...Some might say this is lazy, but I thought it was BRILLIANT!! So I am taking a cue from her this year. I bought some Pom Poms and will put a sign around my neck that says "Go Ceiling"...Get it?
Most of the time I do like to dress up for "special" occasions besides Halloween. Today I had out of office meetings and wore a skirt and jacket, some of my favorite jewelry and actually combed my hair. I don't like to wear skirts ALL the time, but it is nice to know I made an effort and felt good about it all day. Most days I pull my hair into an up do (sp?) and call it good. Maybe it is weird that I call a meeting a special occasion and perhaps I should feel every day should be a special dress up day, but for now, I am just glad I have some options.
I Am Grateful,
Gift #7 - Today was fun - My Boss actually called me while I was in meetings; when I stepped out from the meeting to call him back he asked me if he could open the Fun Dip package. I laughed and said, "That's funny, now what can I do for you?" - he said, "No, I'm serious, I would like a Fun Dip". Pretty unbelievable, but funny. I decided my gift today was to share the gift I received yesterday. There were a few people who rejected the Fun Dip Gift, but almost everyone laughed and took a few and had some comment about the candy.
Forgot about the evidence left behind by "Fun Dipping"
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Day #48 - Fun Dip Friend
Yesterday I was talking with my co-worker and friend Kaylee about Halloween candy, which segued into other candy discussion, not an unusual segue for us. I asked if she ever ate those candy sticks that you lick and dip into flavored sugar. I used to love those things. She did indeed know what I was talking about and had an acceptable level of appreciation for the candy.
I arrived at work today and what was sitting on my desk but a whole box of "Fun Dips". There were two flavors in the box "Razz Apple Magic Dip" & "Cherry Yum Diddly Dip". Obviously I knew who had left the treat for me and I thought it was super sweet of her to go to the expense and trouble to bring me back my childhood treat. She told me she had walked into the store and they were just sitting there - how could she resist.
I left the package on my desk all day and everyone seemed to notice them. My Boss in particular was interested in the package. He made a good point when he asked why there was always only 2 sticks in the package, but 3 flavors to dip the stick in? He said that always bothered him. I think it was Kaylee that told me she always liked the candy stick better then the dip and would usually find another use for the sugared dip. Almost everyone that stopped by my desk today had a comment or memory to make about that particular treat. I actually took pictures, but did not have my memory card in and do not have the cable handy...will attach tomorrow.
Kaylee also gave me a new treat to put out at fall parties - just dump peanuts and candy corns into a bowl and serve as a treat. When eaten together they taste just like the Payday candy bar. Thanks Kay!
I Am Grateful,
Gift #6 - I made a concerted effort today to make eye contact with the people I met in the elevator and say "Hello" etc. A few people were actually pretty funny. I also went to the store at lunch today and stood behind a woman in the express lane that was taking FOREVER to check out. Then the girl had my stuff all rang up and was waiting for me to pay before the woman moved far enough out of the way for me to swipe my card. I felt myself growing impatient and took a deep breath and reminded myself "life is about relationships" and made eye contact and said "hello" as I walked past her on my way out. Eye contact is a pretty powerful tool. It is also interesting how often I choose NOT to make eye contact with people...probably a post for another day.
I arrived at work today and what was sitting on my desk but a whole box of "Fun Dips". There were two flavors in the box "Razz Apple Magic Dip" & "Cherry Yum Diddly Dip". Obviously I knew who had left the treat for me and I thought it was super sweet of her to go to the expense and trouble to bring me back my childhood treat. She told me she had walked into the store and they were just sitting there - how could she resist.
I left the package on my desk all day and everyone seemed to notice them. My Boss in particular was interested in the package. He made a good point when he asked why there was always only 2 sticks in the package, but 3 flavors to dip the stick in? He said that always bothered him. I think it was Kaylee that told me she always liked the candy stick better then the dip and would usually find another use for the sugared dip. Almost everyone that stopped by my desk today had a comment or memory to make about that particular treat. I actually took pictures, but did not have my memory card in and do not have the cable handy...will attach tomorrow.
Kaylee also gave me a new treat to put out at fall parties - just dump peanuts and candy corns into a bowl and serve as a treat. When eaten together they taste just like the Payday candy bar. Thanks Kay!
I Am Grateful,
Gift #6 - I made a concerted effort today to make eye contact with the people I met in the elevator and say "Hello" etc. A few people were actually pretty funny. I also went to the store at lunch today and stood behind a woman in the express lane that was taking FOREVER to check out. Then the girl had my stuff all rang up and was waiting for me to pay before the woman moved far enough out of the way for me to swipe my card. I felt myself growing impatient and took a deep breath and reminded myself "life is about relationships" and made eye contact and said "hello" as I walked past her on my way out. Eye contact is a pretty powerful tool. It is also interesting how often I choose NOT to make eye contact with people...probably a post for another day.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Day #47 - Sensodyne
My poor teeth are soooooo sensitive. I HAVE to be grateful for sensitive teeth toothpaste. I worked for a dentist for just under 1 year after I got married. One of the perks was FREE DENTAL WORK. Sweet...little did I know at the time I had 14 cavities waiting to be filled. I also got to learn how to make bleaching trays (queue "free trial" for me), crown impressions and basically assisted as needed for any eventuality.
The best procedure, at least MY favorite to assist with, was to do the impressions necessary for a crown. The WORST was assisting with the pulling of teeth without putting the person completely out and root canals. I hated those. The first day I worked there my friend Jade and I assisted with pulling a full mouth of teeth for a guy that was only in his mid-thirties. I thought Jade was going to faint. I was lucky enough to mostly answer phones during the procedure.
Ever since I bleached my teeth the first time, I have had difficulty with cold drinks or food and I feel my teeth are not that white anyway. I was just thinking tonight that I am almost out of the magic toothpaste that helps protect my teeth from all those temperatures out there...better get on that.
I Am Grateful.,
Gift #5 - I changed over the wash for my Nephew's roommate tonight. I hate changing wash into the dryer because the doors open funny and it is difficult to do without dropping wet clothes all over the floor in the process. I am sure it is a simple thing to change the direction of the doors (a few screws here and there), but I have not gotten around to it...should get on that as well.
The best procedure, at least MY favorite to assist with, was to do the impressions necessary for a crown. The WORST was assisting with the pulling of teeth without putting the person completely out and root canals. I hated those. The first day I worked there my friend Jade and I assisted with pulling a full mouth of teeth for a guy that was only in his mid-thirties. I thought Jade was going to faint. I was lucky enough to mostly answer phones during the procedure.
Ever since I bleached my teeth the first time, I have had difficulty with cold drinks or food and I feel my teeth are not that white anyway. I was just thinking tonight that I am almost out of the magic toothpaste that helps protect my teeth from all those temperatures out there...better get on that.
I Am Grateful.,
Gift #5 - I changed over the wash for my Nephew's roommate tonight. I hate changing wash into the dryer because the doors open funny and it is difficult to do without dropping wet clothes all over the floor in the process. I am sure it is a simple thing to change the direction of the doors (a few screws here and there), but I have not gotten around to it...should get on that as well.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Day #46 - 'Flames...Flaming Heat...on the Side of my Face..."
Today's title is for all those "Clue" movie fans...funny show and one of my favorite board games...
I LOVE MY FIREPLACE...for all the headaches this house has had in the last year, one of the best parts of living in this house is the cozy fireplace. It really warms the place up and is so friendly and cozy. I have always enjoyed a good fire, whether camping or sitting at home.
