Friday, April 15, 2011

Day #175 - R-O-L-A-I-D-S...

Code for RELIEF. Such a better day today with the back thing.

So, when I was at my pity party yesterday I did not write that Travis was leaving town to go to Moab w/his boys to ride his mountain bike. This trip was planned a month ago and Travis offered to stay home and 'poor baby' me all weekend...can you imagine how guilty I would have felt? I said NO WAY. So he went and I am so glad since he seems to be having a great time and now I am doing just fine.

I am really looking forward to tomorrow and may even go to bed early tonight instead of staying up reading or watching design shows or Days or Our Lives. Yes, I am pathetic and still keep track of Sami Brady's mishaps - but I have to find out what is going to happen to Rafe...Will he ever get his memory back after that crook Stephano Dimera stole it (yes, totally serious story line)?

Tomorrow I plan to clean as much as I feel like I can and then my friend Jen, whose husband is in Moab with Travis, is coming up for a girls night. She has been telling me all about the series "North and South" for months and how I HAVE to watch it. Jen knows how much I LOVE "Pride and Prejudice" and she tells me she knows I will love this as well. It is going to be AWESOME. She got a babysitter and has decided to just do what she wants for the whole night. I am really looking forward to it.

So...Early to Bed, Early to Rise...I just sent Travis a text to let him know I intend to sleep on my back ALL night so I can snore to my hearts content!!! Super sweet dreams ahead...

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The best things in life are unexpected - because there were no expectations" Eli Khamarov


  1. Sweet did everything pan out? Enjoy your back sleeping?

  2. I'm pretty sure I didn't snore at all...I didn't wake up once...;)
