Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day #228 - Spring Showers Bring...June Flowers

Well, it is finally Spring in the Mountains. I have been waiting VERY patiently for my Allium bulbs to bloom so I can share them with you. We moved into our house in the fall season and my first Spring here was last year. In my front yard there is a hill covered in bark and only a few plants, so you can imagine my surprise when I saw all these green leaves poking through the ground. I thought they were weeds and just as I was going to start pulling them out someone at work told me, "When you move into a new house, you should always get through at least one growing season only pulling out things you KNOW are weeds to make sure you know what is growing there". I think it is good advice. I am glad I waited - now I get this every Spring:

I just tonight figured out their name "Allium" and there are different varieties. I remember a house in Bountiful that had a straight line of these very tall flowers with big balls on top. I remember always being surprised when I saw them. They last about as long as a tulip and multiply very quickly. I think I might transfer some out in the wild back yard this fall.

Some other spring flowers that are coming out right now:

I love seeing plants show off their beautiful bits - some take all Summer to grow from scratch every year and then bloom, others can't wait long and just want to stretch out to worship the sun. I am waiting patiently again for the next round of blooms to make an appearance. In the meantime I will enjoy all that Spring has to offer.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us."  ~Iris Murdoch


  1. Gorgeous!!!! BEAUTIFUL!!! Wow! You are so lucky. I would frame that collection of Allium pictures you took. That is such a perfect collage. I couldn't take my eyes off it. All of the flowers in the bottom collage are in your yard? Man I am jealous. What fun! The pay off is coming in, the long winter is over. I miss my Utah flowers.

  2. Wow!!! Those are so dang pretty!!! I think that's great advice about the growing season in a new house... It would be a shame to have pulled those beauties! Nice collage work I might add..

    I hope to one day master A- being able to put my pictures on my computer, AND use them
    B- being able to grow such a pretty garden!
    You have a great green thumb hug!

  3. Is that really Keri? Thanks for the comments - nice to hear from you again. Hope to see you on Monday.