Every night during the cold winter months when I take Bart out the smell of fire places crackling takes the chill right out of the air (except when it is SUPER cold, of course). This past summer we saw many people stacking and cutting wood, preparing for the Winter.
Just the idea of sitting in front of a fire is romantic. I have seen those "fake" fireplaces at Lowe's and Home Depot and I have a friend that has one in her house...I have considered buying one for our bedroom. Today I am more then happy with the one fireplace I have, someday...well, we will have to see...
I Am Grateful,
I LOVE MY FIREPLACE...for all the headaches this house has had in the last year, one of the best parts of living in this house is the cozy fireplace. It really warms the place up and is so friendly and cozy. I have always enjoyed a good fire, whether camping or sitting at home.
Every night during the cold winter months when I take Bart out the smell of fire places crackling takes the chill right out of the air (except when it is SUPER cold, of course). This past summer we saw many people stacking and cutting wood, preparing for the Winter.
Just the idea of sitting in front of a fire is romantic. I have seen those "fake" fireplaces at Lowe's and Home Depot and I have a friend that has one in her house...I have considered buying one for our bedroom. Today I am more then happy with the one fireplace I have, someday...well, we will have to see...
I Am Grateful,
My Fireplace with the only Halloween decorations I have.
Sometimes Trav will send me a picture of the fireplace and invite me to come home from work...
It is always a great draw and makes me REALLY want to be home.
Gift #5 - I have written a letter to send to my various family members to challenge them to do the 29 Day Giving Challenge...Hopefully they will all take me up on it and we can share our experiences when we get together on Thanksgiving. By the time they get the letters it will be around 29 Days exactly until Thanksgiving Day...The letter is basically just my blog the first Day I decided to start this.
ALSO - I want to share what my co-worker (and only other follower except my sister) told me today. She had an opportunity to assist a man jump his car battery this morning. Normally she said she would most likely not stop because she was a little nervous about it and in a hurry, but she thought of the lady in the parking lot of our building and decided to take a chance. She took a little extra time, time she probably didn't have to spare, did someone a favor and most likely REALLY impacted that person's day for good. I know she impacted my day by sharing her story and helping me remember to be mindful. Thanks Carrie.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Day #45 - The Greener Grass
Today the rain is REALLY coming down and I have a leak in the roof of the mud room. After 4 roofers it is still leaking. Now, as I sit here writing this I hear some drips behind me and the window in the loft is leaking as well. Sometimes I just want to throw my hands up and be done with it, but even with all the issues we have had recently, I feel so blessed.
On Friday I was talking to one of my transferees and somehow I got her to spill her life story to me. She told me how her very successful husband had been in a horrible car accident several years back and has had many surgeries and ongoing head trauma that has created difficulties holding a job. This is why she is now the bread winner of the family. She also shared how one of her children had been addicted to Meth and how that has affected the family. I worked with this family twice in two years to move them and so of course they were not able to sell the home they bought last year in a declining market for what they owe on it and we have been assisting them with a short sale, then when they moved into their rental here in SLC, the car they had parked on the street was totalled in a hit and run....It seems the list goes on and on.
She did not tell me this to whine or complain, I actually encouraged her to share with me. Sometimes hearing someone elses struggles helps to put mine in perspective.
I Am Grateful,
Gift #4 - Made dinner for Keri and Golden who were good enough to drive up here today. It felt more like a gift to me to have them here. We had two new soup recipes - Melissa's Cheez Wiz soup (yummy) and a sausage potato soup we tried out of the Good House Keeping magazine.
On Friday I was talking to one of my transferees and somehow I got her to spill her life story to me. She told me how her very successful husband had been in a horrible car accident several years back and has had many surgeries and ongoing head trauma that has created difficulties holding a job. This is why she is now the bread winner of the family. She also shared how one of her children had been addicted to Meth and how that has affected the family. I worked with this family twice in two years to move them and so of course they were not able to sell the home they bought last year in a declining market for what they owe on it and we have been assisting them with a short sale, then when they moved into their rental here in SLC, the car they had parked on the street was totalled in a hit and run....It seems the list goes on and on.
She did not tell me this to whine or complain, I actually encouraged her to share with me. Sometimes hearing someone elses struggles helps to put mine in perspective.
I Am Grateful,
Gift #4 - Made dinner for Keri and Golden who were good enough to drive up here today. It felt more like a gift to me to have them here. We had two new soup recipes - Melissa's Cheez Wiz soup (yummy) and a sausage potato soup we tried out of the Good House Keeping magazine.
Day #44 - The Bra Pocket
Have you ever needed JUST ONE MORE POCKET?
I have a pretty lame habit of using my bra as a pocket; mostly for my phone when I am sitting around in my PJ's because I have no pockets in my pants. Some of my work slacks do not have pockets either, so I will sometime slide my phone the bra pocket so I won't leave it somewhere. I also stick my ipod or the hand held CD player in there when I go to the gym or clean my house. It looks funny, but it is effective.
Last night we went to Trav's cousin's wedding celebration. They eloped to Vegas a few weeks ago and planned a few family/friend events to celebrate. We missed the family one last week due to our trip so went to the friend event last night and got home pretty late (hence the morning post).
I had insisted on bringing my camera along and got sick of hauling my purse around all night, so Trav offered to take it out to the car. I pulled all the necessity's out of it...small wallet, phone, lip gloss and...."hey, where's the camera"? Queue Trav and me asking around, pulling everything out of my purse 3 times, looking everywhere for my small camera. We finally decided we would have to accept the fact that it was gone. Luckily I had downloaded all my photos to my computer (thank you Blog) and so the only loss was the camera itself.
I went to the bathroom and was washing my hands and..."hey, what is that bump in my sweater?" Sure enough, there it was, safely tucked away in the bra pocket. I just looked at myself in the mirror and shook my head, then went out and asked Travis if he noticed anything weird about my outfit?? Duh...
I Am Grateful,
Gift #3 - Gave gift certificate to the bride and groom - cute couple.
I have a pretty lame habit of using my bra as a pocket; mostly for my phone when I am sitting around in my PJ's because I have no pockets in my pants. Some of my work slacks do not have pockets either, so I will sometime slide my phone the bra pocket so I won't leave it somewhere. I also stick my ipod or the hand held CD player in there when I go to the gym or clean my house. It looks funny, but it is effective.
Last night we went to Trav's cousin's wedding celebration. They eloped to Vegas a few weeks ago and planned a few family/friend events to celebrate. We missed the family one last week due to our trip so went to the friend event last night and got home pretty late (hence the morning post).
I had insisted on bringing my camera along and got sick of hauling my purse around all night, so Trav offered to take it out to the car. I pulled all the necessity's out of it...small wallet, phone, lip gloss and...."hey, where's the camera"? Queue Trav and me asking around, pulling everything out of my purse 3 times, looking everywhere for my small camera. We finally decided we would have to accept the fact that it was gone. Luckily I had downloaded all my photos to my computer (thank you Blog) and so the only loss was the camera itself.
I went to the bathroom and was washing my hands and..."hey, what is that bump in my sweater?" Sure enough, there it was, safely tucked away in the bra pocket. I just looked at myself in the mirror and shook my head, then went out and asked Travis if he noticed anything weird about my outfit?? Duh...
I Am Grateful,
Gift #3 - Gave gift certificate to the bride and groom - cute couple.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Day #43 - Tired Time
Some days I know there is nothing that will feel better then my BED. The Bed at our hotel in MN was nice and comfortable (I didn't even take a photo of my room - duh), but the thing I looked forward to most about being home (besides seeing the pets, etc.) was knowing I would be back in my very own bed.
