Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day #245 - Here Kitty, Kitty...Kitty?

I have an "Inside" cat...her name is Echo.

Our first pet ever was a black and white cat named Pepper and she was an "Inside/Outside" cat. This worked out perfectly because, like a dog, she meowed at the door when she needed to go outside to do her business and meowed at the door when she wanted back in. We only needed litter on hand in winter when she preferred the box to the snow. Then she devastated us by getting hit by a car. It was a pretty traumatic experience since she was Trav's first pet EVER and we vowed NEVER to have an "Outside" cat again...

My little girl is very friendly and SUPER curious. She hates being left out of ANYTHING and always wants to be outside when we are out there. She will carry on for the entire time we are out on the deck until we tune her out like those kids that just say "mom" over and over.

We started letting her out on the "Breakfast" deck because it is enclosed. She pretty much stayed put until recently when she started hopping up on the railing and I knew it was only a matter of time before it went from this:

To This:

She is SUCH a STINKER!! We also had a hole in our screen to the "Dinner" deck (on the other side of the roof she is on above) and she figured she might be able to fit thru the hole...sure enough she made it big enough to squeeze through and we started putting a basket in front of the hole meaning to sew it up someday...soon. Last night I didn't notice that she was messing around with it and got out - that is until it was time to lock up and go to was past time, but she was NO WHERE in the house. Sure enough Travis woke up at 5:30 a.m. hearing her crying to get in. I was in BIG trouble for not paying closer attention.

I like to think she learned her lesson; that she won't be so anxious to get out again, but truly I think it is only wishful thinking. I wish I could explain to her that we only want her to be safe; that there are raccoons, porcupines and dogs out there that don't care about her like Travis, Bart and I do. The dogs she meets outside may not be as friendly as the one she lives with. Sometimes it really does feel like we have a kid...I wonder if I just need to let her make her own mistakes even though I KNOW what is best for her and it really could be life or death for her out in that big world...dramatic, I know, but still true.

I am very happy she is safe and sound inside our house again. First thing this morning I sat down with needle and thread to get that hole taken care of. Not the most professional patch job, but hopefully it will keep her safe.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "“The choices we make by accident are just as important as the choices we make by design.” Dr. Shad Helmstetter

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