Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day #226 - Instructions are...

GREAT - I learned several things about my phone that I never knew I would enjoy using. Such as the "smiley" button. Now I can attach smiley, frowny, angry, sheepish faces to my texts instead of just the stick figure smile I normally use.

BORING - snore...I mean zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...I am so tired right now.

USELESS - C'mon...ALL I want to do is upload my photos. First upload to an online I really have to do this one at a time? Then save to desktop or other file where you MIGHT be lucky enough to find it again - this was figured out after much trial and error, saving thumbnails instead of normal size prints and almost signing up for "premier" access for $1.90 per month, but after 1.5 hours I might have saved a few gems for you.

My Dad on Father's Day 2011:

Struggling to set up the awning for rain protection while cooking
(Don't worry, I went out and helped him after I recorded a few memories):  


At least I was able to capture a bit of the moment and I knew I could eventually figure this photo thing out...eventually it might get easy.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "We do not remember days; we remember moments."  ~Cesare Pavese

1 comment:

  1. Sweet. Nice pics, well worth your torment to get them loaded if you ask me. That look is standard for dad, and yes, it is a good one. Thanks for persevering.