We have a king size bed and it is perfect for the 4 of us...that's right Travis, Me, Echo (the cat) and Bart (the dog). We all have our little night time rituals. Travis likes to go up first and fall asleep to the TV, Bart will wonder in and Trav usually gets up to help him up on the bed since he hurt his leg again recently, then Bart will sleep on my side of the bed and warm it up for me. When I come in I roll Bart out of the way and move the cat off my pillow, who always protests loudly, and then climbs right back on me even before I get settled in.
I like to sleep on my back, but unfortunately that only invites rough wake up shakes and loud "turn over"s. I wonder why? :) Trav "NEVER" snores...hmph...right. Still, I start on my back and send some thanks on upstairs or recite some positive affirmations or think over an issue I need resolved or a success I had that day. Once I start to nod off and feel myself take the first...um...deep breath...I flip to my side. The cat protests loudy, of course, and gets right back on up there.
Now that I line itemed my sleep rituals they sound really lame, but they are mine and I LOVE THEM. My bed has an impression in it for Travis and one for me - it is ours...
I Am Grateful,
Gift #2 -
We invited our nephew up for dinner tonight. Eggs and waffles with bacon pieces cooked inside them. Simple fare, but we were able to find out what was going on in his life, share some concerns we have with him and let him know we care about him. I hope he knows.
UPDATE on Nurse Intern with broken down car in post Day #41...I saw her again today. She jumped out at a car in front of me when I was on my regular route home. She moved away before I got to her, but it was...weird. Would you still give her money even though now you know ABSOLUTELY she was telling a whopper? I knew that day as well, so I am not sure anything has changed. She was wearing the same clothes...it was identical to the other day...What do you think about that? I'm baffled by the whole thing.
We have a king size bed and it is perfect for the 4 of us...that's right Travis, Me, Echo (the cat) and Bart (the dog). We all have our little night time rituals. Travis likes to go up first and fall asleep to the TV, Bart will wonder in and Trav usually gets up to help him up on the bed since he hurt his leg again recently, then Bart will sleep on my side of the bed and warm it up for me. When I come in I roll Bart out of the way and move the cat off my pillow, who always protests loudly, and then climbs right back on me even before I get settled in.
I like to sleep on my back, but unfortunately that only invites rough wake up shakes and loud "turn over"s. I wonder why? :) Trav "NEVER" snores...hmph...right. Still, I start on my back and send some thanks on upstairs or recite some positive affirmations or think over an issue I need resolved or a success I had that day. Once I start to nod off and feel myself take the first...um...deep breath...I flip to my side. The cat protests loudy, of course, and gets right back on up there.
Now that I line itemed my sleep rituals they sound really lame, but they are mine and I LOVE THEM. My bed has an impression in it for Travis and one for me - it is ours...
I Am Grateful,
Gift #2 -
We invited our nephew up for dinner tonight. Eggs and waffles with bacon pieces cooked inside them. Simple fare, but we were able to find out what was going on in his life, share some concerns we have with him and let him know we care about him. I hope he knows.
UPDATE on Nurse Intern with broken down car in post Day #41...I saw her again today. She jumped out at a car in front of me when I was on my regular route home. She moved away before I got to her, but it was...weird. Would you still give her money even though now you know ABSOLUTELY she was telling a whopper? I knew that day as well, so I am not sure anything has changed. She was wearing the same clothes...it was identical to the other day...What do you think about that? I'm baffled by the whole thing.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Day #42 - A Sunday Drive on Thursday
Today Travis made me come home an hour early so he could drive me into Park City proper to see the leaves. The Oaks finished turning a week or two ago and now the Aspens are going crazy yellow. Some of the Aspens even turn a bright yellow/orange - they almost glow in certain light.
Travis will often take me on what I think of as a "Sunday Drive". I call them this because my parents seem to like to go on long pointless drives on a lazy Sunday afternoon. When we were younger they would ask us if we wanted to go with them. A lot of the time I wouldn't really want to go, but I went anyway just in case I might miss something exciting. I will throw the question out there to see if my sisters remember those long drives to check out various neighborhoods (my parents have this thing with houses), changing leaves, one of the old houses we lived in to see how it looks now, etc.?
Well, Travis often takes me out to check on a new bike route he is interested in trying, to look at leaves, to figure out what/where certain local hot spots are, drive over Guardsman's Pass, etc. I really enjoy these jaunts and the time we spend together. It was a fun reason to leave work early today.
I Am Grateful,
Gift Day #1
This is how simple I am making this...today I returned the call of the RS President to volunteer to bring dinner to someone who might need it in the neighborhood. I didn't actually bring dinner to anyone today, but I consciously returned a call I was sort of avoiding and opened myself up to this person because I wanted to. I am hoping I have the opportunity to bring dinner to someone in my new area soon.
Travis will often take me on what I think of as a "Sunday Drive". I call them this because my parents seem to like to go on long pointless drives on a lazy Sunday afternoon. When we were younger they would ask us if we wanted to go with them. A lot of the time I wouldn't really want to go, but I went anyway just in case I might miss something exciting. I will throw the question out there to see if my sisters remember those long drives to check out various neighborhoods (my parents have this thing with houses), changing leaves, one of the old houses we lived in to see how it looks now, etc.?
Well, Travis often takes me out to check on a new bike route he is interested in trying, to look at leaves, to figure out what/where certain local hot spots are, drive over Guardsman's Pass, etc. I really enjoy these jaunts and the time we spend together. It was a fun reason to leave work early today.
I Am Grateful,
Gift Day #1
This is how simple I am making this...today I returned the call of the RS President to volunteer to bring dinner to someone who might need it in the neighborhood. I didn't actually bring dinner to anyone today, but I consciously returned a call I was sort of avoiding and opened myself up to this person because I wanted to. I am hoping I have the opportunity to bring dinner to someone in my new area soon.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Day #41 - Give it UP!
I was prepared to write something about my trip today, but my photos will not download and I had something interesting happen this afternoon. I'm not really sure what the take away is so I am guessing...using what feels right.
I have cooked dinner the last few nights and we have lots of left overs, but neither Travis nor I felt like eating them so I decided to get a take and bake Pizza. Normally when I leave my parking lot I go out the back, but tonight I tried a different way knowing I would be going the other direction. As I was driving down the parking lot, in a place I never should have been, a woman practically jumped out in front of my car waiving me down. I glanced at my locked doors (thank you new car auto locks) and rolled down the passenger window a bit to see what was up.
She said something like, "I am a nice person can I ask you for help?" Then "can I get in?"...Well, Mama didn't raise me yesterday...I said "yes" to the first and an unequivocal "NO" to the 2nd. She then went on and on about how she was here doing a nursing internship and her kids were at the movies and her car's clutch went out and just got towed away after she called the police for help and it was illegal for them to give her a ride and she needed to use the train behind my building to get her and her kids home and her debit card was rejected because of the $100 bucks she gave the police to tow her car and that was the money she was going to use to feed her kids that week...on and on.
After figuring out she was looking for $15.50 (apparently the amount for 4 or 5 train tickets) I finally pulled out my wallet and opened it to show her I had ZERO dollars on me. In all honesty, if I did have money on me I would have given it to her just so I could move on without feeling like a total heel. I told her I was sorry I could not help and drove away...feeling like a total heel, while at the same time knowing I was a gullible sap.
I recently read this book I got from the library - "29 Gifts - How A Month of Giving Can Change Your Life". I thought about this the entire way to the pizza place up the street. I have been wanting to try this challenge, but have REALLY resisted it. Not because I don't WANT to do it, but because I am almost certain I will FAIL. Isn't that awful? Not doing something JUST because I might not succeed at it?
