Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day #234 - Foreign Language

Sometimes I wish I was from a different State - TX or MA - so my syllables twanged or yawned in a way that wasn't just dropping T's like moun-ain or Lay-on. I suppose Utah has its own accents, but really, isn't Utah the only State WITHOUT a noticeable accent...OK maybe not, but surely one of a few.

I am reading a book, just started it, written by Marian Keyes called "The Other Side of the Story". I have never read Marian, so don't take this as a recommendation...yet...but I am about 20 pages in and have to say I wish I was English. So many fun words and phrases...Going Loola or Stone Mad, Fancy Biscuits, Snogging, Bullocks (probably a swear, but who knows)...these are the few I can think of off the top of my head. It reminds me of Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - taking the tour with the Oompa Loompa's (SP?) - "Schnoz Berries, who ever heard of a Schnoz Berry?"

Today I got in the elevator with a friendly English type, maybe he was Australian - I couldn't tell, only that I wished I was going up to 10 so I could conversate with him (yes, I know conversate is not a word...JUST KIDDING - I just looked it up and it IS a recognized word since the year 2000 - HA). Since I was a few pages into my book and still in the accent mode I wanted to ask where he was from, but I bet he gets so sick of hearing people ask that...he would probably say "Boston" and I would have spent the rest of the day wondering how I could mistake "Anglend" for "Bastan" and "Porridge" for "Chowda".

It is fun having such variety in the world...I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The funniest line in English is 'Get it?' When you say that, everyone chortles." Garrison Keillor

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