Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day #213 - Random

This has been a busy weekend...lots of yard work. I barely dented my list, but my Dad and Mom came up to help for a few hours on Saturday. My Dad had gone to my sister Amy's house first to build a more secure chicken coup so by the time they got there around 2:30 p.m. I was pretty bushed already, but he did help me with a few carpentry issues.

Travis had gone with my brother Jason, his neighbor and a guy from my graduating class to do a several hour, 98 mile bike ride. I stayed home and raked 3 bags of leaves, cut branches off trees, planted some perennials my parents gave me and other general yard work. I also made a big pot of soup that I have no idea how to calorize...

Afterwards Travis and I drove my parents around Summit Park in their new car. We took them to a house that we call "our house". I told my Mom that someday that will be our home and when we are ready to purchase it the house will go on the market. I really work hard to believe this theory - Mom pretended to believe it as well.

Last night we hung out with our neighbor across the street and tonight my friend Jen came up with her husband and their little girl for dinner.

It was a productive weekend and I am pretty tired. I pretty much ache all over, there is a mystery bruise on my shoulder, my neck is sunburned and it appears the landscaping needs in my back yard are too big even for my Dad to fathom...Isn't life grand? I LOVE SPRING!!!!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Now that it's all over, what did you really do yesterday that's worth mentioning?"  ~Coleman Cox
Calories last two nights: 1,488 & 1,325


  1. Wow....soup sounds so good. Wow! long ride. What....."their" new car?? You have a different dream house up there in PC? You will have to show me. I want to be a believer also. I am going to go take a is 10:30pm, Seth's plane has been delayed, he won't get in until 2:00am, got to get up at 5:00 to teach body sculpt. Kev's plane got delayed until tomorrow, he is on his way home....such a lame situation. Yes, life is grand.

  2. Yes "their" new car...I called Mom before Memorial Day and said, "I heard a rumor..." meaning I heard they were hosting the party at their house instead of going to Springville. Mom said, "Oh, the rumors are true - we got a new car". I just looked in disbelief at my phone. Apparently they finally traded in the cadilac for a more user friendly car...or a car they aren't afraid of denting.

    Poor Baby!!! So sorry you are going to have such a late night. I know Seth was super stoked to be going out for a visit. I hope you get the chance to take a power nap after your class. Can't wait to hear what they get up to while he is there.