I told myself right then I was going to do the 29 Day Giving Challenge and went to the ATM to get $20 to give to this person. I decided it did not matter if she was conning me or if she was telling the truth. My intention was to help her in some way and since I was in a position to give her $15.50...I was willing to do that for her. I drove back to the spot, but she must have received assistance from someone else and moved on. I wish her well.
This was a long way around to being grateful for a new challenge. The giving challenge is not meant to be difficult, time consuming or expensive, it is meant to create mindful acts of kindness in the everyday for those that surround our lives. I often recognize opportunities to be of service and will do what I can when it is easy or "on-my-way" so to speak, but I want to go a little bit out of my way with this; maybe that is where the resistance has been coming from. We all know I like my comfort zone...
If you would like to participate in this challenge with me...that would be cool. Here is the link to the website if you want to check it out: http://www.29gifts.org/
I Am Grateful,
I have cooked dinner the last few nights and we have lots of left overs, but neither Travis nor I felt like eating them so I decided to get a take and bake Pizza. Normally when I leave my parking lot I go out the back, but tonight I tried a different way knowing I would be going the other direction. As I was driving down the parking lot, in a place I never should have been, a woman practically jumped out in front of my car waiving me down. I glanced at my locked doors (thank you new car auto locks) and rolled down the passenger window a bit to see what was up.
She said something like, "I am a nice person can I ask you for help?" Then "can I get in?"...Well, Mama didn't raise me yesterday...I said "yes" to the first and an unequivocal "NO" to the 2nd. She then went on and on about how she was here doing a nursing internship and her kids were at the movies and her car's clutch went out and just got towed away after she called the police for help and it was illegal for them to give her a ride and she needed to use the train behind my building to get her and her kids home and her debit card was rejected because of the $100 bucks she gave the police to tow her car and that was the money she was going to use to feed her kids that week...on and on.
After figuring out she was looking for $15.50 (apparently the amount for 4 or 5 train tickets) I finally pulled out my wallet and opened it to show her I had ZERO dollars on me. In all honesty, if I did have money on me I would have given it to her just so I could move on without feeling like a total heel. I told her I was sorry I could not help and drove away...feeling like a total heel, while at the same time knowing I was a gullible sap.
I recently read this book I got from the library - "29 Gifts - How A Month of Giving Can Change Your Life". I thought about this the entire way to the pizza place up the street. I have been wanting to try this challenge, but have REALLY resisted it. Not because I don't WANT to do it, but because I am almost certain I will FAIL. Isn't that awful? Not doing something JUST because I might not succeed at it?
I told myself right then I was going to do the 29 Day Giving Challenge and went to the ATM to get $20 to give to this person. I decided it did not matter if she was conning me or if she was telling the truth. My intention was to help her in some way and since I was in a position to give her $15.50...I was willing to do that for her. I drove back to the spot, but she must have received assistance from someone else and moved on. I wish her well.
This was a long way around to being grateful for a new challenge. The giving challenge is not meant to be difficult, time consuming or expensive, it is meant to create mindful acts of kindness in the everyday for those that surround our lives. I often recognize opportunities to be of service and will do what I can when it is easy or "on-my-way" so to speak, but I want to go a little bit out of my way with this; maybe that is where the resistance has been coming from. We all know I like my comfort zone...
If you would like to participate in this challenge with me...that would be cool. Here is the link to the website if you want to check it out: http://www.29gifts.org/
I Am Grateful,
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Day #35, 36, 37, 38, 39 & 40 - The Break, etc.
Well, I am back from my trip to Minneapolis , Minnesota . It was lovely being away from the office, stressful being away from the dog and the house, fun to be with Travis and our friends, devastating to pay too much money for tickets to a game where our team lost, exciting to experience a professional NFL game at close range regardless of the outcome, impressive to visit the biggest mall in the USA - Mall of America, beautiful to see new spaces and scenery, frustrating to somehow over AND under pack, super fantastic to get free breakfast every morning, lousy to be reminded we overpaid for the hotel in order to get said free breakfast, great to hang out with and get to know new people, overeating on good food and walking enough everyday to drop right into bed and snooze deeply each night.
According to my calculations I am 5 posts behind. Instead of writing a post for each day I will write down a short snippet of something I was grateful for those days. If I choose to expand on those at future posts I will.
1 - I am Grateful for Chuck. My Brother stayed at my house to keep an eye on things. I am so happy he was willing to be inconvenienced and come up here a few times this weekend and be with the pets. At the same time the carpet and tile was being installed downstairs, so it was probably hard to take a nap after the graveyard shift.
My Brother Chuck...Good Guy and Superb Brother...Thanks!!
2 - Tennis shoes. I cannot say how many times I was glad I had my tennis shoes on during this trip. Perhaps my outfit would have looked better with a dressier shoe, but we walked A LOT and I would have been hurting without those comfy shoes.
3 - Sleeping in. I haven't REALLY slept in for a LONG time. It was so great to sleep until 9:00 a.m. every day.
4 - Air Conditioning - The room had it, the car did not. We borrowed a car from Matt's brother. It is their 3rd car left over and the air was not working. All Kim and Matt heard half the time was, "role down the windows!!!" It was great to have the freedom of a car though - air or no air.
5 - Making the rules of my own Blog - This list is my cheat, but I will just add 5 days on at the end if I feel like it then.
I will post some photos tomorrow. I don't know quite how I will share all the best details of my trip, but I am excited to share some of it with you. The break was great.
I Am Grateful,
A few photos from trip:
According to my calculations I am 5 posts behind. Instead of writing a post for each day I will write down a short snippet of something I was grateful for those days. If I choose to expand on those at future posts I will.
1 - I am Grateful for Chuck. My Brother stayed at my house to keep an eye on things. I am so happy he was willing to be inconvenienced and come up here a few times this weekend and be with the pets. At the same time the carpet and tile was being installed downstairs, so it was probably hard to take a nap after the graveyard shift.
My Brother Chuck...Good Guy and Superb Brother...Thanks!!
2 - Tennis shoes. I cannot say how many times I was glad I had my tennis shoes on during this trip. Perhaps my outfit would have looked better with a dressier shoe, but we walked A LOT and I would have been hurting without those comfy shoes.
3 - Sleeping in. I haven't REALLY slept in for a LONG time. It was so great to sleep until 9:00 a.m. every day.
4 - Air Conditioning - The room had it, the car did not. We borrowed a car from Matt's brother. It is their 3rd car left over and the air was not working. All Kim and Matt heard half the time was, "role down the windows!!!" It was great to have the freedom of a car though - air or no air.
5 - Making the rules of my own Blog - This list is my cheat, but I will just add 5 days on at the end if I feel like it then.
I will post some photos tomorrow. I don't know quite how I will share all the best details of my trip, but I am excited to share some of it with you. The break was great.
I Am Grateful,
A few photos from trip:
Mall of America has a Lagoon (amusement park) in the middle of it.
It is 1 mile around each level. There are 4 levels...
Picture of squished back seet of friend Karl's car...I love this photo.
MiniHaHa Falls - Who names a water fall this? Fun day.
It is so nice when someone will take the whole groups photo...
Me, Trav, Kim and Matt...One Sweet trip. This is the Mississippi River.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Day #34 - Thriller
Do you ever enjoy that jacked up feeling you get when something startles you so bad the adrenaline shoots right to your legs? In the moment it is super frightening, but then, when everything calms down a bit and it is not a bear breaking trees in your back yard making all those loud growling noises, but just another old moose walking through, it feels a bit thrilling that you came through that moment ok.
