Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day #230 - Loooong Weekends

It has been "ONE-OF-THOSE WEEKS" - Just when I think things are slowing down BOOOOM - things go crazy again. I told Travis today that I am so burned out and he said, "you say that every year". I guess it is just that time. I can say one thing about this week...I am sure looking forward to NOT working on Monday.

Three-day weekends are AWESOME. I can do all the normal stuff I have to do on the weekend and then there is a FREE day to do whatever I WANT. This year my sister is coming to town (almost as exciting as Santa) with her kids to spend several weeks with the clan. We have a few fun family activities planned - or sort of planned - and I am really looking forward to a few long weekends to spend with them while they are in town. I actually have 2 weeks of vacation built up and will have 2 more by the end of the gets dicey when I don't use them (and I always do or I lose them), so I better get some fun things planned out...

Tomorrow TGIF and then...BOOOOM - 3 day weekend!!!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once" Albert Einstein

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah.....get ready to use some of that vaca time. I am really looking forward to the Nephi Steel Days....the Rodeo, the run, the food, the fun....oh yeah, and the company!
