Friday, June 17, 2011

Day #223 - Elephants, Tigers and Diamonds

I figure I spent a total of around 8 hours building that presentation for our corporate client...we didn't even look at it. I was able to accomplish what I wanted to, however, so I suppose the time was well spent. I still do not know how it will all turn out in the end, but the next 6 months will be interesting and I have the feeling I have been presented with an amazing opportunity to get to know a rather remarkable individual and I am looking forward to it.

Over the last 2 years there have been 3 people inserted into the role of overseeing the relocation process for this corporation - this is what I call "flux extraordinaire". We have been really struggling to know who handles what and where to go for solutions to big picture problems with the process of relocating these transferees. Yesterday I met the newest addition to the corporate family and she is a fierce tiger mom type. I wasn't cowed by her, but I got the feeling she means business. I also got the feeling she will be eating an elephant over the next year seeing as how Relocation is one of about 100 things she is tasked with revamping.

The other bit I came away with was how little I have seen of the corporate world and how much I have to learn. At one point I felt like a little girl who desperately wanted to stick her thumb in her mouth. I also felt that sponge feeling I get when someone brilliant is around and I start to absorb everything they say.

After we talked about the state of the relocation program, the partnership and how it has developed over the years, some of the suggestions we have made in the past and some of the changes that have been incorporated, the challenges we continue to face and answered their questions about their own policies; Tiger Mom said, "Wow, there are a lot of diamonds here - I see so many diamonds". She means, of course, that they will need to be mined out of the rough mountain, cut and polished, but I do like the analogy...I actually hope I get to do some of that digging for her. I hope I get the opportunity to learn a piece of what she knows.

I certainly didn't come away with the feeling that all is well with the account, but I did come away with the feeling SOMETHING is finally going to happen and I may have some influence on the outcome.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Plan more than you can do, then do it. Bite off more than you can chew, then chew it. Hitch your wagon to a star, keep your seat, and there you are".

1 comment:

  1. Yahoo!!! Buck em bronco Sista! You are in for a wild ride. What an exciting time. That mother Tiger sounds very intriguing. Inspiring, motivational. I can't wait to hear what you learn. She sounds like a "Fire Brand" as the kids would say, but in a good way. They use that term to describe people, mostly the grandparents when they loose their temper.
    It is so cool, M and I were just discussing "diamonds in the rough" yesterday. We have a favorite song, (I will try and put it on my blog), the singer is asking why are you judging me when you are a diamond in the rough yourself? I think that is a great way to put it. I was explaining it to Cauley. We are all doing our best here....lets help each other become better, and so forth.
    Love the quote.