Don't get me wrong, I am NOT an adrenaline junky, but WHEW tonight I really did get a jolt and it was at least something interesting that happened today. I think I went right into flight mode and when I came down just a bit, my legs and gluts were totally shaking for several minutes afterward. It was something.
I learned a while back that some physical reactions mirror certain emotions and the one example that has stuck with me is "nervous" vs. "excited". Think about it...when you get nervous breathing gets more rapid and shallow, there are butterflies in your stomach, your hands sweat, sometimes a shaky feeling in the legs...when you get excited don't physical attributes exhibit in a similar way? Now when I get nervous I try to shift the emotion behind the feeling to excitement instead. In my class they called it "stepping left" when a shift in emotion was called for. Try it the next time you decide to sing karaoke or teach a class or start a blog...
Tomorrow I leave for the "Anticipation" trip to Minnesota. I will be gone until Monday night and don't know if I will have access to a computer. Lugging mine on a plan has turned out to be difficult, so I will have to see if I can blog everyday, but at worst I will write down what I want to say and put it to blog when I get back so I can continue with my goal.
Thanks for reading - now I need to go see where that bear, I mean moose, got off to...
I Am Grateful,
Don't get me wrong, I am NOT an adrenaline junky, but WHEW tonight I really did get a jolt and it was at least something interesting that happened today. I think I went right into flight mode and when I came down just a bit, my legs and gluts were totally shaking for several minutes afterward. It was something.
I learned a while back that some physical reactions mirror certain emotions and the one example that has stuck with me is "nervous" vs. "excited". Think about it...when you get nervous breathing gets more rapid and shallow, there are butterflies in your stomach, your hands sweat, sometimes a shaky feeling in the legs...when you get excited don't physical attributes exhibit in a similar way? Now when I get nervous I try to shift the emotion behind the feeling to excitement instead. In my class they called it "stepping left" when a shift in emotion was called for. Try it the next time you decide to sing karaoke or teach a class or start a blog...
Tomorrow I leave for the "Anticipation" trip to Minnesota. I will be gone until Monday night and don't know if I will have access to a computer. Lugging mine on a plan has turned out to be difficult, so I will have to see if I can blog everyday, but at worst I will write down what I want to say and put it to blog when I get back so I can continue with my goal.
Thanks for reading - now I need to go see where that bear, I mean moose, got off to...
I Am Grateful,
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Day #33 - Remember When...
As I stood at the "super fax, copy, scan, birth a baby" machine at work I remembered when I had to fax every document I sent out. I remember when I used to have to type the ERC forms for agents on the old electric type writer and when I made a mistake how glad I was that I was using the one with the whiteout reverse function instead of the even older version that required that sticky whiteout that never seemed to dry fast enough. Now they make those cool white out sticks that have a magic strip that comes out dry - like a sticker. Inventors are BRILLIANT.
I even remember the contracts that came in triplicates - I could never make a mistake on those because the pages on back showed it...I hated doing those things. It took forever because I had to type super slow so I wouldn't mess it up and have to start over.
I think it is amazing how quickly things change. I have seen TONS of changes over the years in the office. Almost everything is communicated via email; when just a few years ago I would have 32 messages in 2 hours, I have 50 emails instead. It seems with the changes in technology comes the trade off of true interaction with people. I still talk plenty with clients, but not as much as I used to. It also seems technology allows a person to do more work in less time. I was thinking about all those calls the other day wondering how I used to do it when I was so busy and I think I just now realized, I may be a tiny bit less busy, but the difference is really email. THAT is why I don't get those 32 messages on a long lunch break anymore.
I have to say though, that "super fax, copy, scan, birth a baby" machine really is the bomb. I LOVE scanning and emailing documents. They are easy to track, they come out MUCH cleaner on the other end and I don't have to worry if Sheryle...I mean "someone" forgot to load the machine with paper (this is a joke because everyone avoids loading paper into the "super fax, copy, scan, birth a baby" machine except Sheryle - she is such a good sport).
There is NOTHING worse then pushing print and expecting to hear the machine giving birth to my special delivery and NOT hearing that sound...pushing print again, for some reason thinking after the zillionth time this has happened over the years this might be the problem, and walking over to find out your project before this one, the one with 24 pages, used up the last of the paper. Whoops.
For that "super fax, copy, scan, birth a baby" machine, and Sheryle...
I Am Grateful,
I even remember the contracts that came in triplicates - I could never make a mistake on those because the pages on back showed it...I hated doing those things. It took forever because I had to type super slow so I wouldn't mess it up and have to start over.
I think it is amazing how quickly things change. I have seen TONS of changes over the years in the office. Almost everything is communicated via email; when just a few years ago I would have 32 messages in 2 hours, I have 50 emails instead. It seems with the changes in technology comes the trade off of true interaction with people. I still talk plenty with clients, but not as much as I used to. It also seems technology allows a person to do more work in less time. I was thinking about all those calls the other day wondering how I used to do it when I was so busy and I think I just now realized, I may be a tiny bit less busy, but the difference is really email. THAT is why I don't get those 32 messages on a long lunch break anymore.
I have to say though, that "super fax, copy, scan, birth a baby" machine really is the bomb. I LOVE scanning and emailing documents. They are easy to track, they come out MUCH cleaner on the other end and I don't have to worry if Sheryle...I mean "someone" forgot to load the machine with paper (this is a joke because everyone avoids loading paper into the "super fax, copy, scan, birth a baby" machine except Sheryle - she is such a good sport).
There is NOTHING worse then pushing print and expecting to hear the machine giving birth to my special delivery and NOT hearing that sound...pushing print again, for some reason thinking after the zillionth time this has happened over the years this might be the problem, and walking over to find out your project before this one, the one with 24 pages, used up the last of the paper. Whoops.
For that "super fax, copy, scan, birth a baby" machine, and Sheryle...
I Am Grateful,
Monday, October 11, 2010
Day #32 - Gym Shorts
I must say I am grateful I made it to the gym today. WHY is it so HARD to find the motivation to get there? Once I am there it is GREAT. I love how good I feel afterward, I like working hard, I like feeling tired after lifting weights, I like being sore the next day...I was doing so good for a while when Bart was able to walk everyday and now it is like starting over AGAIN...
Since I am trying to live in the moment and not in the future, I guess I just need to embrace today's effort. No looking back and looking forward just enough to plan. That seems to be the key for me - planning and paying attention to make sure I follow that plan. For instance, don't wait until 10 minutes before I leave to make that call I've been avoiding all day and then taking 45 minutes to wrap it up. If I just leave at 5 as per plan I can still make it home by 6:30-6:45 p.m. in time for dinner.
You might be wondering at #32's Title...I know an agent with that name, well sort of...I LOVE IT!! Pretty clever when you think about it; who would ever forget your name if it is "Jim Shorts"? Plus, he is super funny. Every time he calls I end up laughing, until he tries to get out of his referral fee that is...tsk, tsk, Jim. AND of course every time he calls I think about going to the gym, even if it is a short 30 minutes. I can accomplish a lot in 30 minutes.
My Friend Kim and her friend Nicole decided to train for a body building competition...HOLY COW! Kim dropped lots of weight and her arms are defined & strong and she looks terrific and Nicole actually took 1st place overall in the competition. I cannot believe how muscular she looks. Kim decided not to compete in this one. I am not interested in doing something like that, but it is impressive what they accomplished and I was surprised how little training they actually did - it was only about an hour a day...I still can hardly believe it. Oh, plus they ate a VERY strict diet. I always conveniently forget that part...:)
Anyway, today I am thankful for gym shorts...short workouts that do a lot for me, although I did a full hour today (I have to give myself props).
