Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day #212 - Just 30 Days

I can do anything for 30 days...right? My sister threw down a 30 day challenge to do...something. My sisters Amy and Melissa have decided to do the Jillian Michaels 30 day no junk something or other. I have decided to write down every morsel of food I eat for the next 30 days..ok the next 28 days. I plan to write my calorie count at the bottom of each blog through June...I am hoping this will discourage things like eating 4 layer chocolate cake. I did really good for a whole month and then this week for some reason I let it all go...I want to get back on track, so this is what I am choosing to do.

I have tried to count calories before and usually will last up to 1 week. It is a hard discipline to count every calorie consumed and I will usually give up when I have to figure out something like the calories in a meal I create - like Chicken chili. How do you really add up all the calories in a recipe? I will just have to do my best - or look up a "like" recipe on a calorie counting site and use that instead. I want to stay around 1200 to 1800 max calories per day...Wish me luck.

On another note - Travis read my 'poor baby' post from yesterday. He had zero sympathy and asked what I meant by "alienating" Hey, if you don't notice, I won't feel guilty about it. Problem solved. :)

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "If at first you don't succeed try, try again. And then quit. No need to be a damn fool about it." W.C. Fields

Calories: TBD starting tomorrow...:)


  1. I like W.C. least his sense of humor. I don't know if I/we should accept that mentality though. I get not beating a dead horse....but think if any of the greats gave up....the inventer who discovered the light bulb, (can't seem to drum up his name at the moment, wait, Edison), or Franklin w/ Electricity, think of how many times they tried and failed, hundreds if not thousands as far is Edison is concerned. I am more of the "Failure is not an option" quoted by some guy, again the name escapes me from the NASA shuttle program. Or, my fall back is, "Do or do not, there is no try".....from Yoda.

    You got this Hug. I have never counted calories, it does sound really tricky and hard to do. I would rather cut the crap, and eat when my body is hungry. That is the thing I have to force myself to do....wait....drink water.....wait, am I hungry? No, just bored, then hold off. Oh my, it is noon, time to eat, am I hungry? not really, but it is noon. Wait, drink water, oh hey, it is almost two....I am hungry!!!! Whoohooo! Now consciously make my food, get every thing prepared and set w/ a big drink and enjoy the meal. YUM! It is always worth the wait and satisfying that I was in charge.

    That is my stratagem at the moment, I would like to keep it. I am not knocking the counting....Jillian's program is exactly that. I definitely think there is a place for it, and it is key to set up a guideline and get on track, get an idea of what you really could get by on and be comfortable and healthy each day. After the 30 days maybe you could drop the counting and go w/ your learned portion size and common sense on what you/we know would be good fuel for our bodies...that is what I am thinking. I think that is a great challenge. The fact that you know you are going to have to count those annoying calories is enough to make anyone slow down and make sure it is worth it.

  2. Whoa - Now THAT is a comment. I also think that quote is funny and agree it should only apply to 'beating a dead horse' type of deal.

    Thanks for the advice and sharing what works for you - I agree that counting calories blows, but I plan to do it this week to see how it works out.

    Love ya,
