Friday, July 1, 2011

Day #231 - Oddity

The classic double take, the mental 'huh?', the head cock to one side, the furrow of the eye brows and pucker of the mouth, the 'why don't I always hold my camera at the ready?' moments...gotta love 'em.

I was driving to work today and on the corner of 90th and State there was a nice looking 20 something doing push-ups on the side walk while wearing a back pack. I imagine it was like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, only "how many push-ups can I get in while waiting for the light to change?"...

The best part was looking around at the other drivers - yeah, we were all looking at him. I saw one guy bobbing his head up and down with each push-up and counting, I saw another couple both looking over at him, one with his head back mouth open on an out loud laugh, another guy with the puckered brow-head cocked to one side while slightly shaking it back and forth. I think my own eye brows were raised in surprise.

It was a funny moment and I can't help admiring the dude for not caring what anyone thought...he just did what he wanted to do in that moment. I also can't help but think what a great advertising ploy that would be - put a big sign on your back and people would look to see what it said.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "When in doubt, make a fool of yourself.  There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth.  So what the hell, leap."  ~Cynthia Heimel

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I love that. Sometimes I to feel the need to just throw down some pushups. I usually do it in my home....but like you said, more power to him!! I am going to go do 30 now!! You have inspired me.