I Am Grateful,
Since I am trying to live in the moment and not in the future, I guess I just need to embrace today's effort. No looking back and looking forward just enough to plan. That seems to be the key for me - planning and paying attention to make sure I follow that plan. For instance, don't wait until 10 minutes before I leave to make that call I've been avoiding all day and then taking 45 minutes to wrap it up. If I just leave at 5 as per plan I can still make it home by 6:30-6:45 p.m. in time for dinner.
You might be wondering at #32's Title...I know an agent with that name, well sort of...I LOVE IT!! Pretty clever when you think about it; who would ever forget your name if it is "Jim Shorts"? Plus, he is super funny. Every time he calls I end up laughing, until he tries to get out of his referral fee that is...tsk, tsk, Jim. AND of course every time he calls I think about going to the gym, even if it is a short 30 minutes. I can accomplish a lot in 30 minutes.
My Friend Kim and her friend Nicole decided to train for a body building competition...HOLY COW! Kim dropped lots of weight and her arms are defined & strong and she looks terrific and Nicole actually took 1st place overall in the competition. I cannot believe how muscular she looks. Kim decided not to compete in this one. I am not interested in doing something like that, but it is impressive what they accomplished and I was surprised how little training they actually did - it was only about an hour a day...I still can hardly believe it. Oh, plus they ate a VERY strict diet. I always conveniently forget that part...:)
Anyway, today I am thankful for gym shorts...short workouts that do a lot for me, although I did a full hour today (I have to give myself props).
I Am Grateful,
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Day #31 - The Sit Down
I'm all for being productive, but I am also a big fan of the sit down afterward. The best part of today, well besides going to celebrate my sister Amy's 35th Birthday on 10/10/10, was sitting down after a long day of cooking and finishing the projects I didn't finish yesterday. I didn't even care that football was on. It was like my whole body sighed, especially my feet.
It felt like all I did this weekend was cook and clean up after the cooking, but I am happy to report we didn't eat out once this weekend...Pretty amazing for us. I also made Banana Bread, which I have not made for years. It was either convert the brown bananas to bread or chuck them and I am trying not to be wasteful (a queue from Melissa). I forgot how good it smells.
I also vacuumed and am happy to report the Purple Disappointment finally works. It turns out the setting was between "Carpet" and "Bare Floors" and so the rollers were not spinning. It is irritating and rewarding at the same time when the trouble turns out to be something so simple.
After all the work is done and I get to sit on my comfy chair and veg or read...It just feels so good.
I Am Grateful,
I guess if you have kids it may make an "after it's all done" sit down impossible...?
It felt like all I did this weekend was cook and clean up after the cooking, but I am happy to report we didn't eat out once this weekend...Pretty amazing for us. I also made Banana Bread, which I have not made for years. It was either convert the brown bananas to bread or chuck them and I am trying not to be wasteful (a queue from Melissa). I forgot how good it smells.
I also vacuumed and am happy to report the Purple Disappointment finally works. It turns out the setting was between "Carpet" and "Bare Floors" and so the rollers were not spinning. It is irritating and rewarding at the same time when the trouble turns out to be something so simple.
After all the work is done and I get to sit on my comfy chair and veg or read...It just feels so good.
I Am Grateful,
I guess if you have kids it may make an "after it's all done" sit down impossible...?
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Day #30 - Mile Stones
I was going to write about something totally different today, but it is day thirty of my gratitude blog, a mile stone of sorts, so I changed course.
Mile stones are important to me and there are so many. Some of my big ones include the day I learned to drive and then drove a car on my own for the first time (not to forget the first speeding ticket (ugh), the first kiss, the first boyfriend, graduating high school, the first job and that glorious paycheck, living on my own, buying my own car, getting engaged and then married, the first year anniversary and then the 16th just this year, the first promotion at work, the 1-year all clear after my cancer diagnosis, our first house & our second house, the death of my dear Father-in-law & various grandparents and the realization that I can be touched by life AND the loss of life...the list goes on and on.
There are so many mile stones in our lives and they are different for each of us. I feel that I should take a moment to recognize mine and the effect they have had on who I am and who I will be. This is one thing I love about life experience in general - nothing stays the same; even the bad things can create good experiences. They also never end...life keeps creating mile stones that shape us.
There are so many more mile stones to look forward to and so much to experience in the now. I talk & think a lot about the future when right now is where the action is; now is where those mile stones are being created. I am so glad I am taking the time each day to capture them.
I Am Grateful,
Mile stones are important to me and there are so many. Some of my big ones include the day I learned to drive and then drove a car on my own for the first time (not to forget the first speeding ticket (ugh), the first kiss, the first boyfriend, graduating high school, the first job and that glorious paycheck, living on my own, buying my own car, getting engaged and then married, the first year anniversary and then the 16th just this year, the first promotion at work, the 1-year all clear after my cancer diagnosis, our first house & our second house, the death of my dear Father-in-law & various grandparents and the realization that I can be touched by life AND the loss of life...the list goes on and on.
There are so many mile stones in our lives and they are different for each of us. I feel that I should take a moment to recognize mine and the effect they have had on who I am and who I will be. This is one thing I love about life experience in general - nothing stays the same; even the bad things can create good experiences. They also never end...life keeps creating mile stones that shape us.
There are so many more mile stones to look forward to and so much to experience in the now. I talk & think a lot about the future when right now is where the action is; now is where those mile stones are being created. I am so glad I am taking the time each day to capture them.
I Am Grateful,
Friday, October 8, 2010
Day #29 - TGIF
Sometimes there is a word or a phrase that sums things up just perfectly. So even though it may seem like a lousy effort on my part for today's post...
Thank Goodness It's Friday...'nough said...
I Am Grateful,
Thank Goodness It's Friday...'nough said...
I Am Grateful,
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Day #28 - Let There Be Light...
Almost every year my parents decide they want to prepare their kids for doomsday and add something to our Armageddon kits. We have received everything from toilet paper to portable gas grills. I think it is brilliant. The last few years we have received warehouse packs of night lights (several per pack) and some sort of mag light/flashlight. I am lucky enough to have flashlights stowed all over my house thanks to those thoughtful gifts. One in my bedroom, one in the mud room, one in the garage, one in the entryway, plus night lights downstairs overnight guests have to unplug so they can sleep. I go around the morning after to restore night light order after they leave.

It is always interesting when the power goes out. I never realize how blessed we are to have instantaneous light until it is taken away. This can be a metaphor for many things, but for tonight I am simply grateful for the comfort that strong beam of light gives me at the easy push of a button.
I Am Grateful,
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Day #27 - Quirks...
Everyone has them...I think a lot of the time they are annoying, but think about the quirks people display and then picture them without them...that would be zero fun at all.
I was starting to write a list and realized people might not like me displaying their quirks for my zillions of readers to see (HA!!), so I will do my best to be discretionary with the understanding that these are some of the things I love best about the people in my life.
For the record "quirk" in this case simply means: a peculiarity of action, behavior or personality; mannerism
I have been married to Travis for 16 years and only noticed in the last five that he ALWAYS has to take a bite of food standing in the kitchen after dishing up before he will go sit down to eat. ALWAYS. I think I originally noticed it when he dishes up first and I am waiting for him. Now I just wait for the bite and then start dishing up my own plate. I used to tease him about it and he informed me he is just checking to make sure the food does not need salt...still quirky...
My Boss sniffs. He actually had nose surgery and I didn't notice it for a while, but it always lets me know he is coming around the cubicle corner...I hear him first.
Debi winks one eye when she laughs...I actually caught that quirk from her and sometimes catch myself winking at people when I get my chuckle on.
Even the blog has a quirk - every time I go to post a comment on someone else's site, I have to write a code word...they are always similar in sound or letters to something real, but JUST out of reach, like: Rumjo, Brodw,Tibbdu, Qubtish, Utipser...I keep thinking I should write them all down and make a language out of those words...I think it could be done.
As for my own Quirks...I'm sure there are many, but Travis told me the other day he would like to write about how I spill on my shirt EVERY DAY and somehow always act surprised every time it happens. Sigh.
For these quirks that keep us interesting, drive our loved ones a tiny bit crazy and make us unique individuals...
I Am Grateful,
I would love it if you shared some of your family's quirks - don't forget to list one for yourself...it is only fair.
I was starting to write a list and realized people might not like me displaying their quirks for my zillions of readers to see (HA!!), so I will do my best to be discretionary with the understanding that these are some of the things I love best about the people in my life.
For the record "quirk" in this case simply means: a peculiarity of action, behavior or personality; mannerism
I have been married to Travis for 16 years and only noticed in the last five that he ALWAYS has to take a bite of food standing in the kitchen after dishing up before he will go sit down to eat. ALWAYS. I think I originally noticed it when he dishes up first and I am waiting for him. Now I just wait for the bite and then start dishing up my own plate. I used to tease him about it and he informed me he is just checking to make sure the food does not need salt...still quirky...
My Boss sniffs. He actually had nose surgery and I didn't notice it for a while, but it always lets me know he is coming around the cubicle corner...I hear him first.
Debi winks one eye when she laughs...I actually caught that quirk from her and sometimes catch myself winking at people when I get my chuckle on.
Even the blog has a quirk - every time I go to post a comment on someone else's site, I have to write a code word...they are always similar in sound or letters to something real, but JUST out of reach, like: Rumjo, Brodw,Tibbdu, Qubtish, Utipser...I keep thinking I should write them all down and make a language out of those words...I think it could be done.
As for my own Quirks...I'm sure there are many, but Travis told me the other day he would like to write about how I spill on my shirt EVERY DAY and somehow always act surprised every time it happens. Sigh.
For these quirks that keep us interesting, drive our loved ones a tiny bit crazy and make us unique individuals...
I Am Grateful,
I would love it if you shared some of your family's quirks - don't forget to list one for yourself...it is only fair.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Day #26 - Wear it Like You Mean It

I have a small drawer filled with various make-up products. I felt adventurous today and decided to use a new eye compact I got from Avon. The thing I love about this fun new eye shadow is the no nonsense "here's how to apply it" instructions. Sure you can vary the application, but this makes it quick and easy when I am in a hurry.
Have you ever noticed when you apply your make-up differently people give you compliments on other things. I have noticed it in the past, but today I was paying attention. One person asked me if I just had my hair done, my cubicle partner said she thought I looked good today (head tilt pause) I really like that color on you (a shirt I wear at least every other week that has never been mentioned before) and a girl at the store told me she was going to copy my eye make up (more of a direct compliment, but still interesting); don't they say "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"?
I have always loved make-up. I remember the first time I tried blush I must have messed it up because Mom was talking to a neighbor when I proudly strutted into the room and she said "oh, Heather is just learning about make-up, we will work on the blush". Yes, it was embarrassing and crushing to a 12 year old, but it didn't seem to dampen my efforts at all.
I used to watch my sister Melissa do her make-up and she would always burn the tip of her eye liner with a lighter. I still have a lighter in my make-up drawer just-in-case the liner is too hard for application. I still wear my eye liner too thick, but that is how I feel most comfortable. I have also watched Keri apply her make-up...she makes the craziest faces; I'm sure we all do, but nobody applies make-up quite like Bear does.
I also like variety in make-up. I know a lot of people that apply the exact same make-up every day. I challenge you to mix it up a bit. Try a smokey eye at night or a different color of lipstick. Sure, sometimes the experiment doesn't work out...so start over, or wear it around anyway. Have fun with it...what is the worst that can happen? You will always have the old stand by make-up close at hand.
I Am Grateful,
Monday, October 4, 2010
Day #25 - Schnoz Berries
Have you noticed how the months all have different smells? Maybe I should say the seasons, but even the months can smell different. Today it rained and the wood from the trees, especially the pines, was so delicious - deep breaths are so enticing when the air is crisp and fresh. Soon it will be cold enough we will start to smell the hearth fires burning and when you go into certain stores you will smell the pine cones scented with cinnamon to signal the holiday season is near. One of my favorite seasons is the spring. I won't even realize it is here until I walk by a lilac bush that is just starting to flower. Ooooohhhhh, how I LOVE that smell. Even snow has a certain smell, although I wouldn't know how to describe it.
I was imagining what Melissa's state smells like at certain times of the year. Do you smell the Ocean? Do you smell the grapefruit trees and other citrus fruits? If so, when does the smell come about - when it flowers or when the fruit comes out?
The sense of smell is used a lot in sales. Home sellers are encouraged to bake cookies before an open house - who doesn't relate delicious cooking smells to home. I love the smell of gasoline, new cars, tires, paint, glue...In fact, on Saturday I went to a carpet store to pick out the new carpet for my basement and couldn't help taking in that new carpet smell. I mentioned it to the store owner and he said he never notices anymore because he has been around it for so long. I hope I can always smell my favorite things.
One of my ALL TIME FAVORITE smells is my MOM. She doesn't always smell the same, but there are certain perfumes that always remind me of her. A woman might get on the elevator and suddenly my breath deepens as I take in the smell of some perfume and I think "mmmm, Mom". Every time I hug her, I take a big whiff.
I Am Grateful,
I was imagining what Melissa's state smells like at certain times of the year. Do you smell the Ocean? Do you smell the grapefruit trees and other citrus fruits? If so, when does the smell come about - when it flowers or when the fruit comes out?
The sense of smell is used a lot in sales. Home sellers are encouraged to bake cookies before an open house - who doesn't relate delicious cooking smells to home. I love the smell of gasoline, new cars, tires, paint, glue...In fact, on Saturday I went to a carpet store to pick out the new carpet for my basement and couldn't help taking in that new carpet smell. I mentioned it to the store owner and he said he never notices anymore because he has been around it for so long. I hope I can always smell my favorite things.
One of my ALL TIME FAVORITE smells is my MOM. She doesn't always smell the same, but there are certain perfumes that always remind me of her. A woman might get on the elevator and suddenly my breath deepens as I take in the smell of some perfume and I think "mmmm, Mom". Every time I hug her, I take a big whiff.
I Am Grateful,
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Day #24 - Home Cookin'
There are many things I could write about today, but I keep going back to a good ol' home cooked meal. We went to Mom and Dad's house for dinner today and Mom made Chicken Divan. Usually Mom is the Sunday Turkey or Roast kind of gal, but today it was Chicken in curry sauce over noodles. It was delicious.
Travis and I eat out a lot, too much. Mainly we just get busy or I get home from work and am tired and just want something easy. There are a couple of great reasons NOT to eat out so often - it is expensive and I usually don't make great choices, so it is not healthy. There are some good reasons to eat in as well - less expensive, it is fun to try new recipes, I am in control of ingredients and can make a more conscious effort to eat healthy.
I am not a bad cook, but I am not very daring either. Frankly, I am happy to try anything and have no problem dirtying the place up and LOVE it when I don't have to clean up as well.
Travis is the one that finds new, complex recipes to try out every once in a while. He also loves spices and hot dishes. Travis is one of those cooks that can just chuck a bunch of stuff into a pot and it will come out amazing and delicious. Just the other day he cooked up a few chicken breasts w/potatoes. YUM.
I read somewhere about a woman who would dress the table up every night for dinner's - fine china, candles, flowers...the whole bit. I kind of like the idea of making every meal together seem special, but cleanup sounds hard.
This week I will do more old fashioned home cookin' and try some of the new recipes I have saved up of late.
I Am Grateful,
Travis and I eat out a lot, too much. Mainly we just get busy or I get home from work and am tired and just want something easy. There are a couple of great reasons NOT to eat out so often - it is expensive and I usually don't make great choices, so it is not healthy. There are some good reasons to eat in as well - less expensive, it is fun to try new recipes, I am in control of ingredients and can make a more conscious effort to eat healthy.
I am not a bad cook, but I am not very daring either. Frankly, I am happy to try anything and have no problem dirtying the place up and LOVE it when I don't have to clean up as well.
Travis is the one that finds new, complex recipes to try out every once in a while. He also loves spices and hot dishes. Travis is one of those cooks that can just chuck a bunch of stuff into a pot and it will come out amazing and delicious. Just the other day he cooked up a few chicken breasts w/potatoes. YUM.
I read somewhere about a woman who would dress the table up every night for dinner's - fine china, candles, flowers...the whole bit. I kind of like the idea of making every meal together seem special, but cleanup sounds hard.
This week I will do more old fashioned home cookin' and try some of the new recipes I have saved up of late.
I Am Grateful,
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Day #23 - Moosen
OMGoodness - Every time is like the first time...
We have lived in Summit Park for just over a year. One of our habits is to sit on the deck just off our kitchen in the mornings to enjoy the nature of it all. The first month we were here we saw Mama and Baby Moosen (our plural form of Moose) at least a few times a week.
We have lived in Summit Park for just over a year. One of our habits is to sit on the deck just off our kitchen in the mornings to enjoy the nature of it all. The first month we were here we saw Mama and Baby Moosen (our plural form of Moose) at least a few times a week.
This picture is of a small female moose in our front yard early this year...
It never gets old seeing these amazing creatures roaming around our neighborhood. I actually have mixed feelings...1) AMAZING!! We are so lucky to see and experience them. 2) I can't believe we are encroaching on their home territory!!
Our backyard connects to a path aptly named "Moose Trial". Tonight Trav and I were sitting on our deck enjoying the nice warm fall evening and we heard some grunts in the forest. We both looked at each other to confirm what we heard and I hustled inside for my camera so I could make sure to capture the moment for you. We sat around for another hour and only heard the branches crackling and grunts and snorts with no moose in sight. It was maddening to know they were just RIGHT there, but not be able to see them. Trav and I agreed this experience NEVER gets old. Every time one of us sees them we get super excited.
While we waited for the family to show themselves, we saw a couple innocently walking their dog down the path and yelled out to them to watch out for the moose we knew were just up ahead of them about 30 feet...they turned and hightailed it out of there thank goodness. I hardly ever dare to hike that trail in the spring or fall knowing there is a chance to run into them.
Our renters came up to talk to us after dark and we heard a lot more noise out back. We grabbed the mag light my parents gave us for Christmas one year and saw Mr. Moose. We were able to capture the following photo:
Bull Moose 10/2/10
Not a great photo (almost as good as headless Chia), but still...
I cannot tell you how amazing it is to see these magnificent animals in our own backyard!! I hope I can capture a better picture in the morning since they have settled down back there for the night. There is a Male, Female and Baby camped out back. It is wonderful!
I Am Grateful,
More photos as promised....SOOOOOOO COOOOOOL:
Friday, October 1, 2010
Day #22 - My Friend Neti
Since we are heading into winter, I thought to share my "stay out of sick" secret...The Neti Pot:
Why is there a Chia Pet in the picture with the Neti Pot? Because the Neti Pot looked lonely on its own. I should have tried harder to give Chia a head in the photo...
During the flu and cold season I use this thing at least a few times a week. The first time I used it was in CO with Debi...I was afraid Debi was on the verge of drowning and was employing the "trying hard NOT to laugh" strategy. Since that time I have tried to get my whole family to try it at least once. My Dad could just about get the whole thing up in there, but most of the time it turns out well enough.
If you have never used a Neti Pot the idea is to cleanse your nose of all the germs that sit in there. You simply fill the pot with warm water, plus a solution that comes with it, and alternate sticking the spout in one nostril while tipping the pot (and your head) so the water comes out the other nostril. Sure it sounds disgusting, but I kid you not, this thing works miracles. Side effects I have noted: dripping just after the procedure making multiple nose blowings a must and sometimes my ears feel like I have been swimming in a pool, but that goes away pretty quickly.
Just a few weeks ago I was complaining to my sister Melissa that I was on the verge of an ear infection. My head was stuffy and as I drove down the canyon every day my eyes felt like they were going to pop right out of my head. I tried medicine, I stayed home in bed, I drank lots of juice and water, but nothing seemed to be getting rid of the oncoming train that was an ear infection; I just knew a Dr.'s appointment was immanent. She said, "well, have you used your Neti Pot"? DUH, that night and the 3 days following I employed the nostril cleanser and WHALA - no ear infection and no stuffy head.
I decided today to start using it again a few times a week over the next several months. I will keep you posted if I get sick...but my feeling is the only sick I will be feeling is the "sick and tired of (fill in the blank)" kind.
For this magical and sort of absurd invention...
I Am Grateful,
What is your favorite "stay out of sick" secret?
Why is there a Chia Pet in the picture with the Neti Pot? Because the Neti Pot looked lonely on its own. I should have tried harder to give Chia a head in the photo...
During the flu and cold season I use this thing at least a few times a week. The first time I used it was in CO with Debi...I was afraid Debi was on the verge of drowning and was employing the "trying hard NOT to laugh" strategy. Since that time I have tried to get my whole family to try it at least once. My Dad could just about get the whole thing up in there, but most of the time it turns out well enough.
If you have never used a Neti Pot the idea is to cleanse your nose of all the germs that sit in there. You simply fill the pot with warm water, plus a solution that comes with it, and alternate sticking the spout in one nostril while tipping the pot (and your head) so the water comes out the other nostril. Sure it sounds disgusting, but I kid you not, this thing works miracles. Side effects I have noted: dripping just after the procedure making multiple nose blowings a must and sometimes my ears feel like I have been swimming in a pool, but that goes away pretty quickly.
Just a few weeks ago I was complaining to my sister Melissa that I was on the verge of an ear infection. My head was stuffy and as I drove down the canyon every day my eyes felt like they were going to pop right out of my head. I tried medicine, I stayed home in bed, I drank lots of juice and water, but nothing seemed to be getting rid of the oncoming train that was an ear infection; I just knew a Dr.'s appointment was immanent. She said, "well, have you used your Neti Pot"? DUH, that night and the 3 days following I employed the nostril cleanser and WHALA - no ear infection and no stuffy head.
I decided today to start using it again a few times a week over the next several months. I will keep you posted if I get sick...but my feeling is the only sick I will be feeling is the "sick and tired of (fill in the blank)" kind.
For this magical and sort of absurd invention...
I Am Grateful,
What is your favorite "stay out of sick" secret?
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